Have you ever attended a Trump or Biden rally?

Have you attended a Trump or Biden rally?

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I have not but in that I’m in a state that matters, I’m toying with going to one of one pops up in my neck of the woods. Don’t care whose - just curious to check out the scene.
I’ve attended one political rally in my life and it was for John Kerry. The only reason I went was my girlfriend at the time wanted to see the Goo Goo Dolls and those mother****ers didn’t play Iris.

I didn’t vote in that election.
I went to a George Bush rally in 2004.
Went to a private fundraiser for Charlie Crist when he ran for Governor in 2005.
Went to a private fundraiser for a City Council candidate in 2022. A Democrat and I voted for him.
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I went to an Obama rally in Indianapolis in 2008. It had a huge turnout that must have worked because Indiana went for a democratic candidate for the first time since LBJ in 1964.
No. I'd consider a convention possibly (either side depending) but definitely never a rally. Have also never donated a penny to a politician.
So you’re only moderately against them?
Dumb And Dumber GIF
They let school out in 1976 so we could go see Ronald Reagan in a primary rally. That was pretty cool to get out of school early. I can't think of any other reason though.
No, because the only time politicians not named Obama come to Illinois is for big time fundraisers in Chicago and I don't get invited to those. Probably because I would never spend the kind of money they want you to spend at those things.
I have never been to a big rally. I volunteered for the Gephart campaign some time ago because he backed unions, even though I have only been in a union for a couple of years, but they are important.

In 1964 LBJ visited Des Moines and the schools let out early so kids could go see him and we watched his motorcade go by with thousands of other people.

Rallies serve their purpose to show ideas and energy and try to persuade people. And with rallies you hear the candidate directly rather than through media filters.
The images, videos and speeches that come out of these rallies are alarming to me.

The adulation that some people are willing to heap upon other human beings is something I will never ever understand.
Politics should be boring.

The fact so many want a WWE style, white-trash soap opera doesn’t bode well for our future.

I’m sure you will exclusively blame the left.

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