Have you ever attended a Trump or Biden rally?

Have you attended a Trump or Biden rally?

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I have never been to a big rally. I volunteered for the Gephart campaign some time ago because he backed unions, even though I have only been in a union for a couple of years, but they are important.

In 1964 LBJ visited Des Moines and the schools let out early so kids could go see him and we watched his motorcade go by with thousands of other people.

Rallies serve their purpose to show ideas and energy and try to persuade people. And with rallies you hear the candidate directly rather than through media filters.
In 1964 Jacksonville had its last severe hurricane hit and the damage was very significant. Sixty years ago (we’ve had other storms but Dora was our biggie)
LBJ flew in to view it and my Nana said his motorcade will pass by real close so let’s go see it. She made me take the rollers out my hair and off we went.
Motorcade speeds by and I got a great look at him waving at everyone as he passed.
Dang I’m old.
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I sure did!

Trump 2016 in CR the day of the primary. I was working downtown and his rally was 3 blocks away at The 5 Season Center or whatever it's called these days.

A co worker and I wanted to check out the madness so decided to check out a bit of it. The highlight was DT offering to pay the bail off anyone who assaulted a protester...vintage Trump. I believe he was hit with a tomato the day before in Iowa City.
I attended a Ronald Reagan rally and got to shake his hand
and his wife Nancy's hand afterwards. He gave that speech
about America being a shining light on a hill. Reagan was a
good public speaker and connected with his audience.

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