Maybe I’m the only one here that can’t stand Settles as a commentator. I think he’s awful. Loved him as a player. But as I tell my youth basketball team, GO UP STRONG! The quadruple pump fake was a JS specialty!
CSB. After one of the B&G Blowouts, my brother and I snuck into Carver through the back entrance where the locker rooms are. Met a ton of players, Kingsbury, Murray, Koch, Bowen, Glasper. Then Woolridge came out of the locker room and we told him we were from Omaha (lie). He then took us into the locker room where we met Dr. Tom, Millard and Settles. Settles was super nice. Got a picture with him and my brother. I’m 6’1” and my brother is 6’2”. I just remember how silly we looked standing next to him as that man was large. Not just tall, but huge features. Enormous hands, broad shoulders and a huge head.