He who shall not be named

I hate posts like these. Every person who has tried to help pat was a heathen atheist or worshipped the devil. But, Brands are godly men in the business of saving people and want to help the poor middle aged man... Nope, we're forfeiting principle for a bit to potentially plug a national champ in line up. You're either fine with it or you're not, but don't pretend this is a play at salvation.
Having NCAA champs in the lineup IS the principle for those of us who don't give a crap about the Brands' strong Christian faith. That's why it's called Wrestling instead of Church.
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He is for sure coming, TNT is the new match maker. Bringing women wrestlers into the OTC room just to lure PD3 to Iowa. PD3 is always looking for some cheap feels on a lonely night,
"Winning is everything. And you know what, that's ok. That's how the world is." - Tom Brands

This is certainly the short answer.

My Prediction is: We hear the slightest background noise and PD3 is gone, because he broke the rules (extensive ones that I am sure Tom has placed on him). However, I expect to see him compete and win for us. I would then like him to stick around and be a part of HWC.
He is for sure coming, TNT is the new match maker. Bringing women wrestlers into the OTC room just to lure PD3 to Iowa. PD3 is always looking for some cheap feels on a lonely night,
I love it how people are making PD3 out to be some kind of monster. Inferring he is a sexual predator is completely crossing the line. The truth of the matter is -- if it weren't for his social media presence -- nobody would be batting an eye. He's been in no legal trouble in college; his biggest crime is that he's an attention whore.
I love it how people are making PD3 out to be some kind of monster. Inferring he is a sexual predator is completely crossing the line. The truth of the matter is -- if it weren't for his social media presence -- nobody would be batting an eye. He's been in no legal trouble in college; his biggest crime is that he's an attention whore.
Agree ... As I shared in another post, I'm glad social media didn't exist during my high school or college days ... It's easy to sit back and judge - I guess. Okay, he's made some poor choices ... Maybe people don't like his attitude, etc., but I'm guessing many of the people passing judgment should stop and look in the mirror and reflect on how "perfect" of a life they've lived.
It's a heck of a lot easier for one bad apple to ruin the whole barrel as opposed to the other way around, hence the reason for term. Any one ever hear the term, "the barrel cures the bad apple"? Of course not, because it doesn't work like that. It doesn't matter how many good guys we have on the team, if there is one bad apple. One bad person can be more destructive, than 35 good guys doing good. They will have zero impact on him, just like his other teammates, on the other 20 teams he's been on. I simply don't care that this kid has talent, a lot of wrestlers have talent. He's 25 years old and acts like a 2 year old, as well as his father. He hasn't changed one iota, and continues to act like an idiot on the twitter. And we think somehow TnT are miraculously going to cure this kid, just by giving him rules and stipulations, even though they have had guys recently not buy into the program? Then our excuse is, "Well, TnT can just get rid of him if he doesn't tow the line." It doesn't work like that,as the damage will have already been done by the time they get rid of him. I don't hate this kid, and I don't even dislike him. I just don't think his risk is worth the reward, not even close.
I love it how people are making PD3 out to be some kind of monster. Inferring he is a sexual predator is completely crossing the line. The truth of the matter is -- if it weren't for his social media presence -- nobody would be batting an eye. He's been in no legal trouble in college; his biggest crime is that he's an attention whore.

First bolded: He posted revenge porn, he crossed that line.
Second bolded: Most people today have a social media presence. It isn't an issue. His shows booze, drugs, porn, a lack of dedication, a lack of respect of any of his coaches and teammates, and a lack of overall character.

You can say you're fine with it and so be it, but don't try to paint this as he's just misrepresented.
First bolded: He posted revenge porn, he crossed that line.
Second bolded: Most people today have a social media presence. It isn't an issue. His shows booze, drugs, porn, a lack of dedication, a lack of respect of any of his coaches and teammates, and a lack of overall character.

You can say you're fine with it and so be it, but don't try to paint this as he's just misrepresented.

Equating someone posting a video of himself getting a voluntary BJ to being a predatory rapist is a gross misrepresentation.
Well, apparently TnT got to him:

Because the consequences to the victim are immaterial, right?
Huh, who said that? But you're certainly not implying that posting a consensual, sexual video without another party's consent to the posting of the video is on the same scale (criminal, legal, moral, whatever) as forcible rape, right?
I hate posts like these. Every person who has tried to help pat was a heathen atheist or worshipped the devil. But, Brands are godly men in the business of saving people and want to help the poor middle aged man... Nope, we're forfeiting principle for a bit to potentially plug a national champ in line up. You're either fine with it or you're not, but don't pretend this is a play at salvation.
Now you are just making assumptions based on my possible explanation of the situation. Quit frankly I don't really care either way because either way I am still going to be a Hawkeye fan. Pardon me for assuming good intentions by two men I know have very strong christian values because the publicly acknowledge this often. I am not an organized religious man myself, but do respect men who uphold the values they believe in.
from what I see sam stoll and cash wilcke liked it :(

My guy has reversed course vs. what I posted the other day. He's coming. It's decided. Not sure if right away or at the semester though.
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Huh, who said that? But you're certainly not implying that posting a consensual, sexual video without another party's consent to the posting of the video is on the same scale (criminal, legal, moral, whatever) as forcible rape, right?
Sorry. I'm having a bad day. Comparing a reality to a hypothetical just rubbed me wrong. I apologize for over-reacting.
My guy has reversed course vs. what I posted the other day. He's coming. It's decided. Not sure if right away or at the semester though.

He has to do a semester at ISU...don't know if he can do those classes online but imagine he stays in Ames.
It's a heck of a lot easier for one bad apple to ruin the whole barrel as opposed to the other way around, hence the reason for term. Any one ever hear the term, "the barrel cures the bad apple"? Of course not, because it doesn't work like that. It doesn't matter how many good guys we have on the team, if there is one bad apple. One bad person can be more destructive, than 35 good guys doing good. They will have zero impact on him, just like his other teammates, on the other 20 teams he's been on. I simply don't care that this kid has talent, a lot of wrestlers have talent. He's 25 years old and acts like a 2 year old, as well as his father. He hasn't changed one iota, and continues to act like an idiot on the twitter. And we think somehow TnT are miraculously going to cure this kid, just by giving him rules and stipulations, even though they have had guys recently not buy into the program? Then our excuse is, "Well, TnT can just get rid of him if he doesn't tow the line." It doesn't work like that,as the damage will have already been done by the time they get rid of him. I don't hate this kid, and I don't even dislike him. I just don't think his risk is worth the reward, not even close.

Well said.

Offer to help him by providing counsel and future opportunity, like the possibility of joining the HWC down the road. But don't bring him on to the college team.
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Well said.

Offer to help him by providing counsel and future opportunity, like the possibility of joining the HWC down the road. But don't bring him on to the college team.

I don't agree with it...neither do a bunch of fans but it's a done deal unless he manages to screw up before ever putting on the black and gold. So we need to get our bitching and moaning done now because it would suck to have a whole season of it.
My guy has reversed course vs. what I posted the other day. He's coming. It's decided. Not sure if right away or at the semester though.
Then, we should be seeing the celebratory party pics on his Twitter shortly. Coke and hos all around. Question is how many of his new team mates show up.
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I don't agree with it...neither do a bunch of fans but it's a done deal unless he manages to screw up before ever putting on the black and gold. So we need to get our bitching and moaning done now because it would suck to have a whole season of it.

What exactly is the point of this reply? It's August and this is the topic at hand. If people want to bitch and moan, that's their prerogative. How about we let them? Let's not turn this forum into a BWI clone of "in Cael we trust", where the fan base refuses to question his judgement or his actions, including bringing Andrew Long in.
What exactly is the point of this reply? It's August and this is the topic at hand. If people want to bitch and moan, that's their prerogative. How about we let them? Let's not turn this forum into a BWI clone of "in Cael we trust", where the fan base refuses to question his judgement or his actions, including bringing Andrew Long in.
Oh, come on, Andrew Long deserved a 2nd chance, just like PDIII deserves a 7th.