Lol you can support that f*ck all you want, I won't. He's a POS and if TnT can happily bring him in, then I won't be a fan until he's gone. He drinks in season, smokes weed in season, doesn't go to class or practice in season, posts revenge porn, tries to bully/intimidate his teammates, refuses to wrestle if not 100% healthy, and isn't remorseful for a single thing he's done. Yeah this can only end up well!
You know nothing about me but you call me a b***h because I don't like bringing in the biggest cancer in college wrestling history? You're the d**k rider who acts like TnT are perfect and can do no wrong and whatever they say must be right. Well it obviously isn't because we are coming up quick on a decade without a title. Even with Downey, we aren't sniffing top 3 this year.
And to call me a fair weather fan, I outta smack the life out of you.