Perhaps you should now look up the meaning of the term "invective".
NVM...I'll save you the trouble...
- insulting, abusive, or highly critical language:
You called it...and I quote..."f***ing moronic cringy political terminology". You compared it to the term "libtard". You have now demonstrated either a higher level of ignorance...or you're just lying. Badly.
Well...being able to quote you does help.
Harris lost because she's a black woman with a weird laugh and a very large percentage of this country - far higher than I thought possible just a few years ago - wants a petty, evil, tyrant as a leader. They will overlook everything - just as you do - to protect him and their own warped wishes. You don't want your "wittle feewings" hurt...stop posting idiotic shit. Given that won't with the disdain of thinking people.