I am an avid baseball fan.
I was raised in Cleveland as an Indians fan, but went to college and have now spent the better part of my young adult life in Chicago attending and watching Cubs games. Now, more of my life has been spent in the greater Chicago area than the 18 years growing up in Cleveland, of which everything before 6 years old or so really doesn't even count.
Over the years I have told myself that someone could be a fan of two teams. That it was no big deal. Especially since so many social events where I reside seemed to revolve around Chicago sports to some degree. I justified this dual fandom to myself by telling my internal diehard Cleveland fan that the Cubs were merely my "NL team" and the Indians were my "AL team," thus not a conflict of interest. I could have never imagined in my wildest dreams what took place last year and as it turns out, I am not a Cubs fan at all. In fact, I dislike the Cubs. I have actively rooted against them ever since. It was odd last year as so many casual or complete non fans of the Cubs appeared in crisp white Bryant and Rizzo jerseys, making social media posts about their affinity towards the Cubs and their connection to the curse. Meanwhile, my Cubs gear went into the closet, then the basement, and now has been given away or sold.
I have been doing the same practice with the Bears and Browns. Surely, I won't have to ever worry about a Bears vs Browns Super Bowl though. Right... Right? Right.
Its Kluber time! Go Tribe!
And favorite writer is Jack Kerouac? Am I right?