Sure, Jan. It’s nothing to do with the proven bots, paid troll farms, hacked DNC, sexy spy sleeping her way around GOP, unsexy guys money laundering and bank rolling numerous GOP folks, Russian money flowing into the NRA that then got sent to Republicans, 6 Republican Seanators palling around in Russia one July 4th, Trumps bizarre acquiescence to all thing Putin, Trumps refusal to acknowledge Russian tampering and do anything about it, evidence they hacked local voting registries and even machines, and Trumps former campaign manger who helped advance Russian causes in Ukraine currently rotting in jail. And all of this, all of it, to help one side.
It’s all in our head.
Meanwhile on planet earth, just this week my state’s governor is reeling from pictures and videos coming out on victory night with him warmly hugging Igor Fruman and Lev Parnas.