Holy Fudge: The GOP Convention is off the rails…

Ok lets talk reality, these are effectively normal rates, 6-7% interest rates are not high, let me reiterate, these interest rates are not high, we are just no longer in a fed induced ultra low interest rate environment that we remained in since the great recession. If someone is looking at move they have likely created a ton of equity on their previous house. So ultimately again I am not sure what the issue is here. You are upset that things have normalized????
Believe me, I am in the industry. I have said to many people that a health US economy really should have rates in the 5%-6% range. We agree on this. But, we are not just talking about interest rates, we are talking about the economy as a whole. And, if done right, those interest rates would climb slowly of the course of several years....not within months. Housing is a mess, rents are a mess.....peopleare hurting. Yes, those that locked in at the low rate (like my wife and I) are ok. But, I care about those that are NOT locked in or those who want to buy or need a place to rent and can't find any options.
You poor thing!

Perhaps it has something to do with your illusion that there's even a slight possibility Trump will change. You're not quite at the level of the folks that defend him tooth and nail in every thread, but also tell everyone they hate him. But you're pretty damn close.
See, you have no idea if it has changed him or not...but your partisan ideals simply cannot let you entertain the idea. If he comes out "changed" it will alter how many of the electorate will view him. You simply hate that idea. So, you are to Biden what you say Trump supporters are for him.
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Are you aware that the US under the Biden administration weathered inflation better than any other G7 country?

If it is Biden's fault - why is it worse in other countries than here?

I will hang up and listen to your answer.
When has the US EVER done worse the ANY G7 country in ANYTHING of note? I can guarantee you that if Trump had won a second term...the US, with the LARGEST G7 economy STILL would have done better. And, that doesn't mean Trump would have done a good job with it. It simply speaks to the fact that we are The United States and will always be the envy of the G7.
It is mindless to claim “both sides” have equal problems. Right now the GOP has been completely taken over by crazies. The Dems have plenty of problems, and there are plenty of sane Republicans. But the sane Republicans are currently completely shut out.

Only a mindless partisan can’t recognize that.

Or a piece of shit like him.
Not too well. :) Where will Adam Schiff or some of the others be IF a new candidate is chosen and they still lose? It won't be pretty I can guarantee that...
It's not surprising that a GOP member would believe that.
It's just not true. You can get reelected as a dem without kissing the ring no matter how strange that sounds to you all.
See, you have no idea if it has changed him or not...but your partisan ideals simply cannot let you entertain the idea. If he comes out "changed" it will alter how many of the electorate will view him. You simply hate that idea. So, you are to Biden what you say Trump supporters are for him.
Holy shit hahahahahahahahahaha
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I am apprehensive about Trump giving that "unifying" acceptance speech.
That's not his wheelhouse.

I'll believe it when I hear it.
Republicans will believe it's a unity speech. Because they think everyone else should bow to their will and live like they do. They don't believe in the actual ideals of America. And they think dems should just bend over and take it and unite with them in their handsmaid tale. And it will be the Dems fault we don't unite because we aren't willing to live their boring shitty life.

Those of us with brains will realize it's just a unity speech for the cult to make them even deeper ingrained.
You are so blinded by your partisan ways, you can't even respond/refute the few facts I posted. I have said many, many times that I am not a supporter of Trump "the person"...but his policies worked for me and my family (check my post history).

But, you can't even respond to why, if I am so wrong, the majority of Americans agree with me and not you. :rolleyes:
What policies worked for you? Trump had no policies besides being a racist asshole. He rode Obamas coattails and the economy was already starting to show signs of going down BEFORE covid and his handling of covid made things worse than they already were. If Trump had been reelected inflation would have been the same or likely worse. If you aren't a partisan hack you are a massive moron who couldn't critically think his way out of a wet paper bag. So which is it? You a partisan hack or a complete moron? Those are the choices based on what you've said here.
What policies worked for you? Trump had no policies besides being a racist asshole. He rode Obamas coattails and the economy was already starting to show signs of going down BEFORE covid and his handling of covid made things worse than they already were. If Trump had been reelected inflation would have been the same or likely worse. If you aren't a partisan hack you are a massive moron who couldn't critically think his way out of a wet paper bag. So which is it? You a partisan hack or a complete moron? Those are the choices based on what you've said here.
I'm not sure why he continues to tell people to check his posting history as if that's going to make his idiotic opinions become less idiotic.
When has the US EVER done worse the ANY G7 country in ANYTHING of note? I can guarantee you that if Trump had won a second term...the US, with the LARGEST G7 economy STILL would have done better. And, that doesn't mean Trump would have done a good job with it. It simply speaks to the fact that we are The United States and will always be the envy of the G7.
Is infant mortality "of note" ?
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It's not surprising that a GOP member would believe that.
It's just not true. You can get reelected as a dem without kissing the ring no matter how strange that sounds to you all.
GOP member?
Not too well. :) Where will Adam Schiff or some of the others be IF a new candidate is chosen and they still lose? It won't be pretty I can guarantee that...
Chuck Schumer will not be run out of office lol, you are listenting to an imaginary radio in your head again.
When has the US EVER done worse the ANY G7 country in ANYTHING of note? I can guarantee you that if Trump had won a second term...the US, with the LARGEST G7 economy STILL would have done better. And, that doesn't mean Trump would have done a good job with it. It simply speaks to the fact that we are The United States and will always be the envy of the G7.
Nevermind my previous question. Your answered it with this response. Carry on with your idiocy
Adam Schiff is not Chuck Schumer as far as I know. I didn't name him because he has a job for life. He could shoot someone on 5th avenue and still have a job. Where have I heard that before...
Adam Schiff also will not be primaried for disloyalty. Nor will ANY of the Democrats calling for a Biden to step down.

Your argument is absurd on its face and a sadder than usual attempt at whataboutism
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