House votes unanimously to declassify info about origins of COVID-19 and sends bill to President Biden to be signed


HR King
May 29, 2001
The House voted unanimously Friday to declassify U.S. intelligence information about the origins of COVID-19, a sweeping show of bipartisan support near the third anniversary of the start of the deadly pandemic.

The 419-0 vote was final approval of the bill, sending it to President Joe Biden’s desk to be signed into law.

Debate was brief and to the point: Americans have questions about how the deadly virus started and what can be done to prevent future outbreaks.

The order to declassify focused on intelligence related to China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology, citing “potential links” between the research that was done there and the outbreak of COVID-19, which the World Health Organization declared a pandemic in March 2020.

U.S. intelligence agencies are divided over whether a lab leak or a spillover from animals is the likely source of the virus.

Experts say the true origin of the coronavirus pandemic may not be known for many years — if ever.
Strange it's a non controversial bill that is easy to pass. But the hard stuff the Rs avoid. Why do you keep making excuses for the Rs, bins?
If it was easy and non controversial why didn’t they bring it forward?

The hard stuff…what bill would you like to see this R Congress pass?
Why is it strange? It's grandstanding. Everyone in congress likely already has access to this information.
Transparency is grandstanding? If they already had access I’m pretty sure the D’s would have brought that up and not voted for a worthless bill.
Transparency is grandstanding? If they already had access I’m pretty sure the D’s would have brought that up and not voted for a worthless bill.
Why? You think dems are incredibly stupid at politics?
Any vote against would just add a talking point for Tucker and crew.
Well I think it would have come up when the bill was brought up…don’t you?
simon cowell facepalm GIF
  • Haha
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So they wouldn’t bring up that they already had access?

Pretty obvious they didn’t…great bill. Transparency is good…
Why didn't the Rs bring it up before now? You might have a point if the Democrats were fighting this but as it stands you're just offering a dumb stance. Again.
Why didn't the Rs bring it up before now? You might have a point if the Democrats were fighting this but as it stands you're just offering a dumb stance. Again.
Because they didn’t have control of the house before now?

You do know how the House works right?

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