House votes unanimously to declassify info about origins of COVID-19 and sends bill to President Biden to be signed

Who have you voted for President since Carter?

1976 for Carter was my first presidential election,.. but since then it's primarily been Republicans except for Perot in 1992, and 2016 when I was a no vote for president..
1976 for Carter was my first presidential election,.. but since then it's primarily been Republicans except for Perot in 1992, and 2016 when I was a no vote for president..
So every time you've voted since 1976 it has been for a republican except for Perot (who was a republican running as an Independent). That includes Trump in 2020.

You may not be registered but you are definitely a republican. And given that you voted for Trump in 2020, a MAGA at that. JFC
I'm just a bill. Yes, I'm only a bill. And I'm sitting here on Capitol Hill.
Well, it's been a long, long journey to the capital city. It's a long, long
wait while I'm sitting in committee, but I know I'll be a law someday,
at least I hope and pray that I will. But today I am still just a bill.
So every time you've voted since 1976 it has been for a republican except for Perot (who was a republican running as an Independent). That includes Trump in 2020. You may not be registered but you are definitely a republican. And given that you voted for Trump in 2020, a MAGA at that. JFC

Over the years I've determined that it's not so much that I'm a Republican, as it is that I am definitely not a Democrat,.. JFC yourself.
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Over the years I've determined that it's not so much that I'm a Republican, as it is that I am definitely not a Democrat,.. JFC yourself.
I understand that you're embarrassed by the republican party so you decided not to register with them to try to rid yourself from the stink. But you've wallowed in that shit pile for a long, long time and the stench remains with you. Particularly since you continue to play in the dung.

You're not fooling anyone.
Ummmm.... your party doesn't have to have control of the House to introduce a bill. SMFH
Yeah, Nancy was all about referring Republican bills 😂😂😂. Didn’t you bring up “stupid arguments”?

The bill is referred to the appropriate committee by the Speaker of the House or the presiding officer in the Senate. Most often, the actual referral decision is made by the House or Senate parliamentarian. Bills may be referred to more than one committee and it may be split so that parts are sent to different committees. The Speaker of the House may set time limits on committees. Bills are placed on the calendar of the committee to which they have been assigned. Failure to act on a bill is equivalent to killing it. Bills in the House can only be released from committee without a proper committee vote by a discharge petition signed by a majority of the House membership (218 members).

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Yeah, Nancy was all about referring Republican bills 😂😂😂. Didn’t you bring Ip “stupid arguments”?

The bill is referred to the appropriate committee by the Speaker of the House or the presiding officer in the Senate. Most often, the actual referral decision is made by the House or Senate parliamentarian. Bills may be referred to more than one committee and it may be split so that parts are sent to different committees. The Speaker of the House may set time limits on committees. Bills are placed on the calendar of the committee to which they have been assigned. Failure to act on a bill is equivalent to killing it. Bills in the House can only be released from committee without a proper committee vote by a discharge petition signed by a majority of the House membership (218 members).

Your ignorance on the topic now has you spinning wildly. The fact is republicans could have introduced this bill at any time as well. Given the unanimous support for it it's stupid to try to claim it would not have passed with Democrats in control of the House.

This is just another example of you showing your ass on a topic, getting called out for it which then causes you to flail with excuses. Your schtick since becoming such a right wing shill has become very predictable.
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I hate the Rs being so lazy and only passing the easy stuff. Why don't you?
Invading Iraq was a pretty big thing. Garnered bi-partisan support too I believe. If I recall, it even got the OK from the current POTUS and the prior Dem POTUS nominees.
Your ignorance on the topic now has you spinning wildly. The fact is republicans could have introduced this bill at any time as well. Given the unanimous support for it it's stupid to try to claim it would not have passed with Democrats in control of the House.
When did I claim it wouldn’t have passed in a D controlled House? I said they never brought a similar bill up for a vote.
I understand that you're embarrassed by the republican party so you decided not to register with them to try to rid yourself from the stink. But you've wallowed in that shit pile for a long, long time and the stench remains with you. Particularly since you continue to play in the dung.

You're not fooling anyone.
I’m confused. Do you or do you not want more Democrat voters? Aren’t most of the right and left here arguing points all day every day? What’s the point of your don’t want to swing someone your direction?

However, it appears you either don’t believe them when they tell you this, or you decide to sh!t on them regardless of their answers. This strategy is not a winning strategy. It might get you some likes by team blue on a message board though.
I’m confused. Do you or do you not want more Democrat voters? Aren’t most of the right and left here arguing points all day every day? What’s the point of your don’t want to swing someone your direction?

However, it appears you either don’t believe them when they tell you this, or you decide to sh!t on them regardless of their answers. This strategy is not a winning strategy. It might get you some likes by team blue on a message board though.
WTF are you talking about? JFC - at least try to make sense.

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