A really nice post. My wife and I own a business where we are hiring people on a regular basis. We have a standard set of skills/traits that we evaluate, and I can say without fail that every time we have reached below our standards because we needed to fill a slot, it has backfired on us. Without fail. The hire not only doesn't last and therefore doesn't fill the void, but destabilizes our business worse than if we had no one at all. And it cost us time and money on the mistake, and the failure was on me in not keeping to the standard.I'll continue to fully agree with you that improvements in the coaching/training arena are warranted and would indeed help, but will continue to strongly believe that talent eval, and of course then getting the right guy (marketing and now $$), is THE main place we need to improve. The single biggest difference I see in (most of) Karl's guys is what's between their ears. They are fearless, fluid/instinctual, calm but fast thinking chain wrestlers that can anticipate and think 3 steps ahead, and so on. Too many of our guys 'see' a takedown as a 4-step process, to the elite it's 1 continual process and they are seamlessly thinking about the next move before they finish the last (and aren't fazed or scared if they screw up here and there). I see it even in (many of) their true freshman, like Davis and MM. You can't tell me Karl already trained those things in to them. Conversely, you're not going to convince me Karl could have turned PK into MM or ZG into AB (no offense to our guys, I 'love' them). Even the guys who are less offensive at PSU, like Bartlett IMO and sometimes Haines or CStar, exhibit those traits. Mind wiring can be improved/honed, and Karl is good at that too, but you are not going to substantially alter their hard wiring at this point. Second to this is selecting guys with the body type/athleticism mix that can turn that mind wiring into physical performance ON A MAT - some guys with the 'right' mind wiring will do great in the courtroom or on the battlefield, only a subset will on the wrestling mat. Every single motion on the wrestling mat is controlled by your brain hardware. I'll guarantee if you hook up an EEG cap to a scrambler's brain and a grinder's brain while on the mat, you'll see notable differences in brain activity. Unless they (mostly) have 'it' when they get there, good luck trying to train it in to them unless you start at a very early age. Otherwise, rejoyce at the notion of (mostly) moving guys from a 12 seed to an 8 seed after 4 years. JMO of course, and my apologies for a long one.
It's extremely important to be disciplined and thoughtful when selecting your wrestlers because if you pick the wrong guy(s), you're using your limited resources (money and time) on guys who you shouldn't have brought into the room in the first place. It becomes a negative addition to the team. Sometimes it's better to bring in no one and focus on what good you have.