How much do politics directly influence your life?

Also under several of the laws being put forward by state GOPs across the country, my wife would be a criminal under some of them for terminating an ectopic pregnancy. If the GOP had their way, a lot of my friends' marriages would no longer be legal. The GOPs continued refusal to support schools adequately results in worse schools for my kids and much higher property taxes for me. I'm sure there's more, but that's the first few that come to mind.
Oh horseshit.
My ectopic ruptured and almost killed ME. And they didn’t arrest that blob of cells. Dammit.
Oh horseshit.
My ectopic ruptured and almost killed ME. And they didn’t arrest that blob of cells. Dammit.
Had the ectopic accured next year, the rules might be different.
My wife had one as well, and we were not accused of murder.
As a computer lab teacher, it hasn't affected me. But if I was still a classroom teacher, it would have made a dramatic impact after Abbott(Texas Governor) and his brain fart constituents came up with the anti crt propaganda/get the porno out of our libraries campaign. So many teachers/administrators are leaving my school and district in droves. It used to be very difficult to get a teaching gig in my school & district, but now not so much. But the right wingers have control of our school board and they are facing the music and it turns out they don't like it so much.

Teachers across the country are leaving the profession because there are multiple jobs that pay more available at the moment. You don’t have to look hard to find a starting salary above $50K now.

Are the teachers who are liberal leaving Southlake or is it the conservatives as well? Were the SISD school libraries full of CRT books?
Your district is one of DFW’s wealthiest and it shouldn’t be a surprise that it’s also conservative.
Had the ectopic accured next year, the rules might be different.
My wife had one as well, and we were not accused of murder.

Since I showed up at the ER after it ruptured it could be argued that the blob committed suicide.
Teachers across the country are leaving the profession because there are multiple jobs that pay more available at the moment. You don’t have to look hard to find a starting salary above $50K now.

Are the teachers who are liberal leaving Southlake or is it the conservatives as well? Were the SISD school libraries full of CRT books?
Your district is one of DFW’s wealthiest and it shouldn’t be a surprise that it’s also conservative.
What is a “full of CRT books” library?
Damn, Goldie. What does that mean?
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No, I am asking you what a CRT book is. That is some made up bull crap.
I’m not a member of the Texas Legislature so I cannot say what they defined it as by a majority vote.
I do suspect different states define it differently.
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I’m not a member of the Texas Legislature so I cannot say what they defined it as by a majority vote.
I do suspect different states define it differently.
The reason I wondered is your post number 43 in this thread.
No, I am asking you what a CRT book is. That is some made up bull crap.

It isn’t made up, but it is pretty dated at this point. I am guessing some old repairmen or young hobbyist have some books on cathode ray tubes.
I work for a public school district, so sure it affects that every time I punch in and go to work.

In my personal life, I recently lost one of my two best friends over politics. Short description (OK, not so short)...

I am apolitical - which I define as I try to never, ever talk about politics with anybody, anywhere, any time. Always have, always will. The reason why is that it is a loser discussion in that it always and I mean always leads to endless arguments - and I am sick and tired of the world turning completely incapable of being friendly to someone who has the audacity of disagreeing with you.

I am done with that. I am too old for that kind of bullshit in my life.

My politics really haven't changed my entire life - conservative fiscally, socially "somewhat liberal" - but I never ever push my views upon anybody. Hell, I honestly do not know HOW to state what I am with regards to political affiliation. So, why talk about it?

My buddy knows this, too - hard not to, knowing someone for 35 or so years.

He is a big time Trumptard. He also believes it's OK to lead a confrontational life. The stupid bastard is simply never happy with his lot in life even though financially he's never, ever been in as good of shape as he is right now. But for whatever reason, he simply cannot keep his goddam mouth shut about whenever he feels "life has done him wrong"...and most times it's about the shortcomings of every human being he seems to come across in life.

Or, of course, anybody that disagrees (or at least is not in lockstep agreement) with him politically.

He simply cannot help himself. And unfortunately there have been multiple times in recent years where we've been together (we've lived hundreds of miles apart for 20ish years now) where he's all boozed up (I'm not much of a drinker any more) and he's turned his hatred of the world upon me.

He simply needs someone or some thing to be angry at. Always. Lately, the dominant object of his anger - ever since the advent of Trump - is politics (meaning, liberals).

My birthday weekend was 2 weekends ago, and we decided to celebrate with a weekend at my cabin. This was our 30th anniversary of the first time we both went fishing up there, and we more or less always met for my birthday weekend up there ever since. Last time I had seen him was August of last year - that month he was at the time on a 2 week vacation, and for the most part we got along the entire time.

I told him ahead of time, this coming weekend - all I want to do is relax, sit in my chair on the porch, and feed the bonfire enjoying an occasional drink and watching the river flow by. I needed a zero stress lazy ass weekend. I needed peace and quiet (aside from music). I told him on the phone the day before, "I need zero drama this weekend".

"Oh yeah, I do too".

So what happens is half the time he ranted about how pissed off he was at literally every human being he's forced to deal with. Bosses, brother/SiL, nephew (lives with him, rents a room in his condo), all drivers on the road (he's an OTR truck driver)...he never once had one good thing to say about anything whatsoever. And of course, the other half I get to hear about how unfair we've all been to The Bad Orange Man (his words), how Fauci and Biden and all the liberals are f'ing up the entire world, how they screwed up the economy, yadda yadda yadda.

"Biden and Fauci, ALL goddam liberals - they're Nazi's, you know that, don't you?" That was his quote early Saturday afternoon...remember that "definition" he used.

Defcon level definitely increasing with me...staying calm, not engaging. Then, after the full effects of a Saturday full of him putting away a whole Texas 5th of vodka, several Knob Creek's, and some version of the latest foo foo skunk ass microbrewery IPA he's in to (he double fisted in some fashion beginning around noon)...he turns to me about 11pm and says (out of nowhere...there was no lead-up to him saying this) "so, bagdropper...I know you're a liberal now, so explain to me this..."

I stopped him right there. Defcon 1 thermonuclear war status achieved. I screamed at him "what right do you possibly believe you have to come here to MY house, on MY birthday weekend, when I have told you multiple times I am NOT talking politics...yet here you are, pushing and pushing and pushing this bull shit on me. Telling me what I am?!?! Have you gone completely insane? Are you truly so far up Trump's ass that you are incapable of sitting here and having a good time with your BEST FRIEND because of politics?"

He, not joking - without saying a single word - packed up all his stuff and left. Haven't heard from him since.
Happy birthday, bagdropper.
Happy birthday, bagdropper.
Really. Happy birthday, bagdropper?
We mean it.
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I work for a public school district, so sure it affects that every time I punch in and go to work.

In my personal life, I recently lost one of my two best friends over politics. Short description (OK, not so short)...

I am apolitical - which I define as I try to never, ever talk about politics with anybody, anywhere, any time. Always have, always will. The reason why is that it is a loser discussion in that it always and I mean always leads to endless arguments - and I am sick and tired of the world turning completely incapable of being friendly to someone who has the audacity of disagreeing with you.

I am done with that. I am too old for that kind of bullshit in my life.

My politics really haven't changed my entire life - conservative fiscally, socially "somewhat liberal" - but I never ever push my views upon anybody. Hell, I honestly do not know HOW to state what I am with regards to political affiliation. So, why talk about it?

My buddy knows this, too - hard not to, knowing someone for 35 or so years.

He is a big time Trumptard. He also believes it's OK to lead a confrontational life. The stupid bastard is simply never happy with his lot in life even though financially he's never, ever been in as good of shape as he is right now. But for whatever reason, he simply cannot keep his goddam mouth shut about whenever he feels "life has done him wrong"...and most times it's about the shortcomings of every human being he seems to come across in life.

Or, of course, anybody that disagrees (or at least is not in lockstep agreement) with him politically.

He simply cannot help himself. And unfortunately there have been multiple times in recent years where we've been together (we've lived hundreds of miles apart for 20ish years now) where he's all boozed up (I'm not much of a drinker any more) and he's turned his hatred of the world upon me.

He simply needs someone or some thing to be angry at. Always. Lately, the dominant object of his anger - ever since the advent of Trump - is politics (meaning, liberals).

My birthday weekend was 2 weekends ago, and we decided to celebrate with a weekend at my cabin. This was our 30th anniversary of the first time we both went fishing up there, and we more or less always met for my birthday weekend up there ever since. Last time I had seen him was August of last year - that month he was at the time on a 2 week vacation, and for the most part we got along the entire time.

I told him ahead of time, this coming weekend - all I want to do is relax, sit in my chair on the porch, and feed the bonfire enjoying an occasional drink and watching the river flow by. I needed a zero stress lazy ass weekend. I needed peace and quiet (aside from music). I told him on the phone the day before, "I need zero drama this weekend".

"Oh yeah, I do too".

So what happens is half the time he ranted about how pissed off he was at literally every human being he's forced to deal with. Bosses, brother/SiL, nephew (lives with him, rents a room in his condo), all drivers on the road (he's an OTR truck driver)...he never once had one good thing to say about anything whatsoever. And of course, the other half I get to hear about how unfair we've all been to The Bad Orange Man (his words), how Fauci and Biden and all the liberals are f'ing up the entire world, how they screwed up the economy, yadda yadda yadda.

"Biden and Fauci, ALL goddam liberals - they're Nazi's, you know that, don't you?" That was his quote early Saturday afternoon...remember that "definition" he used.

Defcon level definitely increasing with me...staying calm, not engaging. Then, after the full effects of a Saturday full of him putting away a whole Texas 5th of vodka, several Knob Creek's, and some version of the latest foo foo skunk ass microbrewery IPA he's in to (he double fisted in some fashion beginning around noon)...he turns to me about 11pm and says (out of nowhere...there was no lead-up to him saying this) "so, bagdropper...I know you're a liberal now, so explain to me this..."

I stopped him right there. Defcon 1 thermonuclear war status achieved. I screamed at him "what right do you possibly believe you have to come here to MY house, on MY birthday weekend, when I have told you multiple times I am NOT talking politics...yet here you are, pushing and pushing and pushing this bull shit on me. Telling me what I am?!?! Have you gone completely insane? Are you truly so far up Trump's ass that you are incapable of sitting here and having a good time with your BEST FRIEND because of politics?"

He, not joking - without saying a single word - packed up all his stuff and left. Haven't heard from him since.
Sorry to hear about your friend. Obviously, he is a very unhappy person with a drinking problem who wants to blame everyone/everything for his unhappiness except the real source, himself. I know you are fed up with him, but try to encourage him to get help. If he is unwilling or will not respond to you, it is time to move on and not allow him to affect your happiness. Anyone who will allow something like politics get in the way of a friendship is not really a friend.
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It’s changed my life.

I wasn’t a hardcore MAGA, but I was a two time Trump supporter. Woke up after the election and left the Republican Party after January 6.

Where it’s really changed my life is in my religion beliefs. How anyone can treat LGBQT people the the way the GOP treats LGBQT people, and call themselves a “Christian” is not apart of any political party or religion I want to be a part of.
Republicans... well, most everyone... used to be about 100x worse at this
Not very much. I recently retired and my wife and I are financially secure. I have learned over the years that no matter which party is "in charge", things are not nearly as good or as bad as either party claims. It does bother me that the extremes on both sides can't seem to understand/grasp this and want to try to drag the rest of us into their crap, but I do not lose any sleep over it.
Oh horseshit.
My ectopic ruptured and almost killed ME. And they didn’t arrest that blob of cells. Dammit.

I know, we've discussed this before. I'll try to be gentle based on shared traumatic experiences (and I assure you, a 4th year med student who spends a month waiting to hear the awful news his wife died of a rupture in timbuktu iowa because they couldn't get to her a real hospital in time while working nonstop is a tad stressful). So...I'll assume you're unaware about what your party has put forward in a number of states. And I forgive you and encourage you to do more research. And I would ask as a member of their party, you write some letters and emails to ask them to knock their shit off. Tell them your personal story. It's painful. So is ours. But maybe, just maybe, they'll eventually stop their assault on women and healthcare providers.
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Teachers across the country are leaving the profession because there are multiple jobs that pay more available at the moment. You don’t have to look hard to find a starting salary above $50K now.

Are the teachers who are liberal leaving Southlake or is it the conservatives as well? Were the SISD school libraries full of CRT books?
Your district is one of DFW’s wealthiest and it shouldn’t be a surprise that it’s also conservative.
Of course Southlake is conservative ! My Principal is a conservative. Carroll ISD employee of 28 years. She is leaving. The new Carroll ISD school board is made up of the ultra conservatives. Ot seems these days school board members are more concerned with their political agenda than school business....
It’s interesting that the political strife seems to be occurring more often in affluent and highly rated districts. I see that DISD and FWISD teachers are mentioned but they’re in majority minority neighborhoods - and ones where Hispanics live in great numbers.