How was everyone's weekend?

I golfed 9 holes yesterday in 120+ heat index. I shot a 46 while getting birdie and two pars on three straight holes. WTF happened on the other 6?

I had three rum and cokes and a shot of Fireball during the round. Maybe that was the problem.

I did get to hang out with my 3 month old Gandbaby Saturday night which was awesome.
That wouldn't surprise me a goddamn bit. We've last fall we had major issues with squirrels chewing through wires in my wife's car whenever it would be parked outside of the garage. I hadn't even thought about that possibility. I have seen a few mice out on our back patio recently too. The rodents in this neighborhood are little assholes.
There's a box on the side of some the compressors that houses some wiring. I looked online and I guess that's a favorite spot for them to make a nest. I took the cover off and found nothing. That and the exposed wires you can see looking down through the fan.
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Was supposed to be a travel day foe work but I played it smart and made it home late Thursday night. Played golf in thr morning before it got hot, came home checked a few emails, went and mowed my side gig, came home grilled.

Sat: went to visit the old man in the QCA, good to spend time with him and his wife, got to go fishing with my dad and daughter, that was kind oof cool. Ate QC style pizza (pizza shack). Sat night was kind of odd, we had a hotel room so I caught a quick buzz and sat on here with these idiots in silence in a hotel room as my daughter/wife slept.

Sunday, breakfast with pops then i80w. We stopped and spent time with my mom/SD and picked up my old boxer on the way home.

Needed to knock out the yard work during dusk last night. Had to cross cut the lawn, it had grown so much this week:


Then I trimmed and mowed the lanes back in the meadow to the strawberry patch. Right at dusk I sprayed the yard/driveway to kill off the weeds in anticipation of my daughters birthday in a couple weeks. Then made a small batch of roundup to kill off a 12x12 area I'm going to level off with more dirt/sand and put heavy rubber mats I bought down as the foundation for a swing set I'm restoring for my daughter. Then, enjoyed a Sierra Nevada as I watered some of the plants as darkness set in.

Nice little weekend.
Did a ton of work at one of my properties and spent the rest of the time doing RAGRBAI prep biking and boozing.

Looks like I missed a lot of people pissing their pants all weekend on here!
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