How will Donald Trump deport 20 million people?


HB King
Gold Member
Jan 30, 2008
I've asked this question to my Trump friends, and to some of the most rabid Trump supporters on HBOT, but nobody provides an answer. They just talk past the question. Trump repeatedly has said he will deport 20 million people. Now, the real number of undocumented, or illegals, you use whatever term you want, is probably around 11 million. What is the plan?
What mechanisms will Trump utilize to legally deport 11-20 million people? How will he pay for this action? What manpower will he tap to complete this mission? If a nation refuses to accept back some citizens, what will he do to that nation, and to the people?
I've asked this question to my Trump friends, and to some of the most rabid Trump supporters on HBOT, but nobody provides an answer. They just talk past the question. Trump repeatedly has said he will deport 20 million people. Now, the real number of undocumented, or illegals, you use whatever term you want, is probably around 11 million. What is the plan?
What mechanisms will Trump utilize to legally deport 11-20 million people? How will he pay for this action? What manpower will he tap to complete this mission? If a nation refuses to accept back some citizens, what will he do to that nation, and to the people?
The responses from the left on this issue just illustrates that they are bad faith actors.

The surge was intentional and their flaunting of the laws is intentional.

And these same bad faith actors expect Republicans to come to the table and cut a deal on immigration.

Reasonable people know that Democrats have no intention of enforcing any law, existing or new, that they are at odds with.
I've asked this question to my Trump friends, and to some of the most rabid Trump supporters on HBOT, but nobody provides an answer. They just talk past the question. Trump repeatedly has said he will deport 20 million people. Now, the real number of undocumented, or illegals, you use whatever term you want, is probably around 11 million. What is the plan?
What mechanisms will Trump utilize to legally deport 11-20 million people? How will he pay for this action? What manpower will he tap to complete this mission? If a nation refuses to accept back some citizens, what will he do to that nation, and to the people?
He doesn’t have to deport them; all they have to do is eliminate all taxpayer services like free phones, free housing, debit cards, etc., and they will leave.

But Donny won’t do it because he works for the globalists and he’ll march to their orders.
I've asked this question to my Trump friends, and to some of the most rabid Trump supporters on HBOT, but nobody provides an answer. They just talk past the question. Trump repeatedly has said he will deport 20 million people. Now, the real number of undocumented, or illegals, you use whatever term you want, is probably around 11 million. What is the plan?
What mechanisms will Trump utilize to legally deport 11-20 million people? How will he pay for this action? What manpower will he tap to complete this mission? If a nation refuses to accept back some citizens, what will he do to that nation, and to the people?

Who sez he needs to "deport" 'em?

He doesn’t have to deport them; all they have to do is eliminate all taxpayer services like free phones, free housing, debit cards, etc., and they will leave.

But Donny won’t do it because he works for the globalists and he’ll march to their orders.
It'd be really effective if they seriously went after the employers - the companies and their executives who are hiring illegal immigrants. Enforcing substantial fines and jail time for key personnel would dry up the jobs and therefore the illegal immigration pretty instantly.
It'd be really effective if they seriously went after the employers - the companies and their executives who are hiring illegal immigrants. Enforcing substantial fines and jail time for key personnel would dry up the jobs and therefore the illegal immigration pretty instantly.

Now cannot be doing this stuff to Devin Nunes' family dairy farm...
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It'd be really effective if they seriously went after the employers - the companies and their executives who are hiring illegal immigrants. Enforcing substantial fines and jail time for key personnel would dry up the jobs and therefore the illegal immigration pretty instantly.

This is the correct answer. But the GOP likes the cheap labor and doesn't want to actually solve the issue.
All I know is Trump better have that goddamn wall built otherwise it's just going to be a complete waste of resources deporting the folks that will come right on back in all the caravans that will happen whenever Trump gets in some hot water for doing some stupid shit.
I've asked this question to my Trump friends, and to some of the most rabid Trump supporters on HBOT, but nobody provides an answer. They just talk past the question. Trump repeatedly has said he will deport 20 million people. Now, the real number of undocumented, or illegals, you use whatever term you want, is probably around 11 million. What is the plan?
What mechanisms will Trump utilize to legally deport 11-20 million people? How will he pay for this action? What manpower will he tap to complete this mission? If a nation refuses to accept back some citizens, what will he do to that nation, and to the people?


A. He's full of s***, knows he's full of s***, has no plan to do it and he thinks his cult are a bunch of morons who will believe him then move the goalpost when he doesn't.

B. He's evil and his cult is right there with him and he'll deport millions of people who are here because they did the right thing, followed our laws and are here legally and providing a massive benefit to our country.

C. He's a moron and his cult is right there with him

D. Yeah, I really don't see any other possibilities.

Honestly, I'm going with either A or C. I don't think he's evil, other than he's only concerned with himself and only tells his cult what he thinks they want to hear so they'll worship the ground he walks on.

He has zero clue how anything involved in government works or how it's supposed to work. Which, not surprisingly, is also how a hige majority of his voters are. No clue how government works, how it's supposed to work and no desire (or ability) to learn and understand.
It'd be really effective if they seriously went after the employers - the companies and their executives who are hiring illegal immigrants. Enforcing substantial fines and jail time for key personnel would dry up the jobs and therefore the illegal immigration pretty instantly.
This is correct.

But….neither side is serious about the border and illegal immigration. If they were, something would have been done years ago.
The responses from the left on this issue just illustrates that they are bad faith actors.

The surge was intentional and their flaunting of the laws is intentional.

And these same bad faith actors expect Republicans to come to the table and cut a deal on immigration.

Reasonable people know that Democrats have no intention of enforcing any law, existing or new, that they are at odds with.

Wrong there mister, dementia donnie intervened in the bipartisan bill and now he owns it.
Remember when Eric, Stan, Kyle, and Kenny rounded up all the homeless and got them to California? I assume it will basically be something similar.
The deportation rhetoric of Donald Trump is simply hot air.
He has no plan but he is trying to capture votes from people
who actually believe in him. There is no way he can deport
an estimated 11 million folks. He is desperate for votes in Nov.
He has no plan for anything. How’s that new Health Care plan working out? Oh, that’s right, it was another failed promise that had no plan.
How did Kamala our border czar allow them in?

She was not a border czar so unless you can find that title "czar" stfu. You ay want to do some research (google) and see how undocumented workers have improved the American economy and while you're at it check on how they have more than paid their way in Texas. But, you won't because then you have nothing to lie about.
Thinking realistically about the organizational, financial and logistical requirements needed to deport that many illegal aliens from the United States, not to mention the required workforce, I see it as a laughable campaign promise. An incredibly laughable promise. The money required to even attempt that could be invested far more shrewdly towards "improving" our immigration problem.
He won't, he will just tell Republicans he did and Fox News will magically stop talking about migrants or the border and to his cult that will mean it's all real.

Then he and big business people can keep hiring tons of illegals on the cheap and have their gullible voters think the problem was fixed.
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