How will Donald Trump deport 20 million people?

Devin Nunes and his Iowa Dairy farm will not allow this. They need the cheap labor.
So do all the restaurants relying on the migrant labor to pick your produce.

You send all those people into camps, who picks your food for you?
Stereotype much? With all the illegals here who's going to pick my bananas down in Guatemala?
That sounds like an economic disaster. If according to Trump (and we know he doesn't lie) there are 20 million illegals they will deport, that's a lot of labor to replace. And as you said, businesses would forclose. Wow, quite the situation.
LOL - they are not all working, you got plenty of kids in the mix along with grandma and grandpa.
This is correct.

But….neither side is serious about the border and illegal immigration. If they were, something would have been done years ago.
It's always been the ultra conservatives in the House that has derailed immigration reform . In 2013, the Senate passed a bipartisan bill by a 68-32 bill that never even got a vote in the House, and the same thing happened this year when Trump told his MAGA followers in the House to not vote on this year's Senate bill that was written by conservatives in the Senate. It's the Tea Partiers, MAGAs, Freedom Caucus, et. al. that have repeatedly stymied a bill from getting through Congress. Vote those people out if you're not happy about it.
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He won't, he will just tell Republicans he did and Fox News will magically stop talking about migrants or the border and to his cult that will mean it's all real.

Then he and big business people can keep hiring tons of illegals on the cheap and have their gullible voters think the problem was fixed.
Morgan Freeman Reaction GIF by MOODMAN
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Imagine if this shitbird administration had kept all of the Trump EOs in place instead if gutting them on day one.

They encouraged a surge, refused to enforce laws and now that an election looms, they change their tune.

Total scammers.
Sure thing, Bob.
You claimed that Congress passed this bill - that's incorrect.

There was a bi-partisan bill that would have passed Congress and been signed into law but Trump vetoed that at the 11th hour.

You're having a hard time keeping things straight.
My mistake. I should have said House of Representatives. I often call them Congress as they are congressmen and women. We don’t refer to our Senators as Congressmen/women. HR is what I meant.

I’m also fully aware of the bill that Trump killed in the Senate.

The question asked was: You tell me what are they doing? What kind of border security/immigration reform measures have been up for vote and who voted against them?

HR2 was passed by H.R. Sat on in the Senate. All Democrats in the House voted against the bill.

The Senate bill failed the procedural vote, mostly due to Republicans following the orders of Trump. However it did not receive full support by the Democrats.
It's always been the ultra conservatives in the House that has derailed immigration reform . In 2013, the Senate passed a bipartisan bill by a 68-32 bill that never even got a vote in the House, and the same thing happened this year when Trump told his MAGA followers in the House to not vote on this year's Senate bill that was written by conservatives in the Senate. It's the Tea Partiers, MAGAs, Freedom Caucus, et. al. that have repeatedly stymied a bill from getting through Congress. Vote those people out if you're not happy about it.
Curious if not for Bidens beckoning the 3rd world to happily walk across our southern border after he eagerly opened the border would we even need more legislation?

Seems to me Biden purposely opened the border to create a crisis so that he could then get some legislation put together regarding the border that fit his basically open border policies.
A bunch of us libs will be driving busses to the border and various ports. It's a requirement in the fine print of the contract we signed with Soros in order to get our twice-monthly Marxist Agitator Check®, more commonly known as Big MACs for those of you not familiar with the process.
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My mistake. I should have said House of Representatives. I often call them Congress as they are congressmen and women. We don’t refer to our Senators as Congressmen/women. HR is what I meant.

I’m also fully aware of the bill that Trump killed in the Senate.

The question asked was: You tell me what are they doing? What kind of border security/immigration reform measures have been up for vote and who voted against them?

HR2 was passed by H.R. Sat on in the Senate. All Democrats in the House voted against the bill.

The Senate bill failed the procedural vote, mostly due to Republicans following the orders of Trump. However it did not receive full support by the Democrats.
You answered your own question. There was a bi-partisan bill that was quashed by Trump. Congress will not be able to do anything without a bi-partisan bill at this point. Perhaps after the election that might be possible.

As long as you have Trump leading the republicans and a House or Senate with a majority of republicans this issue will remain.
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You answered your own question. There was a bi-partisan bill that was quashed by Trump. Congress will not be able to do anything without a bi-partisan bill at this point. Perhaps after the election that might be possible.

As long as you have Trump leading the republicans and a House or Senate with a majority of republicans this issue will remain.
Keep trusting the media that covered for your elected, now ousted Prez. Fox was right about it and more. Talk about a cult and suckers...or did yall forget already?