How will Donald Trump deport 20 million people?

I don't need to. I see them busting their asses every day. Meanwhile I see white trash buying lottery tickets, with their kids begging for mountain dew.
To be fair though not every immigrant is a great worker either. Im sure a huge portion of this country considers West Virginia's population white trash but I bet less than 5% of the country is willing to work a day in mines.
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To be fair though not every immigrant is a great worker either. Im sure a huge portion of this country considers West Virginia's population white trash but I bet less than 5% of the country is willing to work a day in mines.
Why would you want to? West Virginia is not exactly an economic haven.
Why would you want to? West Virginia is not exactly an economic haven.
I was just making a point to Jimmy McGill's post which he even liked. Not every immigrant is a hard or amazing worker just like not every whatever you deem as white trash is a POS

I swear you only can get off by being confrontational towards me.
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One at a time.
That doesn't seem efficient. So, you are saying 20 million with individual hearings?
How are you paying for this? Are you saying you will be able to do this with no additional human resources?
Will you be okay having to carry proof of citizenship with you or risk detention?
The responses from the left on this issue just illustrates that they are bad faith actors.

The surge was intentional and their flaunting of the laws is intentional.

And these same bad faith actors expect Republicans to come to the table and cut a deal on immigration.

Reasonable people know that Democrats have no intention of enforcing any law, existing or new, that they are at odds with.
Another response with no concrete plans.
How are you fixing this mess that totally didn't exist when Trump was president.
Be specific.
OP: How did Hitler kill 11 million during the Holocaust?
By fueling ethnic and religious animosity. By dehumanizing the groups he targeted. By bending the judicial system to his will. To lots and lots of Germans being complicit in the murdering.
I assume several of our more alpha posters here will be willing to sign up for a brute squad to round up the suspected illegals for processing and deportation.
The responses from the left on this issue just illustrates that they are bad faith actors.

The surge was intentional and their flaunting of the laws is intentional.

And these same bad faith actors expect Republicans to come to the table and cut a deal on immigration.

Reasonable people know that Democrats have no intention of enforcing any law, existing or new, that they are at odds with.
A bad faith actor would be a shit stain who is not even in government but uses his influence to stop the toughest bipartisan legislation on immigration ever that would have passed. Not even because they have what they believe is better ideas, but because it is politically motivated.
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Sounds expensive and impractical.
Agree the # is impractical; but way more expensive to keep them here. And if the next president stops the thousands coming in daily, that kinda counts towards that # in my book. If it’s dipshit Don, so be it. If it’s Kamela or another Dem, ok as well. Either way, I don’t think there is a educated person left in America that doesn’t think this is an issue

You know what else is expensive - forgiving debt that people knowingly and willingly took out; yet I guarantee you agree with that
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Thinking realistically about the organizational, financial and logistical requirements needed to deport that many illegal aliens from the United States, not to mention the required workforce, I see it as a laughable campaign promise. An incredibly laughable promise. The money required to even attempt that could be invested far more shrewdly towards "improving" our immigration problem.
yeah, not really a realistic option. Listening to what candidates say during the election is usually laughable.
Not being realistic doesn't mean illegal immigration isn't an important issue.
yeah, not really a realistic option. Listening to what candidates say during the election is usually laughable.
Not being realistic doesn't mean illegal immigration isn't an important issue.
If illegal immigration was an important issue congress would do something... right?

You tell me what are they doing? What kind of border security/immigration reform measures have been up for vote and who voted against them?
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Agree the # is impractical; but way more expensive to keep them here. And if the next president stops the thousands coming in daily, that kinda counts towards that # in my book. If it’s dipshit Don, so be it. If it’s Kamela or another Dem, ok as well. Either way, I don’t think there is a educated person left in America that doesn’t think this is an issue

You know what else is expensive - forgiving debt that people knowingly and willingly took out; yet I guarantee you agree with that
Senator Lankford thought it was important. He had a plan.

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