Hunter Biden jury HAS reached a verdict

The device was verified.

I see nothing in your post asserting the information ON the device was verified using forensic techniques.
And that was confirmed by the Prosecution witness who testified that she did not have that expertise during trial.
States right in the testimony you are full of shit.
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The mirrored evidence was based on the laptop, and was corroboration. Without the laptop, they would not have been able to get the mirrored information.

Special counsel David Weiss argued in court filings that attorneys for Hunter Biden had not "provided any evidence or information that shows that his laptop contains false information," and the judge agreed to admit it as evidence.

With that in context mind, prosecutors said they cross-referenced every email, WhatsApp message, iMessage, and text message they found with Apple Inc. to establish the credibility of the data. ~ ABC News
Federal prosecutor Derek Hines questioned FBI special agent Erica Jensen on the laptop and federal investigators’ process of verifying its data to prove the device and its contents are authentic before introducing exhibits from the laptop as evidence at trial.

Jensen detailed how law enforcement obtained the laptop’s hard drive in fall 2019 after receiving a tip from a computer store. Hines presented the physical laptop to Jensen, and she held it up for the entire courtroom to see, causing murmurs among the reporters seated in the gallery.

The FBI used forensic tools to extract data from the laptop after obtaining a search warrant, Jensen said as she went into how the device was verified.

Federal investigators verified the laptop data by cross-referencing Biden’s iCloud storage accounts with the computer’s serial number, Jensen testified. She was brought into the Biden investigation in fall 2023 and got up to speed with all of the materials ahead of the trial. Last year, IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley gave similar testimony before Congress on how the laptop was verified. ~ National Review

You are trying to move the goalpost again. No surprise there, because you are supremely talented at that. Maybe the best ever. Everyone knows it. Everyone's saying it.
Joe is a propagandist. Nothing more than that.

As if the defense wouldn't have thrown a fit if the contents of the laptop were fake. The laptop is physically real but not the contents isn't the type of thing defense counsel wouldn't have attacked on cross or with the judge.
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The mirrored evidence was based on the laptop

That is what I'd already told you. They found VERIFIED information in Cloud services and DID NOT NEED to verify the information on the laptop.

I've stated this for you about 6 times now.
The mirrored evidence was based on the laptop, and was corroboration. Without the laptop, they would not have been able to get the mirrored information.


W/o the laptop, they could still have access those Cloud services and info via subpoenas.
That would require changing immigration laws.

Nope, an emergency declaration could be used to close the border today,... What do you think we would do if Mexican troops invaded?,.. We would close the phucking border immediately.
Yes. Actually, we do.
And the Border Patrol has said so, many many times.

No,.. We have adequate border staff to accommodate the volume of immigrants and asylum seekers that we should be allowing entry at this time,.. This is our country, we get to decide how to best handle the flow, and by extension how fast approved applicants are allowed to enter,..Right now the tail is wagging the dog. Let them stand in line and wait their turn....
Nope, an emergency declaration could be used to close the border today,... What do you think we would do if Mexican troops invaded?,.. We would close the phucking border immediately.
so we shouldn't pass legislation because EOs (which can be overturned at any time) are better?

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so we shouldn't pass legislation because EOs (which can be overturned at any time) are better?


No, stop being an idiot.. Congress needs to develop and pass improved border legislation, but while we wait for that to happen, the president must always be using every available tool to manage the problem,... Close the border to make things safe, Congress won't like that, so perhaps Congress finally gets off their ass...
I give zero f*cks who you “would much rather have”. You never voted for Biden and you’re so far from the middle of the road you’re mowing down the weeds beyond the shoulder. Don’t pretend you’re something you’re not - you sound like a moran. Just admit you’re okay with a president who would burn the Constitution to stay in power. Be. Honest.
In case anyone else is interested this is what I found.
The Morans are young men of the Maasai community, from the ages of 14 to 30, who are trained as warriors to provide protection to society.
Not sure why anyone would use this as an insult when they are a group of people tying to protect.
What a moron.
No, stop being an idiot.. Congress needs to develop and pass improved border legislation, but while we wait for that to happen, the president must always be using every available tool to manage the problem...
that's what happened...the legislation developed by congress just wasn't improved enough - which is a constantly moving target...especially in an election year

trump came out against the bill before it was even released..his opposition had nothing to do with the specifics in the bill...his opposition was simply over the potential elimination of being able to campaign by screaming about the border

changing the flawed programs (like our asylum system) is done through legislation...anything that doesn't address those fundamental flaws is just window dressing for the next campaign
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In case anyone else is interested this is what I found.
The Morans are young men of the Maasai community, from the ages of 14 to 30, who are trained as warriors to provide protection to society.
Not sure why anyone would use this as an insult when they are a group of people tying to protect.
What a moron.
It's a meme, Sherlock.

that's what happened...the legislation developed by congress just wasn't improved enough - which is a constantly moving target...especially in an election year

trump came out against the bill before it was even released..his opposition had nothing to do with the specifics in the bill...his opposition was simply over the potential elimination of being able to campaign by screaming about the border

changing the flawed programs (like our asylum system) is done through legislation...anything that doesn't address those fundamental flaws is just window dressing for the next campaign

And until that legislation happens potus needs to act with what he has,... Apparently Biden has nothing.
No, stop being an idiot.. Congress needs to develop and pass improved border legislation, but while we wait for that to happen, the president must always be using every available tool to manage the problem,... Close the border to make things safe, Congress won't like that, so perhaps Congress finally gets off their ass...
And Congress is perfectly content to let the president act thru executive orders, then criticize him for not doing more/doing too much…this is not a problem that can be even close to addressed thru EOs.
And Congress is perfectly content to let the president act thru executive orders, then criticize him for not doing more/doing too much…this is not a problem that can be even close to addressed thru EOs.

Trump managed to create a patchwork of executive orders that provided a better condition than what we currently have,.. Biden is exacerbating the problem by not acting.
I'll even expand a bit. It's been used on here for many years. People will use it occasionally hoping someone that thinks they're smart will correct them.

You fell for it hook, line, and sinker. Nice work!

Funny I’ve been on here for a while and I have never seen that meme used on here. Hell I’ve never seen it anywhere.
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Funny I’ve been on here for a while and I have never seen that meme used on here. Hell I’ve never seen it anywhere.
Funny, if you use the search you can get 10 pages of people using "moran." And I know I'll have to explain it out for you, but they don't misspell it on accident. It's on purpose because of the meme of the guy holding the sign.

Like I mentioned, occasionally it's used to see if anyone will try and correct the person. Sometimes it's just used for shits and giggles instead of saying "moron." It's fun to change things up sometimes. I hope this helps! Have a great afternoon and even better evening, Champ!
Funny, if you use the search you can get 10 pages of people using "moran." And I know I'll have to explain it out for you, but they don't misspell it on accident. It's on purpose because of the meme of the guy holding the sign.

Like I mentioned, occasionally it's used to see if anyone will try and correct the person. Sometimes it's just used for shits and giggles instead of saying "moron." It's fun to change things up sometimes. I hope this helps! Have a great afternoon and even better evening, Champ!
The idiot fell for it? Classic. Just like, pepsi, WOB, this place has its own terminology.
Trump managed to create a patchwork of executive orders that provided a better condition than what we currently have,.. Biden is exacerbating the problem by not acting.
Nearly all of his executive orders got cut down thru the courts.
Without the laptop they wouldn't have had the device ID that was used in the subpoena.
They had other sources. Including the GF, who routinely accessed his accounts.

You seem to want to steer away from the prior claim that "information on the laptop was used at trial"....
They had other sources. Including the GF, who routinely accessed his accounts.

You seem to want to steer away from the prior claim that "information on the laptop was used at trial"....
Geez you two no one cares about the laptop used in this trial against HB.

But is it the smoking gun for Joe's "crimes"? It doesn't sound like it.
They had other sources. Including the GF, who routinely accessed his accounts.

You seem to want to steer away from the prior claim that "information on the laptop was used at trial"....
I've posted 2 neutral news sources on that issue. I'm done with you trying to move the goalpost in an effort to avoid admitting you were wrong. The FBI used the evidence from the laptop. They showed how they corroborated that evidence from other sources. It's really that simple. Speaking of simple.....

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