Hunter Biden jury HAS reached a verdict

If your absurd conjecture was close to being correct, the defense would have made numerous motions to have the laptop evidence excluded completely, as well as numerous objections to the laptop evidence presented at trial.

What evidence obtained from the laptop was admitted at trial?
What evidence obtained from the laptop was admitted at trial?
Honestly, I personally don’t really care. But there are posters just convinced that there’s the holy grail in there that proves Joe is guilty…of something.

Despite the fact that they’ve had it for 4 years and didn’t have any of it for their impeachment hearings.
We. Send. Them. Back.

Sorry not sorry you don’t like your life in El Salvador, Venezuela, or China…etc… maybe those countries should figure it the f**k out.
As you probably know, in one of his last acts in office, trump signed an executive order blocking the removal of Venezuelans from the US because they are strong supporters of his, they love dictators. So 150,000 Venezuelans, who could have been removed, he protected. Rubio was very much in favor as well, “America remains a beacon of hope and freedom for many, and now eligible Venezuelan nationals in the U.S. will receive much-needed temporary immigration relief,” Sen. Marco Rubio, a Republican of Florida, said in a statement praising the decision.
This doesn’t affect me at all. Trump does not hurt my feelings or upset me due to him lying about f**king a porn star or having classified docs at Mar-a-Lago.

The kind of shit that catches my attention is people celebrating the life of a dude like George Floyd….

…People supporting the idea that White folks should inherently feel a sense of guilt for simply being White.

…People not taking a firm stand against transgender males competing with females…

…Not addressing the border so you can get more votes (from mainly illegals) and appease the groups screaming for equality and opportunity…

Those are a few notable topics/circumstances that have turned me against Joe.
So was this an America that you always wanted or is this an America that other people/news told you to want?
I would MUCH rather have a “narcissistic asshole” than Joe Biden. I just don’t care about the asshole, tough-guy persona. It does not bother me.

If we want to continue to be a top nation, we need to have a hard-nosed approach. We don’t need a leader that jumps on board with every trend that pops up (celebrating George Floyd, White people guilt etc etc etc…).
I give zero f*cks who you “would much rather have”. You never voted for Biden and you’re so far from the middle of the road you’re mowing down the weeds beyond the shoulder. Don’t pretend you’re something you’re not - you sound like a moran. Just admit you’re okay with a president who would burn the Constitution to stay in power. Be. Honest.
So was this an America that you always wanted or is this an America that other people/news told you to want?
“More votes (from mainly illegals)” gives it away. This idiot is deep-fried MAGAt trying to play a role so ludicrous no one would buy it for a second.
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No; I'm reiterating to you what she testified to.

She performed NO forensic testing and was not qualified to address that point.
Go look that up, if you need a refresher.

You are continually befuddled by false right-wing talking points; perhaps change where you collect your news from.
As usual when you aren't lying you are full of shit. This time you full of shit and a liar at the same damned time.

Federal prosecutor Derek Hines questioned FBI special agent Erica Jensen on the laptop and federal investigators’ process of verifying its data to prove the device and its contents are authentic before introducing exhibits from the laptop as evidence at trial.

Jensen detailed how law enforcement obtained the laptop’s hard drive in fall 2019 after receiving a tip from a computer store. Hines presented the physical laptop to Jensen, and she held it up for the entire courtroom to see, causing murmurs among the reporters seated in the gallery.

The FBI used forensic tools to extract data from the laptop after obtaining a search warrant, Jensen said as she went into how the device was verified.

Federal investigators verified the laptop data by cross-referencing Biden’s iCloud storage accounts with the computer’s serial number, Jensen testified. She was brought into the Biden investigation in fall 2023 and got up to speed with all of the materials ahead of the trial. Last year, IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley gave similar testimony before Congress on how the laptop was verified.
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I give zero f*cks who you “would much rather have”. You never voted for Biden and you’re so far from the middle of the road you’re mowing down the weeds beyond the shoulder. Don’t pretend you’re something you’re not - you sound like a moran. Just admit you’re okay with a president who would burn the Constitution to stay in power. Be. Honest.
I’m sorry you’re so incredibly hurt that Biden’s decisions in the past 3 years have turned many people away.

I can’t continue arguing in this thread - it’s tiresome.

I’m voting for DT and I hope he wins, taking care of business in multiple what-once-were Blue states.

If your absurd conjecture was close to being correct, the defense would have made numerous motions to have the laptop evidence excluded completely, as well as numerous objections to the laptop evidence presented at trial.

Keep doubling down. That's something you are the absolute master of. Maybe the best ever. Everyone knows it, and everyone is saying it. It's a tremendous, tremendous talent. Beautiful, really.
Are you also a lawyer now? Finance definitely didn't work.
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I’m sorry you’re so incredibly hurt that Biden’s decisions in the past 3 years have turned many people away.

I can’t continue arguing in this thread - it’s tiresome.

I’m voting for DT and I hope he wins, taking care of business in multiple what-once-were Blue states.


He's deported more than Trump
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This was the crime least associated with Joe, it's also the least common to be charged... this is a front. It's a show verdict and will have a show sentencing giving the cover needed to say "look, we jailed the president's son, no one is above the law, including a former president."
So yes? No?
I think all of the JB border supporters and those who blame Republicans live in Martha's Vineyard.
the defense would have made numerous motions to have the laptop evidence excluded completely
They didn't use the laptop "evidence"; they had mirrored evidence on online cloud accounts, etc.

Info on the laptop was not needed, as it was available elsewhere.
You do not appear very well informed on the trial evidence, here, Cletus.
What evidence obtained from the laptop was admitted at trial?

None of it.

Everything was from cloud-based accounts or mirrors of anything on it.

@Finance won't be able to identify anything, but he'll bail here and just pretend he never made this claim.
The FBI used forensic tools to extract data from the laptop after obtaining a search warrant, Jensen said as she went into how the device was verified.
The device was verified.

I see nothing in your post asserting the information ON the device was verified using forensic techniques.
And that was confirmed by the Prosecution witness who testified that she did not have that expertise during trial.
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I’m sorry you’re so incredibly hurt that Biden’s decisions in the past 3 years have turned many people away.

I can’t continue arguing in this thread - it’s tiresome.

I’m voting for DT and I hope he wins, taking care of business in multiple what-once-were Blue states.

Can you speak to the Trump order blocking removal of 150,000 Venezuelans before you go? Why would he keep murderers and rapists in the country? Some of them speak languages we don’t even know about. Was he simply creating voters?
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The device was verified.

I see nothing in your post asserting the information ON the device was verified using forensic techniques.
And that was confirmed by the Prosecution witness who testified that she did not have that expertise during trial.
YOU DIE ON THAT HILL BUDDY. Nobody does it better than this guy.
Yea, funny how NONE of said evidence was admitted in Biden's impeachment

Because nothing had any chain of custody. Nor forensic verification.

They could certainly use info on it to look for corroborating info in Cloud accounts, which have no such chain of custody or forensic verification needed. Which is the extent of what they did.

Because nothing had any chain of custody. Nor forensic verification.

They could certainly use info on it to look for corroborating info in Cloud accounts, which have no such chain of custody or forensic verification needed. Which is the extent of what they did.
for the 30th year in a row, republicans have rock solid proof of a democrat candidate or president being corrupt and are just deciding not to use it to hold that person accountable

you'd think eventually some people would question whether the evidence is all it's made up to be by the same people who never seem to want to actually do anything with that evidence
Ever though that the Repubs are also preventing Hunter's laptop info to be release because the Trump pee tape is in it?
No. I don't think Hunter would be jacking off to that. I guess it's possible though.
No; it hasn't. And you don't seem to be able to come up with one piece that was ONLY on the laptop and not obtained elsewhere.
You are in denial. It's contents were presented in a federal trial by an FBI agent, who testified as to the possibility of tampering.
You are in denial. It's contents were presented in a federal trial by an FBI agent, who testified as to the possibility of tampering.

No; she did not. She asserted that she did not see any evidence, but she did not run a forensic analysis. It's literally in the testimony.
They didn't use the laptop "evidence"; they had mirrored evidence on online cloud accounts, etc.

Info on the laptop was not needed, as it was available elsewhere.
You do not appear very well informed on the trial evidence, here, Cletus.
The mirrored evidence was based on the laptop, and was corroboration. Without the laptop, they would not have been able to get the mirrored information.

Special counsel David Weiss argued in court filings that attorneys for Hunter Biden had not "provided any evidence or information that shows that his laptop contains false information," and the judge agreed to admit it as evidence.

With that in context mind, prosecutors said they cross-referenced every email, WhatsApp message, iMessage, and text message they found with Apple Inc. to establish the credibility of the data. ~ ABC News
Federal prosecutor Derek Hines questioned FBI special agent Erica Jensen on the laptop and federal investigators’ process of verifying its data to prove the device and its contents are authentic before introducing exhibits from the laptop as evidence at trial.

Jensen detailed how law enforcement obtained the laptop’s hard drive in fall 2019 after receiving a tip from a computer store. Hines presented the physical laptop to Jensen, and she held it up for the entire courtroom to see, causing murmurs among the reporters seated in the gallery.

The FBI used forensic tools to extract data from the laptop after obtaining a search warrant, Jensen said as she went into how the device was verified.

Federal investigators verified the laptop data by cross-referencing Biden’s iCloud storage accounts with the computer’s serial number, Jensen testified. She was brought into the Biden investigation in fall 2023 and got up to speed with all of the materials ahead of the trial. Last year, IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley gave similar testimony before Congress on how the laptop was verified. ~ National Review

You are trying to move the goalpost again. No surprise there, because you are supremely talented at that. Maybe the best ever. Everyone knows it. Everyone's saying it.
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