HWC $146,785 Raised! Goal- 100K

Have a idea for fund rasier. Our small golf course in Elmore,Mn needed some money so they had a .hog roast. Sold 250 tickets at 100.00 each. We had 26 cash pay back. Maybe not as many for this. We paid back 8,800 so made 16,200 not bad for club that has less than a 100 members. Maybe some of u in larger cities could work on this or something like it could sell many more tickets. Just a thought.
Last edited: have hit a nerve with me with this suggestion. The hog roast is one of the greatest social gatherings that I've enjoyed in my 42 years on this planet. From going to pig roasts hosted by others when I was a kid growing up in Coon Rapids, IA to hosting annual pig roasts when we lived in NJ for 8 years (believe me, this was a culture shock to our friends and neighbors out there). I have a feeling that a HWC sponsored hog roast in the DSM area would be very well received. A reconnection with so many of our roots. Love the idea.
Who would be the best person to send an email to in the admin to bitch about them directly helping tOSU and PSU pass us up?

Maybe we need a pedophile scandal in the football ranks so they will actually put some backing to other sports, instead of hamstring them, to help build back the good name of the University.

That is one messed up post. :eek: have hit a nerve with me with this suggestion. The hog roast is one of the greatest social gatherings that I've enjoyed in my 42 years on this planet. From going to pig roasts hosted by others when I was a kid growing up in Coon Rapids, IA to hosting annual pig roasts when we lived in NJ for 8 years (believe me, this was a culture shock to our friends and neighbors out there). I have a feeling that a HWC sponsored hog roast in the DSM area would be very well received. A reconnection with so many of our roots. Love the idea.
We'll add it to the list!
Mr. Nichols--- My sincerest thanks -- only one with a bigger smile then me is Tom Brands and Luke. We appreciate the money, the support and other things that were discussed. Just wow.

For the group--this is for real --- I'm changing the total right now ! Should be included as a donation yesterday-- but I keep them confidential unless someone posts it-

New total- $69,245
Another 50K

Not at all. Every dollar counts......Remember....time, talent and treasure. Help out in any way you can!!!

We need to come together and get behind our staff. Go. Roll. Giant

Wow. Inspiring. I just reached back into my pocket and threw a little more into the kitty.

Last week 100k was over the top ridiculous and now someone just got us more than half way there. Let's all finish it.

Wish I were closer than 10 hours away because I think this HWC banquet is going to be a great time.

Go Hawks!
Well, I guess someone listened to my encouragement that we boost our total this week to over $20,000!! Rather than sitting back and saying, cool, Bob has boosted the total wayyyy above what we could imagine, so we don't have to keep going.....WRONG!! Let's keep going!! We're at $70,000 right now - how quickly can we reach the $75,000 mark? When our next paycheck comes, we should figure out how we can give a little more ;)
True confession time. I have had a cloud of darkness in my psyche since Nats. Then the ISU news..........
But this endeavor has given me sunshine. Getting $$ to HWC could also have a huge effect on the thinking of recruits, Olympians, and many others in the wrestling community.
Thanks to all. Go Hawks.