Absolutely, GG. We were never going to reach our goals by relying solely on the HR crowd. The numbers are there, but the target audience most certainly lies outside of HR. That said, our numbers will improve quite a bit early next year when fans who have already made their 2017 HWC donation transition from annual to automatic monthly giving.
As you say, the effort is underway to expand our reach. Still, the easiest way to start reaching the target audience is for every fan on HR to identify a list of friends and family who support Iowa wrestling but don't frequent HR and ask them to join the Hawkeye 5,000. I was just beginning to compile such a list, myself. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to calculate how the number of automatic monthly donors would explode if each of the 630 fans who frequent HR reaches 5-10 fans.
Of course, the 35 needs to get a whole lot closer to 630, as well. If you're a diehard fan and have yet to join the 5,000, time to hop on board! If you're planning to go monthly at the beginning of 2018, that's cool, too.
All hands on deck!