HWC Des Moines Golf Outing - Roll Call

Was it Team Wrestlestat?
Not sure. Maybe Andegre can tell us. Speaking of Andegre, I never got to meet you, man! We're coming for you guys next year! Just a little tweak of the swing, and BOOM! I think we got a 53 in us.
Not sure. Maybe Andegre can tell us. Speaking of Andegre, I never got to meet you, man! We're coming for you guys next year! Just a little tweak of the swing, and BOOM! I think we got a 53 in us.
I'm pretty sure I can name one of the sandbaggers, and I wasn't there! ;)
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Record attendance and record funds raised for a HWC golf outing today! Tremendous energy, and an incredible turnout by the HWC. The entire Iowa staff was on hand, with almost all of the HWC wrestlers. All very gracious and thankful for Iowa fans' support. Fantastic day for any Iowa wrestling fan. I HIGHLY recommend it to anyone with interest in Iowa wrestling. Lots of great interaction with coaches, wrestlers, and other fans, and tons of positive energy. No need to be a good golfer -- our entire foursome pretty much stunk up the course -- but we had a blast in the process.

Lets' set another record next year, DSM!
Maybe we can get hawks150 over to DSM next year!