I am covid positive!

Getting one vaccination a year is "so many"?

I've gotten annual flu shots probably since college.
Why would I change that, or do anything different with Covid (which mutates far faster and has more serious sequelae than flu)?
Now you're being dishonest. Brian has touted 7+ pokes. He likely got the first two which, iirc, were first available in Dec 2020, so he's likely got 9 injections total in a span of 4 years. I think asking what his comorbidities are is a fair question. For example, per the CDC list, I have zero, therefore I have zero boosters and breezed through COVID back in 2022 like a mild cold. Fast forward to Jan 2024 and the flu B knocked me on my arse. Everyone's different.

As I've stated time and time again, I believe the vaccine has kept my MIL alive; she gets the booster each year and has had COVID 3x---breezed through each one and she has:

- obesity
- diabetes
- heart disease
- kidney disease
- high blood pressure

I'm pretty certain she is a host body.
Fevers are nothing to be concerned with unless it gets over 104. The fever is your body fighting off the virus. I don’t even bother taking anti fever meds unless I’m uncomfortable.
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How long does the boosters efficacy last?

Do we know?
Per the internet (which is the same as asking Joe):

  • Protection against infection starts to wane after about 2–6 months, depending on the variant and individual immune response.
  • Protection against severe illness and hospitalization lasts longer, typically 6–12 months or more for most people.
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Fevers are nothing to be concerned with unless it gets over 104. The fever is your body fighting off the virus. I don’t even bother taking anti fever meds unless I’m uncomfortable.

How many covid vaccines has your Father received so far?

Did he ever catch covid?
How long does the boosters efficacy last?

Do we know?
Depends on how fast Covid mutates, and whether the new protein target remains a match.

Much like flu vaccines have worked for decades - CDC groups make the best guess at what will circulate, and sometimes they guess right other times they do not.

Of course - Trump's and Elno's "teams" just cancelled the CDC meeting for the fall flu vaccine planning, so we may not get anything useful for flu or Covid this fall. While they may "uncancel" that meeting, it is to be seen how soon they can get the same teams of people - who can be from all across the country in epidemiology departments - to re-convene.

It's like if they canceled the Final Four a week before the games, and then have to figure out a date and location to reschedule; you're not going to be able to put on the same event a week or two later in a new location w/o spending a shitload of money, and causing major inconveniences for all involved.
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My last covid vaccine was on September 29.

Do you think that's helping my current case or did the vaccine wear off?
You might want to get your blood tested every time you get a booster. Then your doctor can let you know when the switch has been made to an IgG4-dominant class.

At which point you'll be immune compromised. 🫤
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Hopefully it doesn't lead to long covid.

My cousin's wife had long covid so bad she had to quit her job as a teacher.
There have been many reports that long covid only happens to people who took the shot. I would bet with no doubt in my mind she got the shot.
There have been many reports that long covid only happens to people who took the shot.

"many reports" = "more bullshit propaganda"

Long Covid happens MOST frequently in those UNvaccinated.
Vaccines have been shown to LOWER Long Covid risks in children (1-3% incidence) by 50% to 75%. For kids where that might impact a half or whole school year for them, that's a pretty significant reduction.
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I am talking about the real world. My money is on she got the shot. No doubt about it. Very hard to believe anyone in 2025 is still drinking the cool aid. I know I am right.
"many reports" = "more bullshit propaganda"

Long Covid happens MOST frequently in those UNvaccinated.
Vaccines have been shown to LOWER Long Covid risks in children (1-3% incidence) by 50% to 75%. For kids where that might impact a half or whole school year for them, that's a pretty significant reduction.

Do you think I'll have long covid?

My main worry is brain fog.
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No; it's five. 2020 counts as a year for fall vaccines.

2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024: 5 seasonal shots.
I've had 5 flu vaccines in that span

Covid required an initial 2 shots, so if you got at least one per season plus that, 6 minimum.
Brian when did you get your first pokes? 2020 or spring 2021 like most folks?
All teachers took the shot. She is suffering the side effects of the shot. There is no way the lie can continue. It's over. She may have been forced to take it against her will.
Moderate hypertension. That's it.

Did you attend medical school? Let me know your medical and scientific credentials please.

No med school here (although I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express once or twice).

I did, however, read on the CDC website (just like you and Joe) that COVID is VERY dangerous for people with comorbidities and since you seem to live in fear of COVID, I was naturally curious. My MIL was literally terrified of COVID during the 2020 pandemic and was one of the first in line to receive her vaccination. You just remind me of her, nothing more. While I couldn't find exact percentages for 2025, googles did indicate that previous data for COVID-19's infection fatality rate (IFR) looks pretty favorable. For individuals aged 0–34, the IFR was approximately 0.004%, increasing to 0.068% for those aged 35–44, and 0.23% for the 45–54 age group.

Glad you only have one, a "moderate" one [comorbidity]. Gives me peace that with or without the booster, you're likely to pull right through this and continue being a positive member of our HBOT community. 💪

Individuals with certain underlying medical conditions are at increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19. According to the CDC, these conditions include:
  • Cancer
  • Chronic kidney disease 👈MIL
  • Chronic liver disease
  • Chronic lung diseases 👈MIL
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Dementia or other neurological conditions
  • Diabetes (type 1 or type 2) 👈MIL
  • Heart conditions (Pulmonary hypertension) 👈MIL | 👈here's yours @BrianNole777
  • HIV infection
  • Immunocompromised state (weakened immune system) 👈MIL
  • Overweight and obesity (body mass index [BMI] over 25) 👈MIL
  • Physical inactivity 👈MIL
  • Pregnancy
  • Sickle cell disease or thalassemia
  • Smoking (current or former)
  • Solid organ or blood stem cell transplant
  • Stroke or cerebrovascular disease

FWIW, I have none of the above.
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The shingles Vax pressure has been on me for at leastb5 years. After all the lies were told by faci and Biden I will never ever get another shot. I won't even get a tetanus shot. They made that into some kind of combo shot now. Never had a flu shot , never got the flu. Never had covid shot and never got that either. And the big one. I had perfect attendance for 25 years from 95-2020. Never late , never sick. They fired me for refusing the covid shot. Was unemployed from 12/02/21 till after the supreme court ruled against Biden. 10 weeks off. How many people were injured by the shot mandate ? The democrats own it.
After all the lies were told by faci and Biden I will never ever get another shot.
I'll admit I enjoy razz'n Brian over the Covid vax, but what exactly were the lies? Personally, I define lies as intentional falsehoods meant to conceal the truth or cause harm. Presenting statistics and supposed facts that later turned out to be incorrect as more information became available isn’t what I would consider a lie (overzealous or over playing your hand, maybe). Are you referring to something more specific than the original 96% efficacy claim?
I won't even get a tetanus shot.
Why would you not get a vaccine that's been around as long as William Shatner? I got it last June when my dog bit me.
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Look at all the retarded children ? What caused it ? We all know it was the shots. Admit it. I don't have long covid. Not taking that chance. Don't trust it never will. Going to take a shot to prevent nothing. It's Russian roulette.
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Look at all the retarded children ? What caused it ? We all know it was the shots. Admit it. I don't have long covid. Not taking that chance. Don't trust it never will. Going to take a shot to prevent nothing. It's Russian roulette.
My mother's two sisters were born (1949, 1964)...they're "retarted" because of the COVID vaccine?
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My mother's two sisters were born (1949, 1964)...they're "retarted" because of the COVID vaccine?
What vacines did they get ? Before my time and I am not going to research it. Long covid due to covid shot. Proven fact. The great rise in retarded children due to dozens of shots required today. 1940's who knows what they did.
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