Have you ended any family or friend relationships because of Trump?

I have not ended any; I do have some with whom I spend less time - both friends and family. Have quite a few old high school friends who I often snooze for 30 days on Facebook.
When Trump tried to overthrow the government in 2020, I thought that would be a deal breaker for his base.

I was wrong. 😞
Yep. There is no dealbreaker with Trump.

I’m starting to believe in actual evil, as a metaphysical presence affecting humanity, because there is no other explanation for how Trump continues to have unwavering support.

There is no other explanation. I don’t know that I believe in religion, but if there was someone who could be the final antichrist, Trump could be it.
Yep. There is no dealbreaker with Trump.

I’m starting to believe in actual evil, as a metaphysical presence affecting humanity, because there is no other explanation for how Trump continues to have unwavering support.

There is no other explanation. I don’t know that I believe in religion, but if there was someone who could be the final antichrist, Trump could be it.
The libs are the ones cheering on Satanism, bro…
Per the topic. I gave up a friendship (quit going over) as the couple just was incessant about Trump and ignoring his weaknesses. I gave up a family relationship when two family members (not so close) were posting and going crazy about everyone who voted for Trump was mysogenistic.

So there it is. Both sides to the extreme are nuts.
Yep. There is no dealbreaker with Trump.

I’m starting to believe in actual evil, as a metaphysical presence affecting humanity, because there is no other explanation for how Trump continues to have unwavering support.

There is no other explanation. I don’t know that I believe in religion, but if there was someone who could be the final antichrist, Trump could be it.

America is a rapidly secularizing society. Church attendance is down to 20% weekly.

I have no doubt the current madness is driven, at least in large part, by the devil.
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33% of my friends are huge Dims. Some are hippy, vegetarian, save the earth dims. Some are pro-gay, trans, other wacko dims. Some are socialist, everyone gets a medal, tax the rich dims. We have things in common other than politics because our lives and self-esteem doesn't revolve around politics.
33% of my friends are huge Dims. Some are hippy, vegetarian, save the earth dims. Some are pro-gay, trans, other wacko dims. Some are socialist, everyone gets a medal, tax the rich dims. We have things in common other than politics because our lives and self-esteem doesn't revolve around politics.

33% of my friends are huge Dims. Some are hippy, vegetarian, save the earth dims. Some are pro-gay, trans, other wacko dims. Some are socialist, everyone gets a medal, tax the rich dims. We have things in common other than politics because our lives and self-esteem doesn't revolve around politics.
If you talk down to people in real life like you do on here I don’t believe you have enough friends on either side to make 33%. You seem to think you’re amusing and clever at all times but mainly just condescending and smug!
Is that a dude?


I walk away from discussions if they turn to politics with family and friends. Don’t want to go there with them and have family members on both sides pro Trump and pro Democrat/anti Trump. LoL. I don’t care your political views, just don’t talk about them at family gatherings.
If you talk down to people in real life like you do on here I don’t believe you have enough friends on either side to make 33%. You seem to think you’re amusing and clever at all times but mainly just condescending and smug!
I'm glad I come off as condescending and smug. That's exactly how I'm trying to come off.
My Dad is a life long Democrat and voted for Trump twice because he thought Trump would "shake things up" and "prevent World War 3."

That viewpoint makes no sense to me lol.

Brian, I hate to be the one to break this news to you, but your dad is actually a racist. He just doesn't know how to tell you.
No, but i can say it has cut down how much time I spend with some people. Those who have gone full on Maga hat, watch Fox a minimum of two hours a day, and find a way to blame liberals and the Democrats for everything, make visits shorter.

I can’t sit and listen to anyone spit stupidity out; I’ve got better ways to spend my time. Unfortunately, we all know someone who just can’t help but bring politics into every situation…no thank you.
Not politics directly, but my SIL's husband went off on my wife's family for going to my wife and I's wedding because it was not being held in a church. On a seperate ocasion he went off on my BIL for being pro-choice. My BIL told him if he didn't like it, he didn't have to come to family gatherings.

SIL's husband hasn't come to a christmas, thanskgiving, anything in 5 years. If we go to their house, he locks himself in the basement and doesn't talk to anyone. Dude can hold a grudge. Meanwhile, his wife has to lug their 5 kids around to every family event by herself because he won't come. It's actually more strange when we do see him at things.

He voted 3rd party in 2016, but Trump in 2020 and 2024.
My brother in law "Nate" has turned into a Trump supporter the last 2 years or so. He was a libertarian and they have gone far right. He's also an anti-vaxxer. He has 2 kids with my sister. (No pics) He's a great father overall.

I think Trump is a sociopath and I'm a pro-vaccine zealot with 7 covid vaccines in me.

Nate is from a liberal town in Wisconsin. His parent's have long been involved in Democratic politics. They are very nice and very old.

Over Christmas, Nate went to visit his family for a week in Wisconsin. Apparently, Nate's parents were very upset about Nate supporting Trump. They spent time telling Nate why Trump is bad. Nate's Uncle also had a family party and disinvited Nate because he voted for Trump.

Nate's brother sent him a long email about how bad Trump is and how God is a myth. (Nate also converted to Catholicism last year.)

I'm not sure how Nate responded. My sister (no pics) told me all this.

Hopefully, none of the family splinters because of this.

Anyone in a similar situation?

What happened? Have you ended relationships because of Trump?
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The people in Nebraska have voted away our own liberties, that is disturbing to me. I'm soon to be 65 and have lived in Nebraska my whole life. You choose this life because you want to be left alone, not bothered. I never thought I'd see a time when a well funded campaign would get Nebraskan's to vote against their self interest, and yet here we are. I respect their voices, but I'm not going to let it go without pointing to their stupidity.
I hear many leftists say people who vote for the other side “vote against their best interests”. How can you possibly know what their interests are? And how arrogant do you have to be to think you know far better than they all do about what their best interests are? Maybe their most important values are social? And why do I never complaints that a wealthy person who votes for a leftist candidate who promises to raise taxes on the wealthy is “voting against his best interests”?
I hear many leftists say people who vote for the other side “vote against their best interests”. How can you possibly know what their interests are? And how arrogant do you have to be to think you know far better than they all do about what their best interests are? Maybe their most important values are social? And why do I never complaints that a wealthy person who votes for a leftist candidate who promises to raise taxes on the wealthy is “voting against his best interests”?
Vote on culture and type of person candidate is rather than policy
Regardless of who’s doing it to whom or degree, I just think it’s pathetic, and frankly, precisely the opposite of what we need.
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I hear many leftists say people who vote for the other side “vote against their best interests”. How can you possibly know what their interests are? And how arrogant do you have to be to think you know far better than they all do about what their best interests are? Maybe their most important values are social? And why do I never complaints that a wealthy person who votes for a leftist candidate who promises to raise taxes on the wealthy is “voting against his best interests”?
I said they voted against their self interest, not their best interest.
Trump destroyed the farm economy his first term to the point where he had to send out bailout payments to the corporate farms to keep them in business. He has promised to do more of the same.

Over 40% of our ag workers are undocumented immigrants. He promised to deport them. Now the Governor and the Farm Bureau are pleading with him to leave our good migrants alone. He has promised to add tariffs on Canadian imports. The Canada is our largest oil importer. Lumber prices are about to go through the roof.

The list goes on, but I'm sure you will come back that he really didn't plan on doing those things. To me that means people voted for someone they knew was lying to them. Another example of voting against their self interest.

As I have said before, enjoy the honeymoon, the reality check is on the way, and it is owned by the Republicans.
The thing for parents to do is to cut their liberal kids out of their inheritance. The lib philosophy is that families shouldn’t accumulate wealth.
As the family lib, I supported my Mother for the last 5 years of her life. My oldest very Christian brother cut her out of his life in 2004. My 2 other Christian Evangelicals were both on disability and unable to support. One had problems enough of his own since his S-I-L got the whole family to help him flee from the Fraud trial sentencing and head down south where they started Walmarts on fire. all raised in the church by good conservative family. Mom died with -$1,500 after expenses.

I've seen enough examples of conservatives in my life. Gullible lot.
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My brother in law "Nate" has turned into a Trump supporter the last 2 years or so. He was a libertarian and they have gone far right. He's also an anti-vaxxer. He has 2 kids with my sister. (No pics) He's a great father overall.

I think Trump is a sociopath and I'm a pro-vaccine zealot with 7 covid vaccines in me.

Nate is from a liberal town in Wisconsin. His parent's have long been involved in Democratic politics. They are very nice and very old.

Over Christmas, Nate went to visit his family for a week in Wisconsin. Apparently, Nate's parents were very upset about Nate supporting Trump. They spent time telling Nate why Trump is bad. Nate's Uncle also had a family party and disinvited Nate because he voted for Trump.

Nate's brother sent him a long email about how bad Trump is and how God is a myth. (Nate also converted to Catholicism last year.)

I'm not sure how Nate responded. My sister (no pics) told me all this.

Hopefully, none of the family splinters because of this.

Anyone in a similar situation?

What happened? Have you ended relationships because of Trump?
No but my sister in law is a Trump voter mainly for stopping abortion. I pissed her off calling trump a crook, con man, cheat etc back in 2016. My brother is also who votes for trump but neither are loud about it.

And it is odd because they are very catholic, hence the prolife aspect, but they ignore Trump breaking most of the 10 commandments and spitting on the new testatment all the time on a daily basis. Their two kids are not trumpers, just a difference in generations and being more liberal
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She never referred to him as Dr It again, so I agree, I did. My dying mother lived several years beyond that, Dad had been dead for several years.

Giving birth to someone doesn't give people the right to be assholes.
Dr. It. Glad you were able to teach your dying mom a lesson...
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I think the fair way to ask the question is have you ended any family or friend relationships because of politics. I'm 100% certain if my FIL (wife's biological dad) knew I didn't support Trump, I'd no longer be welcomed in his home. The insanity goes both ways in this regard.
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The people in Nebraska have voted away our own liberties, that is disturbing to me. I'm soon to be 65 and have lived in Nebraska my whole life. You choose this life because you want to be left alone, not bothered. I never thought I'd see a time when a well funded campaign would get Nebraskan's to vote against their self interest, and yet here we are. I respect their voices, but I'm not going to let it go without pointing to their stupidity.
May I ask…what “liberties” did Nebraskans vote away?
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