I hate you if

You don't need to be concerned about me judging people with trucks. They fuggin complain all the time about small vehicles so spare me.
This isn't specifically addressed to you, but I'd like to explain MY reason for owning a crew cab Silverado...once we hit our 60s, getting OUT OF a vehicle after a 2+ hour drive and stepping down became a lot easier than pulling myself up out of a sedan.
Hell, I only NEED a truck maybe 6-8 times a year and am not vain enough to worry what anyone thinks.
I'm not big into SUVs either but they make sense to me as a family vehicle and don't look out of place in a commuter lot. And SUVs have gotten plenty of hate for a long time. If you are one of those people who just has to have a big high riding vehicle, SUV is the stylish choice. A "country boy" paper pusher in a pickup I'm not buying. Like you're trying to hard to stick to your roots. I like a minivan.
finally I get it. You hate country people. Why didn’t you say that from the start.
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When in my work truck I:

-back in every parking space. It’s company policy due to the truck’s limited field of vision.
-immediately slow down to ~40 mph (or less) when exiting the highway. Haha. Suck it.
-Will only go 5 mph over the limit in the left lane. People are rude and won’t let you in, so everyone can get pissed off. Really don’t care.
-when on a two lane road that gets tons of traffic, I’ll only go maybe 2-3 mph over the limit. It really irritates the f out of everyone.
-Come to a COMPLETE stop with an added pause at all red lights when making a right hand turn, as well as stop signs.

Obeying traffic laws is a good thing and I’ve found that many on the road get super angry. I implore them to call the office and complain about my GPS tracked vehicle obeying traffic laws.

In addition I use Waze, and I always check that the police aren’t there even when they are. Lol.
If you can’t properly make a meatloaf. The ketchup topping should be thin enough to caramelize and not be a damn river. There should be plenty of thin chopped peppers and onions. It should be just a bit crispy on the edges.
Protip: cook on a wire rack set on a cookie sheet so the bottom doesn't get soggy from the grease. Or smoke it.
finally I get it. You hate country people. Why didn’t you say that from the start.
I don't hate "country people" so much as phony country identity. The "country" Iowans I've known have parents who talk and sound more like Dwight Eisenhower than yeet yeet Yankee rebel. These "country" folks learned their affectations from media along with their identity. It's literally the same as a 12 year old in 2000 trying to look and talk like Eminem only they don't see it as phony.
I was always taught to look both ways before crossing the street.
I realize a person in the crosswalk has the right of way but when a person steps out in front of me without looking but straight ahead it pisses me off. What if my brakes should fail?
You're dead and their family are morning that you're dead but counting all the money my insurance will pay because my breaks failed for some reason. My God at leased look before stepping out.
I hear you on this. I watch people do this all the time when I'm hoofing it and they just count on the right of way with the noise cancelling headphones in like they've never heard of distracted driving. Sometimes at busier intersections if we're both waiting and I can see the driver waiting in the turning lane, I'll try to make eye contact before I even start crossing. Bothers me less when I'm driving for whatever reason but I get anxious when I watch someone ahead of me on the sidewalk just go for it.
…vote for Trump in 2024. The nation is better off without your wasting oxygen. Please, die in a fire.

I pulled into a spot at a convenience store downtown one time. Apparently, home slice was going to back in before I did that. He came into the store after me and said "hey man, you need to watch what the hell you're doing, I was backing into that spot." I had a simple response, "learn how to fvcking park" and I walked away. Morons.
If that was in Phoenix, 75% chance one of you pulls a weapon and shoots the other.
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Back in parkers should be given a death sentence
When I was young kid I used to jump of my roof with cape/bath towel tucked into my shirt collar as a superhero in training, now I’m forced to back in just in case I get called up.
Don't you work in agriculture? Obvious truck situation. I work in banking industry. The people in the parking lots at work need a pickup 4 weekends per year to tow something an SUV or minivan could handle easily. Purely recreation. They also love to accelerate recklessly and weave in and out of lanes when there's snow/ice because AWD can handle the acceleration and I guess they're confident that the road is clear ahead for whatever reason and they'll always be able to stop in time or not go sideways on an ice patch. Stupid me, driving cautiously in hazardous conditions like I was taught.
I do work in ag. Driving a pickup and being a douchebag doesn’t go hand-in-hand though. It’s kind of funny, where I live it’s the folks with EV’s and hybrids who drive like morons and think they own the road.
I do work in ag. Driving a pickup and being a douchebag doesn’t go hand-in-hand though. It’s kind of funny, where I live it’s the folks with EV’s and hybrids who drive like morons and think they own the road.

Look bro. It's urban cowboys I have a problem with. Not actual cowboys/ag people. Not trades guys who need to haul shit around. It's people who picked up the affectation from TV and became scene kids for the country affectation. They don't realize they're scene kids, they think they are being authentic or rootsy and it's hard not to feel embarrassed watching it.
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I've been doing lots of interstate driving lately. The two things that drive me crazy -

1. I have cruise at 75. I am behind a car in passing lane, passing a car or two, and they are driving 72, for example. I follow them at their speed for however long it takes to pass. THEN when they get by cars on the right, they immediately accelerate and change into the right lane, creating distance between them and me. By the time I catch back up to them, they pull into the left lane to pass the next semi they caught up to, and here I am going 72 again.

2. Cars who don't use cruise and pass me/I pass them over and over because they can't pick a speed. Often these cars will sit in my blind spot for a good bit of time, or I catch up to them, get along side, and then they accelerate away.
More than likely they are looking at their phones.