I predict ISU fans will be back when Iowa loses


Jan 29, 2015
but not a minute sooner
Originally posted by IronFist1776:
Good. That means we won't see them again until the Final Four. GO HAWKS!!!!!! WOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
LOL; wouldnt that be sweet!

now we just need to win and Gonzaga lose
Only pathetic losers come to rivals board all year and talk trash. Then when their team goes down they're to wussy to comeback here and face the music? That's the type of person I've avoided my whole life. So yes, they'll be here when we lose. Will give props to Loneclone though. He manned up.
Originally posted by hawkeye ball:
I'm feeling better about our chances now. Get by Davidson and roll the Zags boyz!
Dang, and look at the other side of the bracket: the winner of #11 UCLA and #14 UAB will play Iowa/Davidson/Gonzaga/N Dak State

Big time opportunity for the Hawks; Davidson is beatable; Gonzaga is beatable; #11 UCLA and #14 UAB on the other side are beatable; then we are talking Elite 8

Fans can talk like this. Lets hope the players are taking it one game at a time.
Originally posted by ROCKY MOUNTAIN HAWK:
Only pathetic losers come to rivals board all year and talk trash. Then when their team goes down they're to wussy to comeback here and face the music? That's the type of person I've avoided my whole life. So yes, they'll be here when we lose. Will give props to Loneclone though. He manned up.
you know what's crazy? i have no desire to go to their boards and post anything; sure, i will get some chuckles from what is posted on Cyclone Fanatic, but I have no desire to first off create an account and secondly, interact with them

But what do we have on Hawkeye message boards? Huskers and Cyclones.

Why is that?
Originally posted by OnceAhawk:

Originally posted by ROCKY MOUNTAIN HAWK:
Only pathetic losers come to rivals board all year and talk trash. Then when their team goes down they're to wussy to comeback here and face the music? That's the type of person I've avoided my whole life. So yes, they'll be here when we lose. Will give props to Loneclone though. He manned up.
you know what's crazy? i have no desire to go to their boards and post anything; sure, i will get some chuckles from what is posted on Cyclone Fanatic, but I have no desire to first off create an account and secondly, interact with them

But what do we have on Hawkeye message boards? Huskers and Cyclones.

Why is that?
Probably mostly because 100 caused the rivalry board to be premium only.
Originally posted by OnceAhawk:
but not a minute sooner
They'll swamp the board if we go down.....doesn't happen on Cyclone fanatic because they have multiple mods who are basically Nazi's and throw out the riff raff. I like that our board isn't so quick to pull the trigger but in instances like your scenario I wish they'd get after it bit more.
Originally posted by binsfeldcyhawk2:
Originally posted by OnceAhawk:
but not a minute sooner
They'll swamp the board if we go down.....doesn't happen on Cyclone fanatic because they have multiple mods who are basically Nazi's and throw out the riff raff. I like that our board isn't so quick to pull the trigger but in instances like your scenario I wish they'd get after it bit more.
yeah its amazing how quiet it is on here today
Originally posted by OnceAhawk:

yeah its amazing how quiet it is on here today
It's refreshing's amazing the amount of ISU trolls that frequent this's to the point where it's 50/50 on whether you're dealing with a hawk fan..

Even in the lounge there are clone fans that actually PAY to post on our site. Unbelievable....a couple actually got "outed" today because they couldn't handle the loss. We need a couple mods to weed out the worst offenders to make this board more enjoyable for actual hawk fans.