I see we are back to the children throwing tantrums.

Be better dems.

Burning down a Tesla Dealership in Seattle doesn't impact Eloon.

You want to be treated like an adult, act like one.
We drove by the SATX Tesla location on I-10 this weekend and there were a crap-ton of protestors out front. Every time I see that type of stuff I think to myself, "What a crappy way to spend the day!"
Violence and property destruction is so stupid and won’t solve anything. It will only make things worse.

It is also stupid to claim this is anything but a fringe set of loonies.
For me the irony is, you know damn well that 6 years ago every single one of them would have explained how ICEngines were the devil and we needed to get off fossil fuels......

This does however bring up another topic I thought about this weekend.

Side convo: we knew the war in Ukraine was over resources, we all thought it was the soil, it's the metals under the topsoil they want.

We are watching a war so we can spend a bunch of energy to get metal.out of the ground to ease our dependency on a fuel that's readily available.

It isn't about "wheat" and feeding people, it's about computer chips.
Violence and property destruction is so stupid and won’t solve anything. It will only make things worse.

It is also stupid to claim this is anything but a fringe set of loonies.
Violence and destruction and vandalism is wrong. I hate some people resort to that.

Also, doesn’t appear anyone burned down a Tesla dealership. But OP has always been a little loose with the facts when pushing a narrative.
Be better dems.

Burning down a Tesla Dealership in Seattle doesn't impact Eloon.

You want to be treated like an adult, act like one.
You think this is bad? Wait until social security checks stop showing up and medicare gets canceled while Elon brags about is new billion dollar government contract.
As Gaia intended.
Like a hotter Tulsi Gabbard.

I just googled looking for info on the burned down dealership with no luck, Anyone got a link?

Out of curiosity, how did you spell "google" or "seattle" or "burned" or "tesla" because there are dozens of news reports on it.

Out of curiosity, how did you spell "google" or "seattle" or "burned" or "tesla" because there are dozens of news reports on it.

So no dealership burned down, Thanks for clarifying.
Violence and property destruction is so stupid and won’t solve anything. It will only make things worse.

It is also stupid to claim this is anything but a fringe set of loonies.
no...the tweet said its democrats, so anyone who doesn't support trump and elon automatically supports this and is at least partially to blame

this is what "adults" think
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Again, No dealership burned down. It’s fun watching right wing mental gymnastics to avoid admitting they were wrong, Carry on.
And again, you are attempting to justify people Bruning property because the fire was put out.

A Child using child's justifications.

You are "j6 was a tourist visit" type also?
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Again, No dealership burned down. It’s fun watching right wing mental gymnastics to avoid admitting they were wrong, Carry on.
'They're only breaking glass, it's not like they're killing the Jews.'
- some German the morning after Kristallnacht, probably.
It’s behavior like this that led to Trump winning. Most people just want to get up, go to work, come home, spend time with their families, maybe do something fun on the weekend, then do it all over again. In other words, live their lives in peace. Other people just want to cause chaos and stir sh!t up because they actually believe what they’re doing is going to result in change for the better. That, and they have nothing better to do.

Newsflash… it’s not. Whether team red wins or team blue, there’s always going to be something fans … err, voters … from the other side perceives as bad, even if it’s actually good. Then they spend 4 years b!tching and whining and complaining about every little thing until the next election, then depending on which team … err, political party … wins, do it all over again.

Like it or not, humans are not capable of liking everybody and everything. But hey, keep trying to change minds and what not. Likely won’t work, but at least you’re doing something other than sitting around playing video games.

Anyway, what was I saying again? Something about a coupon?
Look, if you want to be known as the next Phenonemally Frantastic, have at it.
Look, if you want to go down with the children, have at it.

But to the adults in the room, the children burning shit because they didn't get their way, have no place.

You didn't raise 1.4 billion dollars in 100 days and give yourself half a chance at winning because these people were heard, you did it because reasonable corporate dems told them to shut up for 100 days.
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Other people just want to cause chaos and stir sh!t up because they actually believe what they’re doing is going to result in change for the better. That, and they have nothing better to do.
Isn't that what the Trump team has been doing since inauguration?