If project 25 becomes reality

If project 25 becomes the new America, will you stay?

  • Moving out of the fascist country

    Votes: 9 18.8%
  • Hell no, staying put. **** your socialist public programs

    Votes: 8 16.7%
  • Reluctantly staying to see what happens

    Votes: 14 29.2%
  • What’s project 25?

    Votes: 12 25.0%
  • See results

    Votes: 5 10.4%

  • Total voters
Damn you all for making me go somewhere I've never gone before to find Trump's Agenda 47, (Trump's website), but I'll continue to call bullshit both ways when I see it (when I want to take time to do so).

This is Trump's agenda 47, the agenda he backs:

Fear mongering over Project2025 is quite the diversion, but it's crap.

Now I'm not taking the time to do it, but I'm sure the two plans have commonalities.
You continue to be a gullible rube who will believe whatever Trump says.
Why not raise your daughters to be responsible and not have unprotected sex?

Disclaimer: I'm not against abortion.
Why is it either/or?

Protected sex and/or contraception doesn't always work. Some women are forced into sex. Some make a mistake in the heat of the moment. Some want to have a baby but it will risk their lives or have other severe health issues. The option for these woment to make their own decision should be eft to them with the advice of their medical professionals. Leave the government out of it.

The right wing wants less government involvement until it is inconvenient for their antiquated positions.
I am curious. A quick google said it advocates for a strong border and sacking thousands of civil servants which to me doesn't seem awful.
Page 103 allegedly says that all public school students will be required to take a military entrance exam while private school students do not. The gutting of civil servants is about adding only Trump loyalists. There’s a law dating back to Taft for stopping precisely that.

It is simply a blueprint for Christo-Fascism. Protecting the wealthy and stealing from the rest of us.
Damn you all for making me go somewhere I've never gone before to find Trump's Agenda 47, (Trump's website), but I'll continue to call bullshit both ways when I see it (when I want to take time to do so).

This is Trump's agenda 47, the agenda he backs:

Fear mongering over Project2025 is quite the diversion, but it's crap.

Now I'm not taking the time to do it, but I'm sure the two plans have commonalities.
Why do you put a nonstop liar and conman as your beacon of truth?? Can you not learn??
Relocating to a place that's more progressive regarding women's rights has come up more and more frequently in the last couple of years. I don't feel good about raising daughters in a state/country that doesn't trust them to make their own medical decisions.
Your daughters, and mine, are second class citizens in their own country. The Heritage Foundation is for this.
I thought the stance was to stick with what it currently is now? FTR I was against overturning Roe v Wade

That was step one. Get rid of Roe. Step 2 was to begin abortion bans in varying and increasing degrees across the states (also against the majority voter preference). Step 3 is to use step 2 as justification to begin and ultimately create a nationwide ban that extends beyond just abortions. And ultimately will also include preventative measures.

It has always been a pretty transparent plan most people see through.
That was step one. Get rid of Roe. Step 2 was to begin abortion bans in varying and increasing degrees across the states (also against the majority voter preference). Step 3 is to use step 2 as justification to begin and ultimately create a nationwide ban that extends beyond just abortions. And ultimately will also include preventative measures.

It has always been a pretty transparent plan most people see through.
They will never stop until they end abortion though I can’t figure out why they want to ban birth control…do they literally want total control over women’s reproduction?
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Nobody wants to eliminate birth control,.. stop the rant.

That simply isn't true. Those efforts are already underway. Some efforts are up front, some efforts are trying to chip away at it.

Page 103 allegedly says that all public school students will be required to take a military entrance exam while private school studentsth do not. The gutting of civil servants is about adding only Trump loyalists. There’s a law dating back to Taft for stopping precisely that.

It is simply a blueprint for Christo-Fascism. Protecting the wealthy and stealing from the rest of us.
F that
It won't. Trump doesn't even back it.
Wouldn’t you miss cool autumn afternoons tailgating on game day and cheering the Hawkeye Band entering the stadium to much to leave the country?
Could you come up with $250,000 Euro and invest it into a property? If so, you can move to Europe and establish a life there.

No. I have 3 kids and a wife that I'm currently taking care of on a single, below average (nationally) income.
You realize it’s a think tank. Both parties have them. If you see Project 25 on the RNC Platform at the convention, then ring the bells. I will say it’s refreshing that you started a non WW3 thread,
The Heritage Foundation is a think tank?
We're pretty lucky the Heritage Foundation published their secret plans to end democracy.

We sure would be in a pickle if they had kept them secret. :)

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That simply isn't true. Those efforts are already underway. Some efforts are up front, some efforts are trying to chip away at it.

Bullshit,. that's like saying people believe the world is flat, when it's just an inconsequential number of idiots that swallow that concept,.. People in general like to phuck irresponsibly, birth control isn't going anywhere...
Bullshit,. that's like saying people believe the world is flat, when it's just an inconsequential number of idiots that swallow that concept,.. People in general like to phuck irresponsibly, birth control isn't going anywhere...
So you equate birth control to irresponsible sex. Not surprised.
Do you find it authoritarian for the government to censor people on social media about covid and any other controversial topic they deem as "misinformation/disinformation"? Remember that much of the stuff they censored ended up being true.
I don't get into whataboutisms. Especially whataboutisms that don't relate to anything pertinent, or are based on a conspiracy theory.
Bullshit,. that's like saying people believe the world is flat, when it's just an inconsequential number of idiots that swallow that concept,.. People in general like to phuck irresponsibly, birth control isn't going anywhere...
You morons will excuse everything and just keep kicking the can down the road.

"They won't repeal Roe quit panicking"

"They won't get rid of birth control get it together you stupid lib"

"They would never monitor a woman's period you are out of your mind where do you come up with this stuff?"

"They would never prosecute a woman for getting an abortion you libs are such chicken littles"

"Jesus are you serious that you believe they would execute a woman for having an abortion?! You dumbass libs are really something"

And it ends with you being fine with women being killed because your dumbass just will keep believing everything and never hold anyone accountable. And btw this is just one aspect of their crazy plan that is scary. There are many other aspects I can do this same thing with. You really need to pull your head out of your ass.
That simply isn't true. Those efforts are already underway. Some efforts are up front, some efforts are trying to chip away at it.

He lies very easily about easily checkable facts.
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Bullshit,. that's like saying people believe the world is flat, when it's just an inconsequential number of idiots that swallow that concept,.. People in general like to phuck irresponsibly, birth control isn't going anywhere...

Worst comparison ever for a number of reasons.

No one is FORCING the Earth to be flat. They are forcing more and more restrictions. At the State party policy level across multiple states. I for one do think all of trump's protestations are simple lies about him and 2025. The National party is led by someone who wants to ban birth control and access to contrception.

Ergo, you are either lying or SEVERELY uninformed.
You realize it’s a think tank. Both parties have them. If you see Project 25 on the RNC Platform at the convention, then ring the bells. I will say it’s refreshing that you started a non WW3 thread,
Both sides!!! Please show us ANY ACTUAL GROUP on the Democrat side with a freaking novel that is even remotely as batshit and backwards as this. You cannot do your idiotic both sides shit with Project 2025 without sounding like a MAGA supporter. You can’t.
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Always wanted to move to Ireland. But, from the little that I know, most areas of that country = cost of living / housing way too expensive.