Well, that's pretty binary, but Jesus never made it that simple--used really piss off the Pharisees too. Let's see if I can mirror that.
On the one hand, Jesus' response would likely reflect his teachings of compassion and mercy. Throughout the Gospels, Jesus emphasized love for one's neighbor, care for the marginalized, and the importance of treating others as you would want to be treated.
But not so fast my friend! Jesus also respected the concept of justice and fulfilling obligations (e.g., “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s,”). If applied to governance, he'd probably balance mercy with the rule of law, advocating for a system that protects the integrity of laws while treating individuals with dignity and compasion. (probably wouldn't rip the bandaid off and just start rounding people up).
So, instead of deportation as a punitive measure, I think it's pretty likely Jesus would focus on creating systems that address the root causes of immigration (e.g., poverty, injustice, and persecution) while ensuring all people are treated fairly and given opportunities to prosper.