@PHawkKenyon . Sorry to hear that but glad to hear Kris was the bigger man!!
Agree with this. Social media, love the sharing of information and ability to interact with others, can be great. But I don't know where, when or how it became acceptable to yell things like what was yelled at Kris Murray. As others have pointed out, Iowa fan base is not immune. I see it at youth sports games where parents come completely unhinged at the ref or opposing coach, or even their own coach if they aren't playing their son/daughter enough. Completely insane. Makes me worried for the country and society in general. Sports gets people to that level of unhinged behavior, politics takes it to that x 1000.Oh yeah, most people are a LOT more polite in person, I've observed. It's pretty cowardly to talk crap to someone when you don't have to look them in the eye, and especially when they don't even know who you are. "Tampahawkfan" can say what he wants to people and nothing will ever come of it. Social media isn't such a great thing, IMHO.
But.. The topic at hand, a little razzing of opposing players by the crowd is one thing, but there's a line that shouldn't be crossed, and where that line is, I hope, is fairly obvious. And I agree, I don't think these things are specific to any one or two fan bases. There are idiots and a-holes everywhere. It's just a game, people. Some take it way too seriously.
It's funny you say this. I literally told my wife yesterday before the game that Illinois is the butthole of the B1G conference.Well Illinois is the butthole of the country and that butthole produces A LOT of shit.
It starts at the very top
and shit always runs downhill.
KM24 is a mature dude and I can see him taking as a badge of honor.
He’s a grown man and more than likely a future millionaire. Dudes like the Murray twins don’t get hurt feelings by some soyboi cheeto finger from illinois yelling meany stuff at them.
I feel the same. In fact I think it's already about too late. People are clawing each others eyes out online over every topic. It's not just sports, either. Politics, Race, Covid, etc. Everybody is divided as can be and it seems to be getting worse and worse. Recent comments in this very thread - case in point.Agree with this. Social media, love the sharing of information and ability to interact with others, can be great. But I don't know where, when or how it became acceptable to yell things like what was yelled at Kris Murray. As others have pointed out, Iowa fan base is not immune. I see it at youth sports games where parents come completely unhinged at the ref or opposing coach, or even their own coach if they aren't playing their son/daughter enough. Completely insane. Makes me worried for the country and society in general. Sports gets people to that level of unhinged behavior, politics takes it to that x 1000.
It ain't drugs, my friend. It's that white supremacist, racist, mysogynist, conspiracy theory, lying, cheating, sociopath they let in the White House in 2017. He unleashed a scourge on this country unseen since the Civil War. And all his cult worshippers who continue to aid and abet the undoing of moral and ethical values are equally to blame.
We have always had scum among us, but since the 2016 election, that scum has oozed out into the open because those at the top of the government made being a rude, ignorant, egomaniac "cool." It's time for the scum to crawl back under their rocks.
It became acceptable over the past 5 years. Lots of idiots are emboldened to say anything they want now.Sadly, today's society is the problem!
What I'm speaking of began long before anyone heard of Donald Trump. Nixon did far more damage to this country. Yes, we have always had scum among us but there are many more of those types in the modern era than there were back in the day.It ain't drugs, my friend. It's that white supremacist, racist, mysogynist, conspiracy theory, lying, cheating, sociopath they let in the White House in 2017. He unleashed a scourge on this country unseen since the Civil War. And all his cult worshippers who continue to aid and abet the undoing of moral and ethical values are equally to blame.
We have always had scum among us, but since the 2016 election, that scum has oozed out into the open because those at the top of the government made being a rude, ignorant, egomaniac "cool." It's time for the scum to crawl back under their rocks.
True, but I'm speaking of a time before message boards and the Internet.I don't know about drugs, so much. I'd say this very type of forum we're on now is more then culprit. The internet has led to a whole new generation of people who can say whatever they want without recourse. Same with mobile phones and texting. When we were growing up, you were usually standing in front of someone when you spoke to them, and most of these internet warriors wouldn't say half the crap they do, if the object of their insults was right next to them.
If that made you smile then I can comprehend why the shows like Friends & Big Bang Theory lasted as long as they did.Not here for the political discussion, but the irony of your shift key comment and your username made me smile.
Calm down, every fambase has shitheads....That ok what goes around comes back. Illinois fans I hope you don't let your mouth over ride your ass . Your day will come to bad a few ass holes can destroy a good game
Now you are trying too hard.If that made you smile then I can comprehend why the shows like Friends & Big Bang Theory lasted as long as they did.
This is a very stupid post.Scum illinoy fans doing what they do best….embarrassing fan base. They suck at everything else besides basketball so they act like fvcking morons. Both the Murray’s have promising NBA futures ahead while the majority if not all Illinois players will be asking paper or plastic.
The main problem with suicide is it’s usually the wrong people who commit it.
PennyIf that made you smile then I can comprehend why the shows like Friends & Big Bang Theory lasted as long as they did.
Well let it be a bad look on me.Protecting children is one thing. But this seems like a bad look to me. Why share $$$ numbers?
Same fans who harassed Eric Gordon's family mercilessly, they are the southern extension of White Sox fans. Pure trash.
Well I am an Illini fan and that kind of behavior is unacceptable. No excuses. Very sorry that it happened!
I am old enough to remember when people in this country treated each other with civility and respect. The emergence of the drug culture in the second half of the 60s was the catalyst that started the change in people's attitudes. There are other factors as well but drugs are where it started. Our society is decaying and it is very sad to see it happen.
Yeah, they usually suck so bad nobody cares... Most aren't as famous as this father son duo but similar classiness runs rampant on the south side. And Champaign it seemsWait... White Sox fans?? If I made a list of the 50 worst professional fan bases, I don’t think the white Sox would even cross my mind to be added.
I'm old too and have to call BS on this. There was just as many rude or downright evil in the 50s and 60s as there are now. The difference now is that social media makes it a lot easier for these people to disseminate their hate.I am old enough to remember when people in this country treated each other with civility and respect. The emergence of the drug culture in the second half of the 60s was the catalyst that started the change in people's attitudes. There are other factors as well but drugs are where it started. Our society is decaying and it is very sad to see it happen.
Yeah segregation was really civil. If anything drugs helped our country. Until the psychedelics were replaced with hard drugs.I am old enough to remember when people in this country treated each other with civility and respect. The emergence of the drug culture in the second half of the 60s was the catalyst that started the change in people's attitudes. There are other factors as well but drugs are where it started. Our society is decaying and it is very sad to see it happen.
It’s been bad at Illinois since I was a kid (at least). I just figure if Champaign was my college town and that orange was my color, I might become pretty obnoxious at some point, too.
Two Brads in that pic. Underwood and Davison.