I'm concerned for the 2028 election

I'm not reading 5 pages to catch up.

Somebody summarize whatever shitfest is going on. Thanks in advance.

chis is crying about 2028 being lost.
wolf and brian are arguing about who is worse, medical doctors for overcharging or priests for molesting children and hiding it, but Brian insists that church rules stopped the HIDING of it 20 years ago. Didn't really address the core issue.

Then some winguts popping in and out troll posting and a little bit of jabbing at chis for drinking and baconing.

And of course abortion was tossed in because it seems to be everyones first concern even though no one in this thread can have one.
Have you ever done political activism?

Discussing politics on message boards is fun and all but it has 0 impact in real life.
Contrary to popular belief, boards like this can and have changed people's positions. I've seen it.

When I first started posting here not one poster would admit to being an atheist, only 1 was openly gay, several opposed evolution, most rejected climate change, and more.
First, those numbers are really hard to believe.

Second, if those numbers are true, what kind of failed civilization are we if we haven't gone all in on stopping this?

I've been studying this topic for years. Child abuse is rampant all over the world. It's hidden and covered up constantly.

At least 5% of men are child abusers. At least. Maybe 20%.

It's not just a Catholic problem. Most child abuse happens in families. The worst situation is a single Mother that has a boyfriend move into the home. That's a situation ripe for abuse.

"Experts disagree on the rate of sexual abuse among the general American male population, but Allen says a conservative estimate is one in 10. Margaret Leland Smith, a researcher at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice, says her review of the numbers indicates it's closer to one in 5. But in either case, the rate of abuse by Catholic priests is not higher than these national estimates.

The public also doesn't realize how "profoundly prevalent" child sexual abuse is, adds Smith. Even those numbers may be low; research suggests that only a third of abuse cases are ever reported (making it the most underreported crime). "However you slice it, it's a very common experience," Smith says."

1.) The Catholic Church can't say "sorry for centuries of abuse, pay some money, and then move on. It doesn't work that way.

2.) How the hell are abortion laws and 401(k)s related.

3.) Aaron Rodgers is still an asshole that deserves to get pegged.

4.) If you guys want to sniff out some child abusers, start looking at the foster homes that have kids cycling through them.

5.) I have contributed nothing of value here.
chis is crying about 2028 being lost.
wolf and brian are arguing about who is worse, medical doctors for overcharging or priests for molesting children and hiding it, but Brian insists that church rules stopped the HIDING of it 20 years ago. Didn't really address the core issue.

Then some winguts popping in and out troll posting and a little bit of jabbing at chis for drinking and baconing.

And of course abortion was tossed in because it seems to be everyones first concern even though no one in this thread can have one.

My links show that:

1.) Child abuse happens in every profession including doctors.

2.) The Catholic Church reformed in 2002 and is one of the safest places for children today.

"But based on the surveys and studies conducted by different denominations over the past 30 years, experts who study child abuse say they see little reason to conclude that sexual abuse is mostly a Catholic issue. "We don't see the Catholic Church as a hotbed of this or a place that has a bigger problem than anyone else," said Ernie Allen, president of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children."
4.) If you guys want to sniff out some child abusers, start looking at the foster homes that have kids cycling through them.
That's occurred to me several times. It definitely needs to be looked into. And what about child care? And how about home schooling?

Add to that our ever-popular wars that cause refugees who are easy to exploit or make disappear.

Not to mention official US policies that split children from their parents at the border . . . and then lose track of them.

Wars and other refugee crises (like climate change) answer the prayers of pedophiles and sex traffickers.
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My links show that:

1.) Child abuse happens in every profession including doctors.

2.) The Catholic Church reformed in 2002 and is one of the safest places for children today.

"But based on the surveys and studies conducted by different denominations over the past 30 years, experts who study child abuse say they see little reason to conclude that sexual abuse is mostly a Catholic issue. "We don't see the Catholic Church as a hotbed of this or a place that has a bigger problem than anyone else," said Ernie Allen, president of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children."

@Jimmy McGill , see?
That's occurred to me several times. It definitely needs to be looked into. And what about child care? And how about home schooling?

Add to that our ever-popular wars that cause refugees who are easy to exploit or make disappear.

Not to mention official US policies that split children from their parents at the border . . . and then lose track of them.

Wars and other refugee crises (like climate change) answer the prayers of pedophiles and sex traffickers.

Foster care has tons of abuse, sadly.

65% of abuse happens in families. Many involve single Mothers and their boyfriends.

Public schools are rife with abuse and coverups.

For real, 2028 worries people? I ask because i saw a homeless guy throw a piece of drift wood at a moving car downtown by the library today at like 4 pm.. just seems weird to think about 2028 when homeless guys are throwing wood. I got video of it too.. give me a sec
You can try to justify it all you want. But you support an organization that routinely raped children and covered it up. For decades.

This in no way is related to medical errors. The difference is, the medical folks were legitimately trying to help. And the priests were purposefully raping children.
Why is raping children bad? Serious question. Why do you object? And don't simply say it is illegal. I want an actual answer. You're smarter than that.

Particularly, what if the child isn't raped, they consent?

Obviously this is a thought experiment. I would like to see you actually think this through.

Do your best or ill send you a ‘i just can't send this one home’ admission.
Did you call the cops @Bro D ?
Lol no.. it's the library. Pretty SOP.

But since youre from out of town, the cops are at the library, aka the crackhead central hang out, three times a day. Police station one block away. Remember the building that fell down a last year? It was right across the street. I live a block away.. it's a sight man lol
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Give me a sec. I got too drunk tonight and I have to work tomorrow damn it
Priests are better people than doctors are, overall. I've known many of both groups.

Doctors charge $300 for a 10 minute visit.

If you weren't so greedy and selfish, our health care system could be more equitable.
Is your pastor paid for his services?
I'm betting yes.

Voting is easy and my civic duty.

What's strange is not celebrating birthdays and refusing blood transfusions.

No offense.
Who cares how easy it is.
You said yourself you have zero influence on politics. So why vote?

Abstaining from blood is scriptural as you should know. (Acts 15:29)

Birthdays are only mentioned twice in the bible. Both by individuals who were not worshippers of God and have pagan roots.

According to Funk & Wagnalls Standard Dictionary of Folklore, Mythology, and Legend, these celebrations originated from the belief that on a person’s birthday, “evil spirits and influences have the opportunity to attack the celebrants” and that “the presence of friends and the expression of good wishes help to protect the celebrant.” The book The Lore of Birthdays says that in ancient times, birthday records were “essential for the casting of a horoscope” based on “the mystic science of astrology.” This book adds that “birthday candles, in folk belief, are endowed with special magic for granting wishes.”

  1. The early Christians did not celebrate birthdays. The World Book Encyclopedia says that “they considered the celebration of anyone’s birth to be a pagan custom.” The Bible shows that the apostles and others who were taught directly by Jesus established a pattern that all Christians should follow. —2 Thessalonians 3:6.

The Bible, however, condemns the use of magic, divination, spiritism, or “anything like this.” (Deuteronomy 18:14

the Bible says that “the day of death is better than the day of birth.” (Ecclesiastes 7:1) By the end of his life on earth, Jesus had made a good name with God, making the day of his death more important than the day of his birth. —Hebrews 1:4

But go ahead and keep ridiculing. I'm presenting scripture to back up my beliefs.

Voting is easy and my civic duty.

What's strange is not celebrating birthdays and refusing blood transfusions.

No offense.
So would Christ be good with voting?
Can you really claim He is your leader when you vote for any politician?
No offense.
You have a nice weekend as well.
So would Christ be good with voting?
Can you really claim He is your leader when you vote for any politician?
No offense.
You have a nice weekend as well.

Yes. We have a different conception of Christ.

You believe He is Michael the Archangel lol.

Thanks for the nice weekend wishes.
Yes. We have a different conception of Christ.

You believe He is Michael the Archangel lol.

Thanks for the nice weekend wishes.
1 Thessalonians 4:16 is how I will respond to that.
Jesus was known as Michael before he left Heaven to become Jesus Christ and also after he returned to Heaven.
He was and is the only archangel or chief angel. It is a singular term as well and implies that there is one who God designated chief, or head of the angels.

Today I went to Pints. Zero hand pictures. I watched a half of CC then went to a friend's place for his bday. We smoked a ton of weed, then watched football. One of my buddies had white. I declined since it was a Thursday and I have a meeting in the morning.

Moral of story... WHO THE **** THINKS OF A 2028 ELECTION?!?!

You seem okay.. just live dude
I need to find better buddies.