I'm concerned for the 2028 election

1 Thessalonians 4:16 is how I will respond to that.
Jesus was known as Michael before he left Heaven to become Jesus Christ and also after he returned to Heaven.
He was and is the only archangel or chief angel. It is a singular term as well and implies that there is one who God designated chief, or head of the angels.


Don't take Bible verses out of context:

"In Hebrews 1–3, the author sets out to demonstrate that Jesus is superior to the prophets, angels, and Moses. We’re told Jesus is the ultimate revelation of God (1:1–2), the Creator of the world (1:2), and the exact imprint of God’s nature (1:3). After explicitly stating He is “much superior to angels,” the author of Hebrews writes, “For to which of the angels did God ever say, ‘You are my Son, today I have begotten you‘?”

The obvious answer to this hypothetical question is that God never said that to any angel. Rather, in Mark 1:11, God says to Jesus, “You are my beloved Son; with You I am well pleased.”

Have a nice Friday.
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No idea why this thread got hijacked into the child sex abuse scandal in the RCC.

A lot of places have had sex abuse scandals and covered it up including Penn St., Michigan State, Ohio State, untold numbers of local school districts. Shoot at my old high school a teacher (who I had) who was also the volleyball coach was put on trial for not reporting sex abuse of one of her players. She was acquitted on what I view as the technicality that she didn't know specifically that they were having sex, she just knew that they were very inappropriately touchy feely.

If we held all those organizations to the same standard as people want to hold the RCC than we would down a lot of schools, pediatric clinics, youth sports leagues, etc

Now as for OP, I don't think politicians should promise anything other than a vote for a bill. You can't promise to pass something that will require R's to go along with you.

And I don't think this is over even if Harris wins. Trump will probably run again in 2028 if he is alive. Even if he is in prison he will run and he will most likely win the R primary. It's a cult and it won't die that easy.
Also there is this weird thing where when a doctor abuses patients we blame the doctor and anyone who covered for him. We don't blame the clinic.

When a teacher or coach does it we blame the teacher and anyone who covered for him. We don't blame the school.

When the RCC does it we blame the whole church. Why? By all means take out the abusers and take out those who covered for them. But be consistent and don't only blame the while org when it's a church but individuals any other time.
When the RCC does it we blame the whole church. Why? By all means take out the abusers and take out those who covered for them. But be consistent and don't only blame the while org when it's a church but individuals any other time.

Because America is an atheist country now.
Also there is this weird thing where when a doctor abuses patients we blame the doctor and anyone who covered for him. We don't blame the clinic.

When a teacher or coach does it we blame the teacher and anyone who covered for him. We don't blame the school.

When the RCC does it we blame the whole church. Why? By all means take out the abusers and take out those who covered for them. But be consistent and don't only blame the while org when it's a church but individuals any other time.
My understanding is the Doc conceded it happens in every workplace but the RCC covers for it at a much higher level.
My understanding is the Doc conceded it happens in every workplace but the RCC covers for it at a much higher level.

The RCC doesn't cover it up now. That's my point.

The coverups were from 50-60 years ago. Almost all of those people are dead.

In 2002, the Church reformed with the Dallas Charter and completely changed how they report abuse cases. It goes to the police now.

The reforms work.
My understanding is the Doc conceded it happens in every workplace but the RCC covers for it at a much higher level.

Presidents of universities covered up some of these sex abuse cases. In the RCC they were covered up at the level of the diocese generally speaking. So a bishop would cover it up.

That would be equal to a dean or faculty chair in a university.

Universities covered them at a higher level than the RCC did.
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Today I went to Pints. Zero hand pictures. I watched a half of CC then went to a friend's place for his bday. We smoked a ton of weed, then watched football. One of my buddies had white. I declined since it was a Thursday and I have a meeting in the morning.

Moral of story... WHO THE **** THINKS OF A 2028 ELECTION?!?!

You seem okay.. just live dude
Good for you to “just say no.”
Presidents of universities covered up some of these sex abuse cases. In the RCC they were covered up at the level of the diocese generally speaking.

That would be equal to a dean or faculty chair in a university.

Universities covered them at a higher level than the RCC did.
Not my fight.
Because America is an atheist country now.

It's a deist country and it always has been.

Most people in this country are functionally deists. Our founding documents are dripping with deist thought. "All men were created equal with inalienable rights" isn't atheist thought nor is it Christian thought. It's deist thought. The atheist would say we evolved and there is not necessarily any sense of equality in our evolution because evolution doesn't have any view towards equality or rights. However they would admit that equality is functionally a good way to run society. Christian's would say that we may have been created equal, but we have no inalienable rights here on earth for if God granted us inalienable rights God himself would rise up to defend them and we would not need the government to do so. However they would admit that for the functioning of society basic rights defended by the government are a good way to go.
Not anymore.

80% of Americans under age 60 are basically atheists, in my estimate.

Churches are closing and most Americans rarely attend.
Some interesting stats on the subject. Nondenominational churches are growing.

Non-Denominational Churches See Some Growth

Interestingly, nondenominational churches are what has seen the most growth in recent years. The US Religion Census found an additional 6,000 nondenominational churches in North America since 2010 and 6.5 million more people in religious attendance.

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Not anymore.

80% of Americans under age 60 are basically atheists, in my estimate.

Churches are closing and most Americans rarely attend.

But that creates a false dichotomy that one must be either Christian (or at least part of an organized religion) or atheist. That's simply not true. Deists are people who believe in a God but don't believe in the God of any particular organized religion. When the country was founded deism was more of an organized philosophy as well as a belief in a God. While that organized philosophy in the past for deism affects us to this day thanks heavily in part to our founding documents, it is now just a generalized individual belief in a God and less of an organized philosophy.

A lot of people believe that God created us all equal with inalienable rights even though that thought is contradictory to both atheist thought and traditional Christian thought.

What is harming the church quite significantly is the syncretism of deist thought into Christian thought. You will find whole "Christian" churches of people who believe that God created everyone equal with inalienable rights. That is syncretism, yet we never call it out for what it is because it's too popular.
2% of the priests of one of the largest religions in the world is a lot of raped children. You can continue to justify it, but I find it disgusting.
How many girls/woman did Larry Nassar violate himself? There are tons more just like him as well. There’s an IVF doctor that would use his own sperm instead of the husband and impregnated I believe hundreds of woman. I could go on for days. But keep thinking Catholic Churches are the only evil.
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1 Thessalonians 4:16 is how I will respond to that.
Jesus was known as Michael before he left Heaven to become Jesus Christ and also after he returned to Heaven.
He was and is the only archangel or chief angel. It is a singular term as well and implies that there is one who God designated chief, or head of the angels.

How do the writers of this even know this as fact? We get concrete shit on video nowadays and people still don’t believe it….
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What do you worry or care about? BothSidesBins Jr? I care about the country I served and the stability and a 401k is something impacted by it all.
I care about things I can control. And I don't spend a second of my breath shouting into the void about things out of my control to strangers I will never meet. Because doing that will negatively impact my family when the self induced stress of being a crazy person causes me to die 15 years earlier than not doing that.

But hey, feel free to keep shouting at Scruddy and Menace about how worried you are that someone in Fargo, ND might not be able to get an impromptu abortion in 4 years and how it will negatively affect your retirement nest egg. I'm gonna make some chili this weekend and watch football.
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But that creates a false dichotomy that one must be either Christian (or at least part of an organized religion) or atheist. That's simply not true. Deists are people who believe in a God but don't believe in the God of any particular organized religion. When the country was founded deism was more of an organized philosophy as well as a belief in a God. While that organized philosophy in the past for deism affects us to this day thanks heavily in part to our founding documents, it is now just a generalized individual belief in a God and less of an organized philosophy.

A lot of people believe that God created us all equal with inalienable rights even though that thought is contradictory to both atheist thought and traditional Christian thought.

What is harming the church quite significantly is the syncretism of deist thought into Christian thought. You will find whole "Christian" churches of people who believe that God created everyone equal with inalienable rights. That is syncretism, yet we never call it out for what it is because it's too popular.

I thought a deist was someone that believed a god created the world then let it be.

Regardless, I think most Americans aren't that today.
I thought a deist was someone that believed a god created the world then let it be.

Regardless, I think most Americans aren't that today.

I think it's more general than that. What you described would classify as deism. But a God that listens to prayer and provides miracles but just doesn't fit into the structure of any of the organized religions would also classify.

Deism is kind of a catchall for people who don't identify with a religion but do believe in a God.

I think that's what most Americans still are. A lot of people say they arn't religious. Few people say specifically that they are atheist or agnostic.
I think it's more general than that. What you described would classify as deism. But a God that listens to prayer and provides miracles but just doesn't fit into the structure of any of the organized religions would also classify.

Deism is kind of a catchall for people who don't identify with a religion but do believe in a God.

I think that's what most Americans still are. A lot of people say they arn't religious. Few people say specifically that they are atheist or agnostic.

Well, Christians are a minority in America today, IMO.

This thread started by Rummy the Drunk, is the one that should have been deleted...not the one where he was receiving many helpful therapy and life choice tips!!
Dude, you’re a giant pussy and a cuck just like the majority of this board. You’re self appointed king of the pussies so you have that going for you, cuckass. You’ve been a pussy all your life, bro.
You sound intelligent. I would take Chis hammered any day over you.

The average doctor in America makes $30,000 per month!

Considering all the abuse, medical errors killing people, that's absurd.

Thank god for doctors.

You trying to denigrate the medical profession to prop up priests and excuse Catholic malfeasance shows just how out of touch with reality you are.

Give it a rest.
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You sound intelligent. I would take Chis hammered any day over you.

Thank god for doctors.

You trying to denigrate the medical profession to prop up priests and excuse Catholic malfeasance shows just how out of touch with reality you are.

Give it a rest.

I'm not trying to denigrate the medical profession except for the greed involved.
I care about things I can control. And I don't spend a second of my breath shouting into the void about things out of my control to strangers I will never meet. Because doing that will negatively impact my family when the self induced stress of being a crazy person causes me to die 15 years earlier than not doing that.

But hey, feel free to keep shouting at Scruddy and Menace about how worried you are that someone in Fargo, ND might not be able to get an impromptu abortion in 4 years and how it will negatively affect your retirement nest egg. I'm gonna make some chili this weekend and watch football.
Chili recipe?
I can't figure out how to share videos so I screen shot the best possible action shot. This is what matters, not 2028. Come on chis

Library? Is that Moral? I figured he went there to read....
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Also there is this weird thing where when a doctor abuses patients we blame the doctor and anyone who covered for him. We don't blame the clinic.

When a teacher or coach does it we blame the teacher and anyone who covered for him. We don't blame the school.

When the RCC does it we blame the whole church. Why? By all means take out the abusers and take out those who covered for them. But be consistent and don't only blame the while org when it's a church but individuals any other time.
Because people are looking for reasons to be secularists and this is the cudgel they choose to use to say why religion is bad.
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You sound intelligent. I would take Chis hammered any day over you.

Thank god for doctors.

You trying to denigrate the medical profession to prop up priests and excuse Catholic malfeasance shows just how out of touch with reality you are.

Give it a rest.
The reason, IMO, that catholic priests are the ones constantly embroiled in this scandal is that it is one of the only religions, if not the only, that doesnt allow the church leaders to marry. This would be an impossible burden.

That doesnt at all excuse child abuse but may have some to do with why the Catholic priesthood victimizes children.
The reason, IMO, that catholic priests are the ones constantly embroiled in this scandal is that it is one of the only religions, if not the only, that doesnt allow the church leaders to marry. This would be an impossible burden.

That doesnt at all excuse child abuse but may have some to do with why the Catholic priesthood victimizes children.
When you sign up for a job where one of the stipulations is you cannot get laid, you’re a little f——- up in the head.
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I'm not justifying it.

You haven't addressed the similar abuse cases by doctors. Is it all about the money?

You don't deserve to make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. It's pure greed and doctors are driven by your selfishness.

I've known many and none are altruistic.
As a cancer survivor I'd say the doctors and nurses that saved my life deserved every penny they made. Without them I'd be dead. At least medicine is based on something real.

As a Catholic upbringing survivor who wasn't molested I can say I would have done just fine without priests. Probably even better. I think your views on the doctor vs priest thing will change if/when you get really sick. We all are going to need medical professionals at some point.
The reason, IMO, that catholic priests are the ones constantly embroiled in this scandal is that it is one of the only religions, if not the only, that doesnt allow the church leaders to marry. This would be an impossible burden.

That doesnt at all excuse child abuse but may have some to do with why the Catholic priesthood victimizes children.

There's no link between celibacy and child abuse, though.

Most abuse happens in families by non-celibate men.
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As a cancer survivor I'd say the doctors and nurses that saved my life deserved every penny they made. Without them I'd be dead. At least medicine is based on something real.

As a Catholic upbringing survivor who wasn't molested I can say I would have done just fine without priests. Probably even better. I think your views on the doctor vs priest thing will change if you get really sick

Priests could help you with your life AFTER death. :)

I like doctors overall.

My point is that every group has their evil seeds.
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The reason, IMO, that catholic priests are the ones constantly embroiled in this scandal is that it is one of the only religions, if not the only, that doesnt allow the church leaders to marry. This would be an impossible burden.

That doesnt at all excuse child abuse but may have some to do with why the Catholic priesthood victimizes children.
From the surface, I agree with you.

However, the studies I have always seen indicate celibacy is not connected to pedophilia.

Let’s be real. You have to be pretty ****ed up in the head to find a child sexually appealing. I just can’t see how being deprived of pussy would damage a person to the point they become kiddy rapers. That just doesn’t make sense.
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From the surface, I agree with you.

However, the studies I have always seen indicate celibacy is not connected to pedophilia.

Let’s be real. You have to be pretty ****ed up in the head to find a child sexually appealing. I just can’t see how being deprived of pussy would damage a person to the point they become kiddy rapers. That just doesn’t make sense.

Buddhist monks are also celibate and don't have a massive pedophilia problem compared to married men.
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