Im fairly confident that I am one of the best cribbage players alive

Maybe. Is he still playing? Between the Legion, Riverside and Lone Tree, my partner and I split $ 240.00 last week...

Monday or Tuesday Pinochle games at the shed start at 8 and may go to 5 pm...
Long since passed. I am pretty confident you knew each other given where he liked to have his beers, and the veritable who's who of Johnson County's paving, excavating, and construction types he drank and bowled with.
Long since passed. I am pretty confident you knew each other given where he liked to have his beers, and the veritable who's who of Johnson County's paving, excavating, and construction types he drank and bowled with.
I just beat someone named Joan 6 times in a row. Come let me ruin your Christmas too

I’ve been playing on Cribbage Pro Oline. Multiplayer allows you to set the game parameters and create a locked/password game. Or play against others random live people. Best cribbage app I’ve found.

You can also title the game. Just title your game HBOT every time. There is a chat feature. Also can set a timer for 15/30/60 second turns. 15 seconds is pretty quick to be able to chat.
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