Indiana Fevers coach is not good...

“I think it’s a huge thing. I think a lot of people may say it’s not about Black and white, but to me, it is,” Las Vegas Aces star A’ja Wilson said when asked about the race element in Clark’s popularity and before she recently signed two major endorsement deals.

“It really is because you can be top notch at what you are as a Black woman, but yet maybe that’s something that people don’t want to see.

“They don’t see it as marketable, so it doesn’t matter how hard I work. It doesn’t matter what we all do as Black women, we’re still going to be swept underneath the rug. That’s why it boils my blood when people say it’s not about race because it is.”

Serena Williams wasn’t marketable? Bad take, Aja.
I would agree on the Black men part, and they are getting bagged on because of it.
I've seen alot of reactions from people of all shapes and sizes, especially this latest call, defending Clark.

This last one especially I've seen videos from people admitting they'd downplayed stuff previously, but there's simply no defending this particular play.
How many of those tweets are the thoughts of real people, not just trolls trying to stir the pot?
A’ja Wilson of the Las Vegas Aces is a real person. Sunny Hostin of The View is a real person. Both of them are on record stating that one of the main reasons Clark is so popular is because she’s white.
A’ja Wilson of the Las Vegas Aces is a real person. Sunny Hostin of The View is a real person. Both of them are on record stating that one of the main reasons Clark is so popular is because she’s white.
Exactly and comments from them deserve discussion. I just don't take random tweets from authors like Catturd and Melissasayshuh seriously.

Actually I watched The View discuss Caitlin Clark and most of it was very supportive of CC.

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So if race is a factor in her getting hammered, do you also think race is a factor in her popularity? Personally I think hostility is about the hype and the endorsement deals she is getting as a rookie.

I absolutely love watching and cheering CC, but in the past I often hated the players that got all the hype. (Tom Brady, Tim Tebow, Joe Burrow, etc.)
Do I think race is why CC is a once in a lifetime talent at basketball? No I don’t. And you’re being obtuse.
So if race is a factor in her getting hammered, do you also think race is a factor in her popularity? Personally I think hostility is about the hype and the endorsement deals she is getting as a rookie.

I absolutely love watching and cheering CC, but in the past I often hated the players that got all the hype. (Tom Brady, Tim Tebow, Joe Burrow, etc.)

I think race probably plays into her popularity a little bit. Just like I think race plays a role in the hate. How can you not?

Also. How do you feel about the hype Lebron, Patrick mahomes, etc….. get? Wonder why you left them off your list. They get way more attention than burrow has ever received.
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Do I think race is why CC is a once in a lifetime talent at basketball? No I don’t. And you’re being obtuse.
And none of those players (Brady, Teblow, Burrow) didn't have the responsibility of carrying a whole league on their shoulders. It was established. The WNBA is as low as you can get for professional league and I can see why now after watching a few games.
I think race probably plays into her popularity a little bit. Just like I think race plays a role in the hate. How can you not?

Also. How do you feel about the hype Lebron, Patrick mahomes, etc….. get? Wonder why you left them off your list. They get way more attention than burrow has ever received.
Also Tiger Woods. MJ, Kobe . It's something in a rare event that a player has "it. And many "peers" hate that player for that reason alone and need to make excuses.
I think race probably plays into her popularity a little bit. Just like I think race plays a role in the hate. How can you not?

Also. How do you feel about the hype Lebron, Patrick mahomes, etc….. get? Wonder why you left them off your list. They get way more attention than burrow has ever received.
I left Lebron off because I don't follow men's basketball. I only started watching women's bb because of Caitlin. I left Mahomes off because I like the Chiefs. Would it make you feel better if I said I didn't like Reggie Bush or Ali?
I think it’s fair to say that a part of CC’s big popularity is because she’s white. Nothing wrong with that.
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I do agree most of this hate comes from her hype and popularity. But to completely disregard race as you appear to be doing is absolute nonsense.

The perception is there no matter real or not that CC is popular in part because she is white and straight.

Idk if it's so much hating her because she is white but it's hating her because they think her whiteness is the reason she is popular and they are not.
I’m surprised the WNBA isn’t being more proactive at this point. There’s a trail of evidence to show she’s being targeted. Are they too stupid to realize they need to protect the golden goose?

Similar to what I was saying. Every other league protects it's stars and those stars aren't nearly as meaningful in terms of a make it or break it standpoint as CC is.

NFL won't go bust if Pat Mahomes's career ends suddenly. WNBA might.
How dumb and insecure do you have to be to want to attack one of the few people who are making you relevant and who are going to make everyone money?

A lot of it is jealousy and race, but some of criticism came from white players as well, like Dina Taurasi.
It's crazy, Caitlin is their meal ticket, the best thing that could have happened for them playing in the WNBA at this time.

I remember the Fuzzy Zoeller thingie at Augusta with Tiger, but I'm pretty sure all the golfers on the PGA tour back in the day were thrilled that Tiger increased exposure and brought loads more dollars into the sport. Has to have been the same in the NBA with Magic/Bird/Jordan.

The WNBA players trying to haze Clark are just morons more than anything else. Cutting off their noses to spite their face type stuff.
It's crazy, Caitlin is their meal ticket, the best thing that could have happened for them playing in the WNBA at this time.

I remember the Fuzzy Zoeller thingie at Augusta with Tiger, but I'm pretty sure all the golfers on the PGA tour back in the day were thrilled that Tiger increased exposure and brought loads more dollars into the sport. Has to have been the same in the NBA with Magic/Bird/Jordan.

The WNBA players trying to haze Clark are just morons more than anything else. Cutting off their noses to spite their face type stuff.
I don't even think it's just hazing. That foul was clearly more than a "welcome to the big leagues" thing.
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It's crazy, Caitlin is their meal ticket, the best thing that could have happened for them playing in the WNBA at this time.

I remember the Fuzzy Zoeller thingie at Augusta with Tiger, but I'm pretty sure all the golfers on the PGA tour back in the day were thrilled that Tiger increased exposure and brought loads more dollars into the sport. Has to have been the same in the NBA with Magic/Bird/Jordan.

The WNBA players trying to haze Clark are just morons more than anything else. Cutting off their noses to spite their face type stuff.
Some hazing and/or hard fouls on her I could understand and even respect to some extent.

While this wasn’t necessarily malicious, at a certain point the league needs to have a quiet word with its franchises and officials to tell everyone to cut the crap.

This can easily lead to injuries, and not just for Clark if it continues.
Not the most egregious foul ever. And maybe even a bit of overselling by Clark. But completely unnecessary and not a basketball play in any sense. Should have been a technical or flagrant foul instead of just a basic “away from play” foul.

The other night Clark hit a 3-pointer against Seattle and on her way back down the court a Storm player hit her in the throat with a forearm shiver. Clark got in her face and the officials called technicals on both of them. Wtf?!

The league needs to clean this shit up. Jealous veterans are lining up to take a shot at Clark. That’s not what the millions of new fans are tuning in and/or buying tickets to see. If the league doesn’t figure that out really soon they’re going to start losing some of these newfound revenue streams.

It's starting to feel like some of the reason the WNBA hasn't caught on is because they are inept and dumb as shit as a league.

They have a golden opportunity here to grow the sport and they give the Fever the most asinine schedule I think I've seen in major sports, and are turning a blind eye to non-basketball bullshit.

Stern and the NBA saw this coming a mile away and put a stop to it, and now the league is as popular as it has ever been.

I'm fine with physical basketball, I'm even fine with a little bit of rookie "hazing". This is beyond all of that stuff, it's just straight up petty jealousy.

Also, someone else on that team needs to step the **** up and drop someone the next time it happens. I'm not a fighter, not a big guy, generally pretty passive, but if someone pulled that shit on my teammate when I was playing I would have been up in their shit.

Maybe that's a men/women difference. If some rando came up and hip checked Anthony Edwards while he was just waiting for an inbounds pass, I'm willing to bet some fists would be flying, and it would be justified.

The Fever need to learn how to self police this nonsense, because I don't think the league cares.
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It's starting to feel like some of the reason the WNBA hasn't caught on is because they are inept and dumb as shit as a league.

They have a golden opportunity here to grow the sport and they give the Fever the most asinine schedule I think I've seen in major sports, and are turning a blind eye to non-basketball bullshit.

Stern and the NBA saw this coming a mile away and but a stop to it, and now the league is as popular as it has ever been.

I'm fine with physical basketball, I'm even fine with a little bit of rookie "hazing". This is beyond all of that stuff, it's just straight up petty jealousy.

Also, someone else on that team needs to step the **** up and drop someone the next time it happens. I'm not a fighter, not a big guy, generally pretty passive, but if someone pulled that shit on my teammate when I was playing I would have been up in their shit.

Maybe that's a men/women difference. If some rando came up and hip checked Anthony Edwards while he was just waiting for an inbounds pass, I'm willing to bet some fists would be flying, and it would be justified.

The Fever need to learn how to self police this nonsense, because I don't think the league cares.
About the only thing I’ll give the players on this one is that everyone but Boston looks like they’re turning to run to the other end and maybe didn’t see it in the moment.

If I’m the Fever coach, I let everyone know I’m good with a hard foul against that Carter player (NOT DIRTY) the next time they play.

The schedule is partly out of their control because they’re also pausing play for the Olympics, so they’re dealing with a condensed schedule as a result. Still brutal to front load their schedule with most of the top teams.
Rightfully so, so many are pissed off about how CC has been treated in the W the first couple of weeks. Now, imagine being CC. She’s only 22. She’s human. She has emotions and feels things just like you, me, our own kids, etc. It has to be nearly impossible for her to tune out all the noise. She did an amazing job of handling the pressure of her final season at Iowa, all the noise from haters as her collegiate career came to a close and her WNBA career started. I’m glad her family is with her in Indy and that she has Connor and the McCaffery family as additional support. Iowa fans have been pretty damn critical of Connor, Patrick and Fran. So I’m thinking they probably have some sound guidance for dealing with sh!t like this. So many forget that these are real people, just like us. The are fathers, mothers, daughters and sons.
Obtuse because I don't think race is the primary factor for the hate of CC is race?
Perhaps I misread, but you didn’t seem to want to admit it was a factor at all. I don’t think it’s the only factor, but I believe it’s a heavily weighted factor.
Perhaps I misread, but you didn’t seem to want to admit it was a factor at all. I don’t think it’s the only factor, but I believe it’s a heavily weighted factor.
We disagree then, I think it's a minor factor. There may be players and fans that hate her because she's white, popular, and becoming a rich young women. However, I think the majority of the hate comes from the media coverage(hype) and unprecedented endorsement deals for a rookie that hasn't "paid her dues" in the league.

ETA: Regardless of the reason, the WNBA needs to get it under control pronto.
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The schedule is partly out of their control because they’re also pausing play for the Olympics, so they’re dealing with a condensed schedule as a result. Still brutal to front load their schedule with most of the top teams.
It’s not just who they’re playing but also how frequently they’re playing. They’re in New York again tonight to play the Liberty for the third time. It will be their 11th game in 20 days. The Liberty will be playing for the 9th time. Phoenix is also playing their 9th game tonight. No one else has played more than 8.

11 games in 20 days. All across the country. They opened the season with a trip to Connecticut and then came back home to Indiana. Then a second trip east, this time to New York. They came back home for a second game against Connecticut, then went on a west coast swing that took them to Seattle, Los Angeles, and Las Vegas. They came back home and had two days off before playing 3 games in 5 days. And now a second trip to New York to play their 4th game in 6 days.

Maybe the league could let them have a couple days to rest or practice or something.
Heard Clark elbowed Carter in the face the play before and was talking shit all the way down the court. Anybody have video of the previous minute? Maybe this was more retaliation for the previous play than a hate crime on CC because she's white.
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We disagree then, I think it's a minor factor. There may be players and fans that hate her because she's white, popular, and becoming a rich young women. However, I think the majority of the hate comes from the media coverage(hype) and unprecedented endorsement deals for a rookie that hasn't "paid her dues" in the league.

ETA: Regardless of the reason, the WNBA needs to get it under control pronto.

I'm with you on this. Race might be a factor, but I think all of these mid players who couldn't move the needle are trying to get their pound of flesh. It's bullshit bravado from players hardly anyone cares about..
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Heard Clark elbowed Carter in the face the play before and was talking shit all the way down the court. Anybody have video of the previous minute? Maybe this was more retaliation for the previous play than a hate crime on CC because she's white.
They bumped into each other while fighting for a rebound. You know, an actual basketball play.
Heard Clark elbowed Carter in the face the play before and was talking shit all the way down the court. Anybody have video of the previous minute? Maybe this was more retaliation for the previous play than a hate crime on CC because she's white.
There was trash talk from both, I haven’t seen a replay that showed an elbow thrown or something.

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