The classic sportswriter Grantland Rice et al. were predicting that money would be the demise of college sports at least as far back as the 1930s. One example was the cover story of a now defunct "SPORT" magazine from 1936 my dad had in his collection.
Teddy Roosevelt threatened to ban football over a century ago because it was "too dangerous."
Bottom line: "There is nothing new under the sun."
College sports is fairly new: late 19th century. Before then, barely existent.The classic sportswriter Grantland Rice et al. were predicting that money would be the demise of college sports at least as far back as the 1930s. One example was the cover story of a now defunct "SPORT" magazine from 1936 my dad had in his collection.
Teddy Roosevelt threatened to ban football over a century ago because it was "too dangerous."
Bottom line: "There is nothing new under the sun."
Wait until the colleges stop getting giant paydays in TV deals.
Yes if that happens that would bring about more change than any of the reasons cited in the article. Interest will continue to be there for sports, but the cash cow of the TV contracts has allowed for huge increases in pay for coaches, administrators and money spent on facilities.