Let's address:
1. Huh? Did I say Tomasello was better than Gilman or others in the Iowa room? Way to create a massive strawman and proclaim your victory for knocking it down. Very impressive. There's a difference between the practice room and wrestling actual live matches, which is something you don't seem to grasp. Tomasello is a physical beast. Spencer Lee is an undersized true freshman coming off a torn labrum two years ago and a torn ACL less than a year ago. He's not even medically cleared to go live or even drill and it's October.
2. Oh no, you mean the Brands brothers aren't coming here for advice on how to run the team? I guess we should just shut down the board so you can keep jerking off to the "inside info" you allegedly possess and yet so rarely are able to produce. But keep throwing out vague statements that can sometimes eventually be tied to something that eventually happens, Ms. Cleo.
3. Because Spencer Lee could be the key to 4 straight championship teams and 4 straight individual championships, so I think it's a waste to throw him out there in a year where we have no shot at a team title and where his path to the first title is more difficult than it needs to be.
4. You are the one who has repeatedly claimed you were putting me on ignore, and yet constantly respond, so maybe you could just suck on my giant penis, you weak-willed buffoon? I have never placed anyone on ignore, nor will I. Opposing view points and trolls, and even fake insiders do not affect my enjoyment of posting on the forums.
5. I said I would pay the $100 by the end of the year. I will. I never said I was a "big shot attorney". I've been very open about the fact that I have worked as a Public Defender for years to qualify for the public loan forgiveness program. But keep shooting your shot, man. Whenever you get into specifics, you are almost always wrong, but perhaps some vague generalities might get you back on track?
Hahaha!!! You've got a shitty memory and an even shittier grasp on reality about what goes on inside the practice room in Iowa City.... You're like the dog that only barks when he's on his chain... Just a remarkably bitch made mark.
This is the part where I let your dominate inner 14 year old get the last word... Again.