Iowa City Police officer on camera hitting handcuffed woman

No one is arguing she should've been arrested. It's the level of alleged mistreatment during that arrest is what is being disputed.
In all honesty it was hard to see much from that video.

I am far, far, far away from saying anyone deserves to be punched. Just like I am saying if you punch a cop, grab a taser or in general act like a complete moron and attack the staff at a bar, you won’t receive any sympathy from me on being “mistreated”.
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Quote/tag them and demand an apology. Did you forget your big boy pants at work?
Easy NC, I'll leave that to you. I don't call people out. Just thought the hypocrisy was palatable. You do you, I'm not interested in joining your games here.
Easy NC, I'll leave that to you. I don't call people out. Just thought the hypocrisy was palatable. You do you, I'm not interested in joining your games here.
Oh. I see you left more than your pants. NBD. Not NC, don’t play games. I believe in accountability. Something people lack in this country. It’s always finger pointing time when something bad happens.
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So we need mental health professional/substance abuse councilors on staff of every town in America on call at 1:00 a.m? That's not happening.

She got herself in this situation and she needs to make the decision to get healthy. According to posts on reddit she has left rehab twice. Having dealt with a family member who has been through the same sh1t I get a bit tired of the poor me, I'm a victim bullshit. There are resources out there to assist if the individual really wants to get sober. Yes it's hard and yes I feel for them, but blaming others is bullshit. It's not the cops fault they had to go to these lengths to subdue her, it's hers. "When has this ever worked before, Daria?"

It's the officer's job to protect the community and that's what they did by getting her off the streets; she was clearly a danger to others and herself.
Can I like this post more than once?
Wow, I know it is not common to hold someone long term as a prisoner for alcohol related offenses, but in this hot case, I see only a bad ending for her at the rate she is going. Is it possible/advisable to hold her in the jail longer?
Not sure I get the "one you sit with is one of the finest as well" comment but I'd certainly enjoy a beverage with you both some time.
Perhaps it was Pine who knew one of ICPD’s finest as a shared sports experience
Wow, I know it is not common to hold someone long term as a prisoner for alcohol related offenses, but in this hot case, I see only a bad ending for her at the rate she is going. Is it possible/advisable to hold her in the jail longer?
She could be in jail for up to a year for a 3rd owi if nobody bails her out.
Scrolling through this thread but it is long. Do you ever watch the video linked where she grabs the taser and admit you’re wrong?
If you're talking about when she's face down after being pepper sprayed in the face, she obviously had no idea what she was grabbing for. The officer hit her with multiple forearm strikes to break her hold. Is this what you're referring to?
If you're talking about when she's face down after being pepper sprayed in the face, she obviously had no idea what she was grabbing for. The officer hit her with multiple forearm strikes to break her hold. Is this what you're referring to?
Correct, the video where is flailing around after being placed in the car and she grabs the cop’s taser and he frees her hand from it, while never punching her.
If you're talking about when she's face down after being pepper sprayed in the face, she obviously had no idea what she was grabbing for. The officer hit her with multiple forearm strikes to break her hold. Is this what you're referring to?
The pepper spray that didn’t discharge or hit her? or was there another attempt at pepper spray that I missed?
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The pepper spray that didn’t discharge or hit her? or was there another attempt at pepper spray that I missed?

This. The amount of ignorance in this thread may have reached an LEO thread high water mark. There are people here who are simply going to hate on cops. Consistently and no matter what. God forbid they ever need them.
Correct, the video where is flailing around after being placed in the car and she grabs the cop’s taser and he frees her hand from it, while never punching her.
The officer did strike her with several forearm blows. I guess the question is whether that was necessary. If the answer is yes, then no action should be taken.
It sounds like she’s the Russian born adopted daughter of singer Iris Drment.
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The officer did strike her with several forearm blows. I guess the question is whether that was necessary. If the answer is yes, then no action should be taken.
To me, this woman was like Wild Bill in the Green Mile scene. Either out of her mind on drugs, batshit crazy, or some combination thereof. It goes on and on where she is fighting and resisting arrest and with her flopping around like a fish on a dock, and she managed to get a hand on his taser. He immediately tells her let go and when she doesn't he gives her those forearm blows. Once she released the taser the blows stopped. I don't know what the cop was supposed to do, and thank goodness there was the footage from car the showing this. Otherwise you would not be able to dispel the witch hunt in this thread:
  • She was beating up the officer’s fists with her face. They feared for their lives.
  • The charges will be dropped and hands shaken. This is a wrap
  • I’m not going to excuse her behavior but I’m also not going to make excuses for a police officer who couldn’t control his emotions enough not to repeatedly punch a 100 pound drunk girl in cuffs.
  • Lol, she was in cuffs and dude repeatedly hit her in the back of the squad car. Defend this all you want, but that’s fvcking pathetic.
  • The cop got mad and lost control
  • I’ve been very pissed at a woman. Been hit by a woman…. Never swung on one.
  • This cop did though. What does that tell you about him?
  • Honestly, who knows? Maybe he’s just a meathead. Or maybe he struggles with PTSD and job-related stress. Neither answer is good, but who knows?
  • Why doesn’t really matter though, does it? The actions are what matters. Would have liked to see the police official version of events if they didn’t realize they were caught on video.
  • It is really pretty simple. Handcuffed and placed in back seat. Shut the door. No need to punch her.
  • JFC this. How anyone can even excuse this behavior is absurd.
  • Any body cam video from the officer perspective? I’d like to see it and get the explanation why he needed to beat her. Yes, she was wrong to act like that but she was trashed, he wasn’t. If that was my daughter, I’d like to run into him somewhere off duty and see if he wanted to try that on me and tell him I hope his daughter, if he has one is never treated in the same manner by a police officer because he assaulted as well.
  • Which is why he shouldn’t be a cop.
  • Same rules and laws for everyone. If you feel like you need to assault a woman that is in custody, you should pay the consequences. "To serve and Protect"
  • ACAB
  • Roid rage by the "cop".
  • Whatever you say officer.
  • Cops don’t get the benefit of doubt. They can literally kill a man, get it filmed on camera, and get away with it. ACAB
  • Beating a handcuffed woman in the back of a police car may be a little distance from perfect.
  • Plus...there were only three cops arresting her. Guess the odds weren't in their favor. Damn cell phone video. Years ago, no one would have seen this.
  • No one expects perfect but all cops need to remember their surroundings and someone nearby has a phone taping it. I would have had no problem with the cop stepping back and using his taser but throwing punches goes over the line.
  • Allegedly, the officers claim she "reached for a taser" but the bodycam video appears to show her with her hands cuffed behind her back.
  • (Most) Cops are losers. There are few true gems but very few. I've said this a number of times but the worst people from high school want to become and do become cops. When that gene pool is that shallow, expect this on a recurrent basis. The MENSA candidates from high school don't want to become the police.
  • Pretty close, but she's sober and has her hands in front of here, not drunk with her hands cuffed behind her back. This cop is a coward.
  • Grabbing for a taser with your hands cuffed behind your back is a hell of a trick! 😂 😂 😂 😂
  • Well he could have just shut the door after lifting her up and placing her inside.
    Watch the video --- there was no need for him to lean in and start pounding.
  • ICPD has been smacking drunk 20-and-teen somethings around for literally decades. Of course there is a BAU reaction from the other officers, as it is literally BAU.*
*edited to add I would wager several posters making these comments would counsel us to not rush to judgment for someone charged with a crime until we have all the evidence. Irony and such.
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To me, this woman was like Wild Bill in the Green Mile scene. Either out of her mind on drugs, batshit crazy, or some combination thereof. It goes on and on where she is fighting and resisting arrest and with her flopping around like a fish on a dock, and she managed to get a hand on his taser. He immediately tells her let go and when she doesn't he gives her those forearm blows. Once she released the taser the blows stopped. I don't know what the cop was supposed to do, and thank goodness there was the footage from car the showing this. Otherwise you would not be able to dispel the witch hunt cancel culture from this thread consisting of:
  • She was beating up the officer’s fists with her face. They feared for their lives.
  • The charges will be dropped and hands shaken. This is a wrap
  • I’m not going to excuse her behavior but I’m also not going to make excuses for a police officer who couldn’t control his emotions enough not to repeatedly punch a 100 pound drunk girl in cuffs.
  • Lol, she was in cuffs and dude repeatedly hit her in the back of the squad car. Defend this all you want, but that’s fvcking pathetic.
  • The cop got mad and lost control
  • I’ve been very pissed at a woman. Been hit by a woman…. Never swung on one.
  • This cop did though. What does that tell you about him?
  • Honestly, who knows? Maybe he’s just a meathead. Or maybe he struggles with PTSD and job-related stress. Neither answer is good, but who knows?
  • Why doesn’t really matter though, does it? The actions are what matters. Would have liked to see the police official version of events if they didn’t realize they were caught on video.
  • It is really pretty simple. Handcuffed and placed in back seat. Shut the door. No need to punch her.
  • JFC this. How anyone can even excuse this behavior is absurd.
  • Any body cam video from the officer perspective? I’d like to see it and get the explanation why he needed to beat her. Yes, she was wrong to act like that but she was trashed, he wasn’t. If that was my daughter, I’d like to run into him somewhere off duty and see if he wanted to try that on me and tell him I hope his daughter, if he has one is never treated in the same manner by a police officer because he assaulted as well.
  • Which is why he shouldn’t be a cop.
  • Same rules and laws for everyone. If you feel like you need to assault a woman that is in custody, you should pay the consequences. "To serve and Protect"
  • ACAB
  • Roid rage by the "cop".
  • Whatever you say officer.
  • Cops don’t get the benefit of doubt. They can literally kill a man, get it filmed on camera, and get away with it. ACAB
  • Beating a handcuffed woman in the back of a police car may be a little distance from perfect.
  • Plus...there were only three cops arresting her. Guess the odds weren't in their favor. Damn cell phone video. Years ago, no one would have seen this.
  • No one expects perfect but all cops need to remember their surroundings and someone nearby has a phone taping it. I would have had no problem with the cop stepping back and using his taser but throwing punches goes over the line.
  • Allegedly, the officers claim she "reached for a taser" but the bodycam video appears to show her with her hands cuffed behind her back.
  • (Most) Cops are losers. There are few true gems but very few. I've said this a number of times but the worst people from high school want to become and do become cops. When that gene pool is that shallow, expect this on a recurrent basis. The MENSA candidates from high school don't want to become the police.
  • Pretty close, but she's sober and has her hands in front of here, not drunk with her hands cuffed behind her back. This cop is a coward.
  • Grabbing for a taser with your hands cuffed behind your back is a hell of a trick! 😂 😂 😂 😂
  • Well he could have just shut the door after lifting her up and placing her inside.
    Watch the video --- there was no need for him to lean in and start pounding.
  • ICPD has been smacking drunk 20-and-teen somethings around for literally decades. Of course there is a BAU reaction from the other officers, as it is literally BAU.
I think I heard the mic hit the ground after you dropped it.
To me, this woman was like Wild Bill in the Green Mile scene. Either out of her mind on drugs, batshit crazy, or some combination thereof. It goes on and on where she is fighting and resisting arrest and with her flopping around like a fish on a dock, and she managed to get a hand on his taser. He immediately tells her let go and when she doesn't he gives her those forearm blows. Once she released the taser the blows stopped. I don't know what the cop was supposed to do, and thank goodness there was the footage from car the showing this. Otherwise you would not be able to dispel the witch hunt in this thread:
  • She was beating up the officer’s fists with her face. They feared for their lives.
  • The charges will be dropped and hands shaken. This is a wrap
  • I’m not going to excuse her behavior but I’m also not going to make excuses for a police officer who couldn’t control his emotions enough not to repeatedly punch a 100 pound drunk girl in cuffs.
  • Lol, she was in cuffs and dude repeatedly hit her in the back of the squad car. Defend this all you want, but that’s fvcking pathetic.
  • The cop got mad and lost control
  • I’ve been very pissed at a woman. Been hit by a woman…. Never swung on one.
  • This cop did though. What does that tell you about him?
  • Honestly, who knows? Maybe he’s just a meathead. Or maybe he struggles with PTSD and job-related stress. Neither answer is good, but who knows?
  • Why doesn’t really matter though, does it? The actions are what matters. Would have liked to see the police official version of events if they didn’t realize they were caught on video.
  • It is really pretty simple. Handcuffed and placed in back seat. Shut the door. No need to punch her.
  • JFC this. How anyone can even excuse this behavior is absurd.
  • Any body cam video from the officer perspective? I’d like to see it and get the explanation why he needed to beat her. Yes, she was wrong to act like that but she was trashed, he wasn’t. If that was my daughter, I’d like to run into him somewhere off duty and see if he wanted to try that on me and tell him I hope his daughter, if he has one is never treated in the same manner by a police officer because he assaulted as well.
  • Which is why he shouldn’t be a cop.
  • Same rules and laws for everyone. If you feel like you need to assault a woman that is in custody, you should pay the consequences. "To serve and Protect"
  • ACAB
  • Roid rage by the "cop".
  • Whatever you say officer.
  • Cops don’t get the benefit of doubt. They can literally kill a man, get it filmed on camera, and get away with it. ACAB
  • Beating a handcuffed woman in the back of a police car may be a little distance from perfect.
  • Plus...there were only three cops arresting her. Guess the odds weren't in their favor. Damn cell phone video. Years ago, no one would have seen this.
  • No one expects perfect but all cops need to remember their surroundings and someone nearby has a phone taping it. I would have had no problem with the cop stepping back and using his taser but throwing punches goes over the line.
  • Allegedly, the officers claim she "reached for a taser" but the bodycam video appears to show her with her hands cuffed behind her back.
  • (Most) Cops are losers. There are few true gems but very few. I've said this a number of times but the worst people from high school want to become and do become cops. When that gene pool is that shallow, expect this on a recurrent basis. The MENSA candidates from high school don't want to become the police.
  • Pretty close, but she's sober and has her hands in front of here, not drunk with her hands cuffed behind her back. This cop is a coward.
  • Grabbing for a taser with your hands cuffed behind your back is a hell of a trick! 😂 😂 😂 😂
  • Well he could have just shut the door after lifting her up and placing her inside.
    Watch the video --- there was no need for him to lean in and start pounding.
  • ICPD has been smacking drunk 20-and-teen somethings around for literally decades. Of course there is a BAU reaction from the other officers, as it is literally BAU.*
*edited to add I would wager several posters making these comments would counsel us to not rush to judgment for someone charged with a crime until we have all the evidence. Irony and such.
BAM! More than 20 separate comments that were essentially anti-police...and all were wrong. Hmmm...I wonder if the cop haters will woah up their horsey the next time something like this gets splashed out there?
BAM! More than 20 separate comments that were essentially anti-police...and all were wrong. Hmmm...I wonder if the cop haters will woah up their horsey the next time something like this gets splashed out there?
And here's the interesting part - I am not someone with blue porchlights thinking the cops should get the benefit of the doubt all of the time. All I am saying is that before we rush in and condemn these Iowa City cops, or the cops in Arizona, let's just gather up all of the facts . If the cops need to be disciplined, or even criminally charged, great. Let's just not convict them in a kangaroo court before we have all of the evidence.
The best possible thing for this gal might be a year in jail. Sucks to have to fund it, but she’s going to die. Maybe jail gets her into some effective treatment program. Or, maybe some guard just trades booze for BJs.
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So we need mental health professional/substance abuse councilors on staff of every town in America on call at 1:00 a.m? That's not happening.

She got herself in this situation and she needs to make the decision to get healthy. According to posts on reddit she has left rehab twice. Having dealt with a family member who has been through the same sh1t I get a bit tired of the poor me, I'm a victim bullshit. There are resources out there to assist if the individual really wants to get sober. Yes it's hard and yes I feel for them, but blaming others is bullshit. It's not the cops fault they had to go to these lengths to subdue her, it's hers. "When has this ever worked before, Daria?"

It's the officer's job to protect the community and that's what they did by getting her off the streets; she was clearly a danger to others and herself.
If she hadn’t been combative and injurious towards officers she would have been a good candidate for the guidelink center services and avoided jail and public intoxication charges. Guidelink is a 24/7 facility in Iowa City that provides mental health, substance abuse and sobering services with the intent to divert from lock up. Unfortunately she crossed the line and that option went away.
Can’t be certain but it doesn’t appear to discharge and there was no reaction if it did discharge.
You made a definitive statement that it didn't. I replied that I couldn't tell from the video. Of course @doughuddl2 found my statement funny but not yours.
I have seen video of people who are out of their minds with rage combined with some type of substance not react in what we would consider to be a normal manner when sprayed. So again, I don't know for certain if she was sprayed or not.
If she hadn’t been combative and injurious towards officers she would have been a good candidate for the guidelink center services and avoided jail and public intoxication charges. Guidelink is a 24/7 facility in Iowa City that provides mental health, substance abuse and sobering services with the intent to divert from lock up. Unfortunately she crossed the line and that option went away.
That does sound like a good option. I had never heard of this
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And years ago before smart phones, people would not convict someone in a kangaroo court in this manner before having all of the evidence.
Yep. And without smart phones, George Floyd would still be alive and Derek Chauvin would have been convicted.

Oh, wait...

And we would still have known it was a White Nationalist busting windows and vandalizing store fronts in Mpls in the wake of Floyd's murder to make the BLM movement look bad.
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Yep. And without smart phones, George Floyd would still be alive and Derek Chauvin would have been convicted.

Oh, wait...

And we would still have known it was a White Nationalist busting windows and vandalizing store fronts in Mpls in the wake of Floyd's murder to make the BLM movement look bad.
I think you are missing my point. I am all for prosecution and punishment of bad actors, whether they wear a uniform or not. The proliferation of cell phones certainly provide evidence in furtherance of those aims. The downside of technology is that they allow a viral mob mentality and rushes to judgment. All I am saying is let the process play out, and don't have a mindset of you're guilty until proven innocent. To take a contrary position is unamerican, frankly.