I watched a chunk of the first half. Howard was making shots that were pretty well-defended. Was making shots against man and zone after defense had been stressed by post/paint touch or a reversal or two. Many of his buckets were against a zone. Why zone? Man all game vs Michigan and likely rebraca and mulvey and Murray are in foul trouble. Zone buys time for those guys dealing with michigans bigs as well as quickness in the backcourt that also leads to bigs in trouble having to help.
Look, I’m not arguing with you as much as trying to make it clear that sometimes a guy is just going to make shots. I have lamented Fran’s teams’ defensive woes for a decade now, so I’m with you. I just think the notion of “staying in his hip” all game is a bit naive and shortsighted.
Any good player, especially one comfortable creating their own shot as well as shooting clean off a pass, whether on the move or stand-still, if you play that guy the same way all game… good fücking luck with that.
ESPECIALLY when you have a skilled 7’ guy who can distribute and score. Trying to defend, essentially, four-on-four with a guy like that is pretty much impossible.
Now, if this was a Bluder team, knowing how she regularly throws a box-and-one on teams? Like, they regularly practice that D? Sure, give that a try for a stretch to disproof rhythm. But to just follow Howard around grade-school-style isn’t going to yield good results beyond a possession or two.
So, yes, it worked those last 30 seconds. Great. But the notion that this can extrapolate out to a full game? Silly.