Iowa school district shuttering...


That’s just a sample list from my area. The list is quite long.

I’m not saying it’s a good thing. I’m not saying consolidation is good for the students. An argument could be made that there are more educational and extracurricular opportunities at a school with a class size of 50 rather than 8 though. No point in arguing that today though. I do agree that it’s all about the dollar. You are being disingenuous saying that this is a new thing.

It's MVAOCOU now
Reread post #85!!!

This is NOT a merging of one district with another. It's a district "disbanding".
That hasn't happened here in a decade.
Wanna know what political Party has occupied Terrace Hill for the last ten years?
It is 100% due to the GOP and their refusal to properly fund public education.
Get educated or get lost.

Mitch, you might answer this further along in the thread, can you clarify what you mean by 'properly fund public education'?

Iowa was a top 5 education state when he went to school…same for me…so again, your constant stupidity shows again. The state is slipping due to republicans who won’t fund education.

I have no clue when you were in school, but I may have been in school around the same time. I think there are a LOT of changes that might have contributed to Iowa dropping in the rankings. School is way different now than it was then, that is for sure.
Is that what’s happening in Iowa? Or are well-off people pocketing more money from the government while most Iowa kids, particularly in rural areas, don’t really have any private school options within a reasonable distance?

It’s been a decade and a half since I lived in Iowa, but I can’t imagine a plethora of private schools have cropped up in rural areas of the state, making a private school education a realistic option for many Iowa families.

Regardless, public funding should never go to private schools. I can’t believe that’s even argued. But if private schools do accept public funding, then they shouldn’t be allowed to discriminate against anyone. Clearly, that’s not the case.

So, yes, it’s absolutely disgusting and disgraceful, regardless of your ridiculous attempt to reframe it into something more palatable. Absolutely shameful and reprehensible.

I think there have been 4 in recent years close to where I live, but there were already private schools available in the same area. Some of those Dutch Reformers are so conservative they had to create even more conservative private schools than they already had.
What did he say that was wrong? The parents have the final say in this. Hell, with the size of the school, the board probably is all of the parents.

Based on 2024 BEDS, Whiting, Diagonal and South Page are the only 'Districts' smaller than O-M. The rest appear to be private/academies that were probably started after the voucher deal. A couple of them are probably just homeschoolers that formed an academy to get the gov't money, which, I'm not getting into that discussion.
354Morning Star Academy, Bettendorf36
355St. Mary's, Remsen36
356Valley Lutheran, Cedar Falls36
357Cedar Valley Christian35
358Hamburg Charter35
359Iowa School for the Deaf30
363North Iowa Christian School15
364Scattergood Friends14
365South Page, College Springs14
366Clear Lake Classical13
367Ottumwa Christian School13
368Unity Ridge Lutheran School4
369New City Classical Academy3
370Strong Roots2

This is probably better for the kids in the district. They can go to the district closer to their home rather than driving three towns over to go to school. Orient kids can go to Nodaway Valley or Creston and be 15 minutes from school, Macksburg kids can go to Winterset and also be 15 minutes from school. Consolidation would mean some of these kids would be 30+ minutes from school.
If they had merged, you would probably be complaining how the poor kids have to spend so much time on the bus every day. This is a good thing for these kids, unless they really loved being a big fish in a small pond.

Interesting fact- Whiting has been able to stay afloat due to some very wealthy area farmers providing a lot of money
Mitch, you might answer this further along in the thread, can you clarify what you mean by 'properly fund public education'?

This pertains to our public universities and well as public recent years, the $$$ allotted has been 2-2 1/2% increases. The costs to operate have generally been closer to 4%.
It's why we're seeing pretty healthy tuition increases at the State universities.
In regards to public school districts, the funding numbers don't keep up with fuel, utilities, insurance premiums of teacher benefits, school lunch costs, and the like.
So...public schools have to delay building maintenance, losing teachers to private business...which then results in larger class sizes, etc.
All this has happened since the Vilsack days.
This pertains to our public universities and well as public recent years, the $$$ allotted has been 2-2 1/2% increases. The costs to operate have generally been closer to 4%.
It's why we're seeing pretty healthy tuition increases at the State universities.
In regards to public school districts, the funding numbers don't keep up with fuel, utilities, insurance premiums of teacher benefits, school lunch costs, and the like.
So...public schools have to delay building maintenance, losing teachers to private business...which then results in larger class sizes, etc.
All this has happened since the Vilsack days.
"You're lucky you got 2%!!" - Kim Reynolds
I think there have been 4 in recent years close to where I live, but there were already private schools available in the same area. Some of those Dutch Reformers are so conservative they had to create even more conservative private schools than they already had.
How close to Hull do you live?
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Weird, we actually have more freedoms here in California. Our government doesn’t tell us what to do with our bodies. Oh, and UC system is the best in the country.
However, your electrical grid is in shambles, gas prices are high, and the # of homeless people in your big cities is high. But, hey you got all that going for you. 😜
Freedoms in Iowa are going by the wayside fast. The Republican led old white man government wants to tell us everything to do, when we can do it, who to do it with, and even what we can read. But hey... they love "protecting freedoms"...
Nobody says you need to remain in Iowa. 😉
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However, your electrical grid is in shambles, gas prices are high, and the # of homeless people in your big cities is high. But, hey you got all that going for you. 😜
Come hang out in my neighborhood, your narrative would change real quick.
However, your electrical grid is in shambles, gas prices are high, and the # of homeless people in your big cities is high. But, hey you got all that going for you. 😜
John Leguizamo Christmas Movies GIF by filmeditor
So, why did they go after ISU and Iowa?
The University Presidents, especially ISU, have been VERY vocal in their criticism of the Governor's office regarding college funding for the last few school years.
As we all know, Reynolds is a vindictive bitch and doesn't appreciate being signaled out.
And as I mentioned previously, she doesn't like the fact that so many educators have a higher salary than she does.
The University Presidents, especially ISU, have been VERY vocal in their criticism of the Governor's office regarding college funding for the last few school years.
As we all know, Reynolds is a vindictive bitch and doesn't appreciate being signaled out.

Is that a fact? Or just a guess?
Is that a fact? Or just a guess?
Lots of “history” supporting Mitch’s assertion…..Remember, Kim “primaried” a couple of GOP legislators who opposed her school voucher plan….and made no secret about it……..Kim was the leader in restricting the AG’s discretion in filing lawsuits at the Federal level (when they were aimed against DTrump)…I can go on but why? You obviously don’t want to hear it…..
Lots of “history” supporting Mitch’s assertion…..Remember, Kim “primaried” a couple of GOP legislators who opposed her school voucher plan….and made no secret about it……..Kim was the leader in restricting the AG’s discretion in filing lawsuits at the Federal level (when they were aimed against DTrump)…I can go on but why? You obviously don’t want to hear it…..

Actually I enjoy hearing differing opinions on a variety of topics. This would be one I have not heard much about, hence my curiosity.

Why are you so quick to judge others?
Actually I enjoy hearing differing opinions on a variety of topics. This would be one I have not heard much about, hence my curiosity.

Why are you so quick to judge others?
I LEARNED A LONG TIME AGO, IGNORANCE IS NO EXCUSE……If that is “quick judgement” I’m sorry you’re offended……it’s a good thing you weren’t my kid growing up. Kim’s a bad one…alway has been. Understand she is an addict and has an addict’s personality….she hates to be questioned….She’s pretty astute politically and an effective manipulator……which is a strong characteristic of addictive personalities.
I just calls’em the way I see’m! She’s a pretty transparent personality for me.
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I LEARNED A LONG TIME AGO, IGNORANCE IS NO EXCUSE……If that is “quick judgement” I’m sorry you’re offended……it’s a good thing you weren’t my kid growing up. Kim’s a bad one…alway has been. Understand she is an addict and has an addict’s personality….she hates to be questioned….She’s pretty astute politically and an effective manipulator……which is a strong characteristic of addictive personalities.
I just calls’em the way I see’m! She’s a pretty transparent personality for me.

Offended? Not at all. Just wondered why you got so emotional over someone asking a question.

So, a question to you. If one is not allowed to ask questions how does one learn from others?

I was more than happy with the parents I had but I’m sure you did an excellent job parenting your own children whom I’m sure are highly successful adults.

I’m probably way too old to have been a child of yours, but maybe you are older than I think.
Offended? Not at all. Just wondered why you got so emotional over someone asking a question.

So, a question to you. If one is not allowed to ask questions how does one learn from others?

I was more than happy with the parents I had but I’m sure you did an excellent job parenting your own children whom I’m sure are highly successful adults.

I’m probably way too old to have been a child of yours, but maybe you are older than I think.
And that is how you feed eager minds, Rico! Mom and Dad mean well but “the road to hell is paved with good intentions.”
Rather than ask the state for more funding these state run universities here in Iowa should cut salaries. No professor should be making over 125k and they need to cut about 60% of the administrators.

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