Thank you for this information. I was not aware of it.More likely they will just have a smaller unspent balance, which isn't real money, but the district's spending authority. One less student per grade level would not provide opportunity to cut spending.
Unspent Budget Authority, also known as “Unspent Balance” is the amount of unused district General Fund capacity to spend on behalf of students, or spending authority, left over at the end of the fiscal year. This funding capacity carries forward into the next fiscal year. It is one-time capacity and may be funded with cash reserve fund balances or a cash reserve levy. The Unspent Budget Authority trend line is the most telling financial indicator school district leaders count on to inform expenditure decisions. Districts whose Unspent Budget Authority is negative are subject to workout plans and enhanced state scrutiny at a minimum; at a maximum, it can result in the closure of the district by the state board of education. The concept of Unspent Budget Authority only applies to the General Fund.
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