Is anyone ignoring politics at the moment?

Yeah, I’m dialing back.

I am increasingly annoyed reading all the nonsense from the gleeful MAGA morons on here and it’s demoralizing realizing how far in a hole we are as a country.

Hoping Musk falls out a high window and for a blue wave next year.
Imagine how us republicans felt the last 4 years under Biden. There were very few vocal republicans/independent thinkers and around 95% democrat idiots on here. We could see how stupid the democrats were and we continued coming back for more because we knew we would win in the end.

I am enjoying every bit of this.
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Trump will work hard for you whether you like it or not.
Yes, Donald J Trump wakes up every morning thinking about EVERY American. And I don’t mean that sarcastically, before he begins work he spends time thinking about each of the hundreds of millions of us and what he can do that day to make each individuals life better and more prosperous. If President Trump had been a founding father, and maybe the first president this country would have been a lot better off!!
Yes, Donald J Trump wakes up every morning thinking about EVERY American. And I don’t mean that sarcastically, before he begins work he spends time thinking about each of the hundreds of millions of us and what he can do that day to make each individuals life better and more prosperous. If President Trump had been a founding father, and maybe the first president this country would have been a lot better off!!
I don’t watch the news much. I come here for the hilarity and nonsense of his cult. See above.
Yes, Donald J Trump wakes up every morning thinking about EVERY American. And I don’t mean that sarcastically, before he begins work he spends time thinking about each of the hundreds of millions of us and what he can do that day to make each individuals life better and more prosperous. If President Trump had been a founding father, and maybe the first president this country would have been a lot better off!!

That's the spirit.
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It's impossible to change other people's minds, too, IMO.
That is true. The older I get the truer it seems.

Social media has been the biggest proponent to the hate fuel. Message boards like these are catching up fast though. It’s a lot easier to say hateful things anonymously. I rarely get into heated debates with my liberal friends.

I’m open minded to gun control reform and abortion issues, though I’m conflicted on the latter as a Christian. Usually the litmus test for me as to the level of crazy I’m dealing with is gender affirming care for kids. I will just walk away from people if they start stating a case for puberty blockers.
Ben Franklin was painfully correct.Americans were not able to do the work to maintain the government our FF gave us almost 250 years ago.
The government they gave us ended on “we the people” and our ability to compromise and maintain the checks and balances of governmental power. Ever since Watergate, this nations politics has been one side vs. the other and a“my way or the highway” governing mentality became the standard. Surprisingly it was very easy to sink this nations government and its Constitution. We are sliding quickly into a government that is purely transactional and not based on the natural rights of all its citizens. The rich and wealthy will do considerably better than the poor. The poor will struggle mightily. America has entered its “imperial period” and after that comes something less. Sadly, most Americans don’t really care. They are just happy there will be no “End Racism” message on the football field for this week’s Super Bowl.
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Pretty much. Was heavy Morning Joe watcher and Pod Save America listener. Outside of the post crash presser reaction haven’t taken either up.

Deactivated Twitter.

But I will be ready to ride when V gives the signal

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at the moment? I long for the days when people just voted and everyone under AARP didn't obsess over it, and the people that did obsess over it where shunned and told to STFU by everybody trying to live life and enjoy the moment.
That is the real world. Get off the internet and it's exactly as you describe.
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It's important for everyone to remember that our president is working hard for us.

Just go about your business and live your life.
Another non-Trump voter, who has never found any fault with Trump.

Now by “us” you mean bigoted Christian Nationalists, I suppose your post is accurate. But that is not a good thing.
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That is the real world. Get off the internet and it's exactly as you describe.
This is really out of touch. Or maybe you just got here in a time machine from 1995, I don't know.

It used to be that political talk was frowned upon in the workplace. Now my office has one big supporter of a certain candidate who has built a shrine at his desk, and it has metastasized to other desks. This has gone on over the course of years.

It used to be that the most overt display of political beliefs shown on a regular basis was somebody putting a bumper sticker on their car. Now we have pickups driving around with big flags for a certain candidate flapping on both sides. We have big homemade yard signs supporting a certain candidate and calling their neighbor a Karen, maybe because she doesn't support that candidate...or, maybe, she just doesn't want to care.

Ironically, social media has been an enabler for these people to make political beliefs, which in previous eras were generally kept to oneself, core to their personhood in "the real world." Social media has been a disastrous experiment and would truly be one of the worst things to ever happen to the human race - if it was not self-inflicted. Sadly, humanity is to blame for its creation and proliferation.
Abortion is worse than that because it kills the kid before they're even born.
Personally, I would advocate for saving every life we can. I have an especially soft spot for children. However, I believe in free will. That is God’s promise to us. So it’s hard to not advocate for women to have that choice. However, they’ll have to atone for their sins as we all will. But I do not want federal dollars to pay for it, that’s a full stop for me.

I also depart from Republican Party on gun control. I don’t see the need for allowing the killing capacity guns that are allowed legally. I understand the argument from the Republican Party, but in all reality guns that are legally bought are not going to be able to overthrow a corrupt government in practicality.
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The only “news” I get is here for the most part. I don’t follow politics, I don’t watch any news networks, and I don’t really care what goes on in Washington. I’ve accepted the fact that nothing will change and this country will continue its downward slide. I will say, living in the descension of a society isn’t a bad thing. Life is good, I’m focused on my work and home life. Couldn’t be happier honestly. Fvck the news, watch cartoons.
Pretty much me also. Hard not to get sucked in on this site though.
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That explains the Trump flags
Yeah I see the flags. Makes me smh every time. However, I literally can not remember the last conversation I had in real life about politics. I'm sure it was with my FIL because he falls for a lot of the conspiracy stuff he reads online. My no pic is very good at shutting him up as soon as he starts though.