So the thread about not talking about poitics is about politics.
You guys ever stopped by the boobs thread?
You guys ever stopped by the boobs thread?
It was too muchSo the thread about not talking about poitics is about politics.
You guys ever stopped by the boobs thread?
always...I know we live in crazy times. I've been paying attention to politics but also remember that Trump did win in a free and fair election.
Also, I can't do squat about it.
Anyone ignoring politics?
Gilligan's Island or Bugs Bunny for me!The only “news” I get is here for the most part. I don’t follow politics, I don’t watch any news networks, and I don’t really care what goes on in Washington. I’ve accepted the fact that nothing will change and this country will continue its downward slide. I will say, living in the descension of a society isn’t a bad thing. Life is good, I’m focused on my work and home life. Couldn’t be happier honestly. Fvck the news, watch cartoons.
Was it free and fair?
Are you just going to idly watch as our country is turned into a shithole?
My science job is less desk based. I get to play with millions of dollars of equipment on a daily basis which really cuts down on my hort time. And truth be told, this place has gone to shit, are not the only one but some of us make the time for things that matter. for instance, this morning as a bunch of adults whined like children on a conference call, i centered myself by perusing the "peach" thread on my cellphone with coffee mug in hand.
🤣Looks like it's running smoothly too me. Like a beautiful German train depot. Clean and on time.