FWIW...I saw another account where the time of the incident was around 10:00P, not 2:00A. I obviously don't know which one is correct and nowadays it is virtually impossible to get a factual, coherent telling of the events via the media...so who knows. But a kid knocking on a door at 10:00P is quite different than someone trying to enter a door at 2:00A.Why isn’t that in the article? I’m sorry…. Being a white male, when I knock on a person’s door even during the day, I am always standing a good 6 feet or more from the door and many times down the front steps and on the sidewalk as to not frighten the person. Not justifying the shooting at all, but the kid clearly made a bad decision to knock on a door at 2:00 am where the house was likely dark and not take into consideration that he could scare someone and should back away from the door.
If the young man was trying to forcefully enter/break the door and/or had breached the doorway, then "stand your ground" would fairly apply IMO.
If he is merely knocking on the door, ringing the doorbell, etc. then it would not and the shooter should be facing appropriate charges.
Stand your ground allows someone to defend themselves, not shoot first and ask questions later, etc. There needs to be a very bright line between the two.