Is this a bad thing?.......I don’t think it's good, right?

OK, Since you understand the game and I don’t, Where does Bueckers excel over Clark to make her ”arguably” the better player. Specifically what aspects of Paige’s game are clearly superior to Clark’s?
She's a better ball handler (well, pre-knee injuries). That's really about it. Little bit more street ball to her game.
OK, Since you understand the game and I don’t, Where does Bueckers excel over Clark to make her ”arguably” the better player. Specifically what aspects of Paige’s game are clearly superior to Clark’s?
For many, simply that she plays for UCONN.......One of the key attributes for any superstar is the ability to answer the bell EVERY day. Bad luck with injuries aside, that alone puts Clark ahead of Paige.....
OK, Since you understand the game and I don’t, Where does Bueckers excel over Clark to make her ”arguably” the better player. Specifically what aspects of Paige’s game are clearly superior to Clark’s?
OK, Since you understand the game and I don’t, Where does Bueckers excel over Clark to make her ”arguably” the better player. Specifically what aspects of Paige’s game are clearly superior to Clark’s?
I wasn’t responding to you.
OK, Since you understand the game and I don’t, Where does Bueckers excel over Clark to make her ”arguably” the better player. Specifically what aspects of Paige’s game are clearly superior to Clark’s?
Read my comments - not the ones that have been creatively edited.
I did, Again, What aspects of the game does Paige excel over Clark to make her arguably the better player? You seem to feel Clark gets the nod in Charisma, What aspects of the game do you feel Paige is superior to Clark?
You understand I would take CC, right? PB is a better ball handler and not as careless with the ball. Better on ball defensively. More athletic 1:1. CC is a superior long range shooter and scorer in general. CC a better passer but far too careless and it’s not all on the other player not being ready for it. Again before my comments were bastardized, I only said she was arguably a better player but could not begin to bring others to the viewership like Clark. Hardly being critical of CC.
I for one stay away from animated characters.
You understand I would take CC, right? PB is a better ball handler and not as careless with the ball. Better on ball defensively. More athletic 1:1. CC is a superior long range shooter and scorer in general. CC a better passer but far too careless and it’s not all on the other player not being ready for it. Again before my comments were bastardized, I only said she was arguably a better player but could not begin to bring others to the viewership like Clark. Hardly being critical of CC.

Paige was a really good player and hopefully will be again, What makes comparing the 2 difficult is the surrounding talent. IMO Clark simply has to dominate the ball because Iowa has no one else that can truly run the offense, Molly is OK for short spurts but the drop off is significant. Every opponents defense starts with Clark. UConn has 4 and 5 stars at every position. It’s truly pick your poison.
If you remove Clark and put a healthy Paige at Iowa does Iowa make the final four? I dunno, If you take away Paige and add Clark does UConn miss a beat, Not at all IMO.
Those stats tell you all you need on how much NBA viewership has declined.
It tells you that women's viewership is at an all time high which is great but comparing an elite 8 game which means everything to these teams to 1 of 82 regular season games that means very little is just stupid. NBA is like MLB where the regular season is just there to punch a ticket to the playoffs

How about we look at the NBA conference semifinal tv ratings so at least it's a somewhat valid comparison, even though those are best of seven and not a do or die single game like college
It tells you that women's viewership is at an all time high which is great but comparing an elite 8 game which means everything to these teams to 1 of 82 regular season games that means very little is just stupid. NBA is like MLB where the regular season is just there to punch a ticket to the playoffs

How about we look at the NBA conference semifinal tv ratings so at least it's a somewhat valid comparison, even though those are best of seven and not a do or die single game like college
That’s exactly what I was going to say. This wasn’t a regular season game. Heck most nba players don’t really start playing until the playoffs begin.
I think you understand my point about Caitlin. Paige Bueckers may arguably be a better basketball player than Caitlin, but very few casual basketball fans are going to tune in to watch her play. Caitlin's charisma is off the charts and the NCAA is going to be begging for her to stay for two more years.
I don't know what you are basing "Paige Bueckers is better" on, but generally speaking you need to be playing games to get that distinction. But she is very good, when she is healthy.

Unless the WNBA changes it's financial situation very quickly, Clark is going to stay in college ball as long as she possibly can. She will get 10 times the exposure in college than she will the NBA and, honestly, the WNBA should want her to stay as well because if she can sustain this level of play for two more years her fan base will grow and the WNBA can use that to try and draw more people to their games. They just need to figure out a way to land Clark in a large market like Chicago or LA and not some small market team in Minnesota or Seattle. BTW - I realize Seattle actually is one of the biggest WNBA supporting cities but they are still a small market and the WNBA needs to grow the sport in a place with room to grow, not one that is probably near the peak of support it is going to get.
I don't know what you are basing "Paige Bueckers is better" on, but generally speaking you need to be playing games to get that distinction. But she is very good, when she is healthy.

Unless the WNBA changes it's financial situation very quickly, Clark is going to stay in college ball as long as she possibly can. She will get 10 times the exposure in college than she will the NBA and, honestly, the WNBA should want her to stay as well because if she can sustain this level of play for two more years her fan base will grow and the WNBA can use that to try and draw more people to their games. They just need to figure out a way to land Clark in a large market like Chicago or LA and not some small market team in Minnesota or Seattle. BTW - I realize Seattle actually is one of the biggest WNBA supporting cities but they are still a small market and the WNBA needs to grow the sport in a place with room to grow, not one that is probably near the peak of support it is going to get.
Actually - the comment was "she may be arguably better" but that is irrelevant. My initial comment had to do with CC being able to draw more attention to the tv and game even though there may be a similar talent. As threads tend to go, the initial intent was watered down, you may even say intentionally.
It tells you that women's viewership is at an all time high which is great but comparing an elite 8 game which means everything to these teams to 1 of 82 regular season games that means very little is just stupid. NBA is like MLB where the regular season is just there to punch a ticket to the playoffs

How about we look at the NBA conference semifinal tv ratings so at least it's a somewhat valid comparison, even though those are best of seven and not a do or die single game like college
Nah, that won't be necessary.

Iowa women's basketball > regular season NBA (the top men's professional basketball league in the world) #confirmed

Lots of hate spewing garbage around the interwebs from some of our jealous rivals.

Kinda cool to see the various meltdowns.

Too bad some of them aren't a bit more competitive or it could be them getting all the love from the sports world.
I'm excited as much as anyone but comparing NCAAW BB to the NBA is beyond foolish when it comes to viewership. The NBA is watched globally.
It was just a really obscure reference from that movie....choose more wisely next time. ;)
Hardly - get out of the closest once in a while. Important scene from a classic movie between Frank Vincent and Joe Pesci and you're calling it "a really obscure reference" is just you trying to make yourself feel better that you don't get out enough. Save it. You're just going to bury yourself with this one.
Hardly - get out of the closest once in a while. Important scene from a classic movie between Frank Vincent and Joe Pesci and you're calling it "a really obscure reference" is just you trying to make yourself feel better that you don't get out enough. Save it. You're just going to bury yourself with this one.
Kinda like how you buried yourself suggesting that Beuckers is/was arguably better than Clark?............. :cool:
Kinda like how you buried yourself suggesting that Beuckers is/was arguably better than Clark?............. :cool:
I don't think I did because outside of Iowa you probably would get that as a discussion. This could even have been an amicable discussion if a certain party didn't feel the need to edit/leave out complete comments. Like rather than focusing on the fact I simply said even though someone like Bueckers had similar skills, they had no chance of pulling people to the TV set like Clark because her charisma sets herself apart from everyone else. Too bad you feel the need to be a dick rather than have a mature discussion. I guess that's your role on this board and lot in life. Now go get your shine box and take the L. Gangster movies don't give you nightmares, do they? There, now were even - I'm being a dick too. Ciao baby!
I don't think I did because outside of Iowa you probably would get that as a discussion. (Yeah, but most people outside Iowa are idiots when it comes to talking about Iowa, so............ This could even have been an amicable discussion if a certain party didn't feel the need to edit/leave out complete comments. Like rather than focusing on the fact I simply said even though someone like Bueckers had similar skills, they had no chance of pulling people to the TV set like Clark because her charisma sets herself apart from everyone else. (What does that have to do with you saying she's arguably better than Clark? Lol ) Too bad you feel the need to be a dick rather than have a mature discussion. I guess that's your role on this board and lot in life. Now go get your shine box and take the L. (Don't you have to hand me one first? Lol..........Oh btw, the guy who says that line in the movie..........he ends up getting wacked for saying it. Food for thought. :cool:) Gangster movies don't give you nightmares, do they? There, now were even (You're not tall enough for that)- I'm being a dick too. ( just started? ;)Ciao baby!
Pretty much exactly like you who probably has never seen PB play but think you can compare the two. The "arguably better than" comment was said to point out the fact that even though they may have equal talent, PB can't draw fans to the game. Really was a compliment to CC that triggered you for some odd reason. Are you just being obtuse? Not the angle either. Or maybe unable to be a little bit abstract in thought? And they were both whacked, by the way. Food for thought since I think you were trying to be cute and clever. Glad you introduced yourself to a classic movie. Watch the entire film next time rather than googling it. Do you work in the media? You're pretty good at manipulating content and ignoring actual statements to try and make your case. Very common these days.
Lol, you didn't read all my comments did you...........You don't have to answer that. I know you didn't.
Pretty much exactly like you who probably has never seen PB (PB?) play but think you can compare the two. (Lol no I don't watch women's college basketball. Nobody's got time for that, as clearly indicated by the original intent of this thread.............) The "arguably better than" comment was said to point out the fact that even though they may have equal talent, PB (Why are you obsessed with Paige Bueckers?....................It's getting kinda creepy.) can't draw fans to the game. Really was a compliment to CC that triggered you for some odd reason. Are you just being obtuse?
Not the angle either. Or maybe unable to be a little bit abstract in thought? And they were both whacked, by the way. (So?) Food for thought since I think you were trying to be cute and clever. (Well that's what you were doing with your shine box quote, so I figured I'd add some logic to the conversation. Sorry you don't like factual logic because Im the one that used it. ;)) Glad you introduced yourself to a classic movie. Watch the entire film next time rather than googling it. (Are you honestly so bad at trolling that you're trying to shame me using the movie The Goodfellas? I mean you might as well have just said Im not an Iowa fan, and then when I reply "yeah I am" you respond, "Nope, no you're not. Now take your L..................this is literally what you've been doing, and you mean to tell me this is the best you can do in all your years of existing on this Earth?
you work in the media? (I use to. Now I do broadcasting and coach bout you? :)) You're pretty good at manipulating content (Thank you.) and ignoring actual statements (Only what I find to be unimportant......;)) to try and make (prove)your case. Very common these days. (Nah, the only one who can do what I do is me......:cool:)

Lol ya know, you said you were gonna start being a dick, but you've had this snarky undertone since I first replied to you and have only continued to ramp it up the angrier you get with each reply you're forced to come back with...............just sayin.
Pretty much exactly like you who probably has never seen PB play but think you can compare the two. The "arguably better than" comment was said to point out the fact that even though they may have equal talent, PB can't draw fans to the game. Really was a compliment to CC that triggered you for some odd reason. Are you just being obtuse? Not the angle either. Or maybe unable to be a little bit abstract in thought? And they were both whacked, by the way. Food for thought since I think you were trying to be cute and clever. Glad you introduced yourself to a classic movie. Watch the entire film next time rather than googling it. Do you work in the media? You're pretty good at manipulating content and ignoring actual statements to try and make your case. Very common these days.
@EvilMonkeyInTheCloset doesn't need to see someone play to come to a conclusion. He even said "I don't need to watch the NBA to know what's going on." Can't argue with someone who knows all about something he doesn't watch. He's like Liz Lemon's dad.
@EvilMonkeyInTheCloset doesn't need to see someone play to come to a conclusion. He even said "I don't need to watch the NBA to know what's going on." Can't argue with someone who knows all about something he doesn't watch. (I mean if I know everything......why would I need to watch? Lol) He's like Liz Lemon's dad.
I like how you're still salty about the fact that A. CBB > NBA and B. You thought college basketball teams only run motion offense..................and were hilariously wrong.

Nice try though trying to jump in here. ;)

I like how you're still salty about the fact that A. CBB > NBA and B. You thought college basketball teams only run motion offense..................and were hilariously wrong.

Nice try though trying to jump in here. ;)

Yeah we know you think college offenses are intricate, probably because the ones college teams run are way more than whatever bullshit you teach your middle schoolers/high schoolers. "No shot clock, gang, so we're going to dribble for 5 minutes then chuck up a three!"
Yeah we know you think college offenses are intricate, probably because the ones college teams run are way more than whatever bullshit you teach your middle schoolers/high schoolers. "No shot clock, gang, so we're going to dribble for 5 minutes then chuck up a three!"
Very triggered still. Yikes lol

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