Fran should have been gone a while ago, for all the reasons we hear every game. That said, we all heard about how Harding will never be able to handle the guards in the big ten. He and Thelwel, handled themselves really well tonight, against one of the best guard tandems in the country, and better than any in the big ten in my opinion. Laji looked good coming off the bench to spot Freeman for a few minutes at a time. Freeman still looks out of shape, (hopefully he can play himself into shape, sooner rather than later). If Traore can get some solid minutes, we should be pretty good. That's about all we can expect with Fran as coach.
Harding had really good 1st half and really rough 2nd half. Harding Is pretty exciting to watch at times, but ISU guards like Gilbert, Jones, Lipsey win games.
Most everyone expected a loss and losing in the manner they did is kind of typical, not surprising. If you think the goal of P5 basketball is to be just a little bit above average vs yourP5/Big10 peers, then yeah, Iowa fans have had it really, really good for long time.