Is this a clean basketball play?

Next time you stumble and fall and you throw your shoulder instead of extending your arm, come on here and post about it, then I will comment on how right you were.

I don’t like to get into the back and forth much, I usually like to share my opinion and move on. But this is silly. If you don’t think she was doing that on purpose you either don’t see well, like to be anti-Hawkeye, or never played the game competitively. Or all of the above. Not trying to fight with you all, but it is what it is.
Ok I guess if this is your take, but since you are still here can you answer the question?

When you watch it, do you not see her lead with her elbow/shoulder? Honest question.

Also, and be honest, is there anyone here commenting that this was completely unintentional that played at a high level? At least high school varsity. Not discounting anyone’s opinion, just honestly curious.
I played high school varsity (on a lousy team).

I see a player that is assigned to and loses Clark, flies at her too fast, and can’t stop fast enough when Clark rises and fires .

The other option is to believe that a veteran defender who has never picked up a flagrant or technical foul in a split second decided to roll through someone’s legs. This is not a Brad Davison nut punch scenario with its worst interpretation.
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For what it’s worth, I could reasonably see this being a flagrant, but still not being intentional or a dirty play. There is a difference.
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That is some selective editing. I would invite you guys to watch at least the one second before the clip. CMM lost her balance. Glad there was no injury because it was absolutely dangerous, but if you watch the lead up it was in no way intentional.

Fun game last night. You guys played very well and caught IU on a really off night by Parrish, Garzon, and Moore-McNeil, but Grace Berger steadied us. Hopefully IU will give you a better representation of how we can play next time. The women's teams are a great watch. Kudos to the Iowa Women's team - you guys play really hard and that freshman post is truly outstanding - she's going to be a problem for the whole conference.
BS. I just watched it. It was a dirty play. She pretended to fall to make it less obvious but she had no reason to fall at that point.

If anyone wants to judge for themselves, its at the 1:18 mark in the 3rd qtr.
I played high school varsity (on a lousy team).

I see a player that is assigned to and loses Clark, flies at her too fast, and can’t stop fast enough when Clark rises and fires .

The other option is to believe that a veteran defender who has never picked up a flagrant or technical foul in a split second decided to roll through someone’s legs. This is not a Brad Davison nut punch scenario with its worst interpretation.
The witness is instructed to answer the question.

I fell like I am cross-examining and you are finding every way to respond without answering the question.

Colonel Jesup, did you or did you not order the code red????!!! (do you or do you not see she led with her forearm/shoulder?)

No more talk of Davidson, no more giving me her track record of how nice of a player she has been throughout her career, just answer the question. Also, like I said earlier, I don’t think she was trying to injure her, which is what “rolling through her legs” would be. It wasn’t that. It was simply a cheap shot push that fortunately didn’t turn out worse.

p.s. thanks for staying civil, I like when decent fans from other schools come on here and give takes. And I have no hard feelings. Even though I think you couldn’t be more wrong on this, I appreciate the debate. 👍
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That is some selective editing. I would invite you guys to watch at least the one second before the clip. CMM lost her balance. Glad there was no injury because it was absolutely dangerous, but if you watch the lead up it was in no way intentional.

Fun game last night. You guys played very well and caught IU on a really off night by Parrish, Garzon, and Moore-McNeil, but Grace Berger steadied us. Hopefully IU will give you a better representation of how we can play next time. The women's teams are a great watch. Kudos to the Iowa Women's team - you guys play really hard and that freshman post is truly outstanding - she's going to be a problem for the whole conference.
Kudos to the Indiana team for getting the benefit of the poor officiating in women's college basketball last night.

You caught Iowa on a really off night with Martin, Czinano, Davis and Clark not having their best shooting performances. Hopefully, Iowa will give you a better representation of how they can really play next time in Iowa City, which is better than Indiana and you can deal with it if you don't like it. :D
Kudos to the Indiana team for getting the benefit of the poor officiating in women's college basketball last night.

You caught Iowa on a really off night with Martin, Czinano, Davis and Clark not having their best shooting performances. Hopefully, Iowa will give you a better representation of how they can really play next time in Iowa City, which is better than Indiana and you can deal with it if you don't like it. :D

Btw, I read a ton of IU posters stating IU got screwed by the refs last night.

Makes me think that it was a physical, intense, difficult game to referee, and to a neutral observer it was likely balanced.
The witness is instructed to answer the question.

I fell like I am cross-examining and you are finding every way to respond without answering the question.

Colonel Jesup, did you or did you not order the code red????!!! (do you or do you not see she led with her forearm/shoulder?)

No more talk of Davidson, no more giving me her track record of how nice of a player she has been throughout her career, just answer the question. Also, like I said earlier, I don’t think she was trying to injure her, which is what “rolling through her legs” would be. It wasn’t that. It was simply a cheap shot push that fortunately didn’t turn out worse.

p.s. thanks for staying civil, I like when decent fans from other schools come on here and give takes. And I have no hard feelings. Even though I think you couldn’t be more wrong on this, I appreciate the debate. 👍
While you are watching the clip repeatedly in super slo-mo, and looking for a leg to stand on here, I am gonna fill in as I think we may not hear from you again.

This would be the part where you say “well, um ……yeah I mean I guess she does give her the forearm shiver, but….”

Then I quickly cut you off with “ No further questions you honor! “

At least that’s how they do it on TV, 😂
The witness is instructed to answer the question.

I fell like I am cross-examining and you are finding every way to respond without answering the question.

Colonel Jesup, did you or did you not order the code red????!!! (do you or do you not see she led with her forearm/shoulder?)

No more talk of Davidson, no more giving me her track record of how nice of a player she has been throughout her career, just answer the question. Also, like I said earlier, I don’t think she was trying to injure her, which is what “rolling through her legs” would be. It wasn’t that. It was simply a cheap shot push that fortunately didn’t turn out worse.

p.s. thanks for staying civil, I like when decent fans from other schools come on here and give takes. And I have no hard feelings. Even though I think you couldn’t be more wrong on this, I appreciate the debate. 👍
Sorry - went back and re-read your question, which was "do you not see her lead with her elbow/shoulder?"

My answer (with cream and crimson glasses): Her shoulder turns and makes first contact. However, "leads" could imply (though maybe not your intention) that she consciously put her shoulder into Clark. So if that's what you mean by "leads," then no. I think that when she couldn't hit the brakes in time something was gonna hit Clark. She tried to turn; it would've been a full body block if she hadn't.
Looks like it started as a stumble then turned intentional. McNeil-Moore just 'accidently' happened to target Clark's knees when she descended? That is 'one magic loogie.'

If McNeil-Moore were a less-than-coordinated freshman, I might buy it. Anyone with either experience or coordination would be able to direct their body away from Clark's knees. Absolutely a cheap shot.
That clip was specifically designed to make the Indiana player look bad, in reality she tripped and was off balance if you wind it back a few more seconds.
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She had more than one dirty play. There was a second one which I cannot locate at the moment. Indiana girls were able take advantage of that. Not going to dissect every play. You won, we lost. And btw your fans hatred and constant booing of Caitlin was a bad look for Indiana both during and after the game. Pretty salty to publicly do that to a college girl who just happens to be one of the best in basketball right now. Iowa girls do not play dirty.

Here is clip of the play and replay, like how she just lays on Caitlin's ankle at the end, just further proof.
Indiana was hacking Caitlyn all night. It was deliberate and unfortunately it seems to be the gameplan for every team. Make contact and make her feel it. Tire her out. There is zero doubt opposing coaches are instructing their teams to do this.

Because of this the Indiana player gets zero benefit of the doubt. There is zero reason at all to attempt what she attempted in closing out Caitlyn. She made a decision and followed through. In the men's game there would likely be punches thrown in college or the NBA for that shit because it can end a career. Easily end a career.

The Indiana player probably wasn't trying to hurt Caitlin but after watching the video you can't rule it out. The excuse that shebhasnt ever been given a flagrant or a technical is always a bullshit excuse. Always. Either she hasn't been caught previously or she did it this time but none of that matters other than she did it this time.

Screw her and anyone that defends it. She did it and got away with it.
I'm having a change of heart (really!) There may be more to the back and forth between Moore-McNeil and Clark than ordinally "meets the eye." Follow me here and watch the video segment I've attached (please).

Caitlin Clark deliberately poked Chloe Moore-McNeil in the eyes at EXACTLY the 4:20 mark of the third quarter and the 19:10 mark of this video.

Here's what happened;
  1. Moore-McNeil establishes position near the basket and faces Clark.
  2. Clark swipes down at the ball, which Moore-McNeil holds waist high. Clark doesn't get the ball.
  3. Moore-McNeil continues to hold the ball waist high - nothing else changes - the players are in the exact same spot. Then Clark doesn't swipe at the ball - she goes straight to Moore-McNeil's eyes.
  4. Clark then complains to the refs (maybe because Moore-McNeill's retinas fouled Clark's fingers?)
The foul on Clark's three was less than three game minutes after Clark poked Moore-McNeill in the eyes. Was it deliberate? Was it related? If it was, I now see how it escalated.

To that poster that linked all of the Brad Davison stuff and vented that Davison deserves all the crap he got? I hear you, but kinda ironic.

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Cmon lol really watch it slowed down, Caitlin was reaching for the defender and it was an accident by no means any comparison at all to the tackle of Caitlin on the other play.

Even if accidental, without intent, the primary play in question should still be a flagrant...
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I watched it live. I watched the replay during the game. Like I said, I believed it was dirty last night and I still believe it was dirty. After all, how often does this happen in the women's game? I would love to see more examples, if this is indeed common.

And I am not surprised at all by a Hoosier fan's "interpretation" of what happened here.
I honestly thought the defender lost her footing as she was closing out. That clip doesn't show the beginning of the play but that's how I interpreted it live.
Cmon lol really watch it slowed down, Caitlin was reaching for the defender and it was an accident by no means any comparison at all to the tackle of Caitlin on the other play.

You are watching a bad angle, distant camera view gif.

That's why I attached the YouTube video and gave an exact time mark of the up close, see it all angle.

Once again, look at exactly the 19:10 mark of the video:

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That is some selective editing. I would invite you guys to watch at least the one second before the clip. CMM lost her balance. Glad there was no injury because it was absolutely dangerous, but if you watch the lead up it was in no way intentional.

Fun game last night. You guys played very well and caught IU on a really off night by Parrish, Garzon, and Moore-McNeil, but Grace Berger steadied us. Hopefully IU will give you a better representation of how we can play next time. The women's teams are a great watch. Kudos to the Iowa Women's team - you guys play really hard and that freshman post is truly outstanding - she's going to be a problem for the whole conference.
We played awful. Missed wide open shots, and had a lot of lazy turnovers. You will see a better effort on Carver. Enjoy the win, deserved it last night.
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Btw, I read a ton of IU posters stating IU got screwed by the refs last night.

Makes me think that it was a physical, intense, difficult game to referee, and to a neutral observer it was likely balanced.
Women’s college basketball officiating is at an all time low. It was awful last night. Obviously I felt it was slanted against Iowa because I’m biased, but I can admit Indiana absolutely had some bad calls go their way too. Won’t use it as an excuse. We were way off last night. It happens. We will be back.
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Doesn’t look to me like she tried too hard to avoid contact other that lower her shoulder for the boom.
Only she knows what her intent was. It didn’t look good to me, but maybe she was just crazy off balance. My opinion, for the sake of protecting players, that should be a flagrant and then move on. I don’t think any of us can say for sure whether it was a “dirty play” or not. I hope it wasn’t.
You are watching a bad angle, distant camera view gif.

That's why I attached the YouTube video and gave an exact time mark of the up close, see it all angle.

Once again, look at exactly the 19:10 mark of the video:

I took the actual videos and cut out all the rest I did not selectively edit them to slant them lol. Time to move on from your argument.
I'm having a change of heart (really!) There may be more to the back and forth between Moore-McNeil and Clark than ordinally "meets the eye." Follow me here and watch the video segment I've attached (please).

Caitlin Clark deliberately poked Chloe Moore-McNeil in the eyes at EXACTLY the 4:20 mark of the third quarter and the 19:10 mark of this video.

Here's what happened;
  1. Moore-McNeil establishes position near the basket and faces Clark.
  2. Clark swipes down at the ball, which Moore-McNeil holds waist high. Clark doesn't get the ball.
  3. Moore-McNeil continues to hold the ball waist high - nothing else changes - the players are in the exact same spot. Then Clark doesn't swipe at the ball - she goes straight to Moore-McNeil's eyes.
  4. Clark then complains to the refs (maybe because Moore-McNeill's retinas fouled Clark's fingers?)
The foul on Clark's three was less than three game minutes after Clark poked Moore-McNeill in the eyes. Was it deliberate? Was it related? If it was, I now see how it escalated.

To that poster that linked all of the Brad Davison stuff and vented that Davison deserves all the crap he got? I hear you, but kinda ironic.

In regards to bullet point 3, you say nothing changes. Except it’s absolutely clear the IU player gives a slight pump fake. Since you can’t see something that obvious, I’ll assume everything else you have to say is complete bull$hit.
In regards to bullet point 3, you say nothing changes. Except it’s absolutely clear the IU player gives a slight pump fake. Since you can’t see something that obvious, I’ll assume everything else you have to say is complete bull$hit.
  1. Since Moore-McNeill does not start to raise the ball in any way until just barely after she's poked in the eyes, I'll assume that your response to me is complete bull$hit.
  2. Per your post and the only exception you took with it, I'll assume we agree that Caitlin Clark poked Chloe Moore-McNeil in the eyes.
  1. Since Moore-McNeill does not start to raise the ball in any way until just barely after she's poked in the eyes, I'll assume that your response to me is complete bull$hit.
  2. Per your post and the only exception you took with it, I'll assume we agree that Caitlin Clark poked Chloe Moore-McNeil in the eyes.
Her shoulders raise like she is going up. You can’t be this stupid unless it’s intentional.
Her shoulders raise like she is going up. You can’t be this stupid unless it’s intentional.
To just randomly poke someone in the eye on purpose right in front of an official would be dumb, I don’t think Clark is dumb. I actually question whether she got her at all, obviously it wasn’t bad because she reacted like she was getting hit but then seemed totally fine. Clark clearly didn’t think she got her. To be fair I haven’t studied the replay of that play.
Her shoulders raise like she is going up. You can’t be this stupid unless it’s intentional.

You've now admitted:
  1. The ball was at Moore-McNeil's waist when she was poked in the eyes by Clark.
  2. Moore-McNeil's "shoulders raise like she is going up," but the ball hasn't been raised yet, and
  3. She gets poked in the eyes.
Okay! Let's agree that is what happened.

So, for future reference,
  • You think it is okay to poke a player in the eyes when the ball is held low and their shoulders raise?
  • And you're calling me stupid for not thinking that's okay?
To just randomly poke someone in the eye on purpose right in front of an official would be dumb, I don’t think Clark is dumb. I actually question whether she got her at all, obviously it wasn’t bad because she reacted like she was getting hit but then seemed totally fine. Clark clearly didn’t think she got her. To be fair I haven’t studied the replay of that play.
It's not the end of the world, but it happens. Moore-McNeil goes to her eyes and the camera immediately pans to Clark squawking about it. Then both teams are in a timeout.

19:10 mark of the above-attached YouTube video. video.
If someone gets poked in the eye, I would think there would be a much bigger reaction then what was displayed. Not a great camera angle or close enough to really tell but it looks like her fingers were at her forehead and not the eyes.
If someone gets poked in the eye, I would think there would be a much bigger reaction then what was displayed. Not a great camera angle or close enough to really tell but it looks like her fingers were at her forehead and not the eyes.
Not a great camera angle? It is a close up camera angle in slow motion facing directly at Moore-McNeil's eyes. There is no video I've seen that shows much of Moore-McNeil's reaction - the game goes to a timeout about a second after the poke.
She lost her balance. Didn't look at all intentional during the game.
Do you lower your shoulder and hit peoples knees when falling? She was trying to take out Clark. You may not have noticed in real time, but I just watched it and her intentions were pretty apparent.