Fran saying a big f#$%k you to all who have been saying give JoeT more minutes
No way JT doesn't transfer after this year. I don't blame him one bit.Vomit. He should transfer after this level of disrespect.
Kris should transfer to the NBA since he apparently isn't good enough to start here.Absolutely ridiculous. Inexplicable. If I were Joe T and Kris, I'd transfer.
This and the steal after the missed bunny at the other end. JBo couldn’t do that if he wanted too.Joe T hustling still ...
Feel bad for Toussaint
Hmm, i just had an interesting thought…Maybe with Bowen coming in next year Fran is purposely pushing joe aside this yr because he promised bowen the starting role next yr? Seems asinine, but still possible unfortunatelyJoeT didn't look like he was smiling a lot this game. I guess I don't understand Fran's sense of loyalty. Fran told JoeT/Ulis that the PG job would be theirs and JBO would not play PG. JBO then stinks it up at 2G and they move
him back to PG? Even if it somehow gets JBO out of his funk, JBO is not going to be back next year. IF we lose
JoeT or Ulis out of this, seems like a big mistake.
Like someone said on Twitter, once you get that union card, you will be getting your minutes no matter what with Fran.
What a joke
Time for devries to come to Iowa city.
Fire Fran!!Fran needs to go! He does not play the best players, Period!
Fran made a move and it worked. Good for him. I still think having a legit lottery pick has as much to do with it as anything. I think the real bump that doesn't get discussed is when the second group of connor, joe, murraysx2 and sanfort are playing together