JD Vance:

He is a snake and went from being anti-trump to suddenly bending over for him. Sold himself out and has no pride, like so many of the R congress people. He sold his soul.
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Not quite the same ballpark as "America's Hitler", an "idiot", "reprehensible", "noxious" and Vance describing himself as a "Never Trumper". That's how Democrats talk about Trump, that's not just minor policy disagreements or some personality clashes. Literally Hitler.
How does Ohio fill Vance's seat...Governor appointment or special election?
Depends on state law. Lieberman did not have to resign his seat to run for VP and neither did Tim Kaine. Once he becomes VP Ohio law will determine appointment or special election. I looked on the Pew Research site and it appears the governor can appoint a temporary replacement senator.
And you’ll be whining about their whining. Congrats on being more of a crybaby than the lefties, that’s tough to do.
Not whining....pointing out the truth. Crybaby? About what? The predictable responses from Team Blue? I actually find it humorous.

I don't give a crap who Trump picked. I'm not voting for him, and no vp pick in the world would make me change my mind.
A better question is why do you MAGAts like him? He said this about your god:
This sums it up pretty good. He's in the camp of should know better, does know better, but chooses to play the MAGA part anyways. Basically Elise Stefanik. Of course, something similar could be said about most Republican leaders and their transformation from 2015 to now.

From this: "I go back and forth between thinking Trump is a cynical asshole like Nixon who wouldn't be that bad (and might even prove useful) or that he's America's Hitler,"

To: Trump's VP

I can understand how poorly educated, poor, vulnerable people fall under the MAGA spell and can sympathize with them, it's the intelligent, educated, successful people that use MAGA like a tool that are worthy of scorn.
American Mussolini is a better comparison .
To me, that's sensible commentary. He knows MAGA and is clearly not a stupid person. He just took the deplorable path in terms of embracing MAGA rather than doing the decent thing.
Looks like the type. That brings him closer in for a hug to stab him in the back.
Seems to be harder on abortions but not anti abortion.
Meh- probably nothing gained there but not fuel for the fire.

Wants to incentivize and make free childbirth. Don't hate that.

39. Like that. Atleast somebody is bringing a model made with a catalytic converter to the fight.
Maybe that is just as simple as the play was.

He adds "smart" and 2 of the 5 swing states become locks.

Idk anything about the guy.
I think it's obvious what the play was. He will do whatever Trump tells him to do. Trump can't risk another Pence. Trump probably views Vance as an outsider and not a lifelong "deep stater".
I will admit I know nothing about this guy.

We will soon know who he hit on in 4th grade though
How do you not know who this guy is? He's been groomed by the GOP for this for years. He wrote the book that was supposed to explain why Trump is popular in the rust belt which he understands because of his modest beginnings. This guy has been shoved down our throats for years at this point.
Nice. Where’s the guy that wrote and believes this at? I’d like to chat with him!
The chap who wrote it just became our VP candidate and I'm sure he is going to have to explain his beliefs from that point to current day shortly. We will make sure you get the info. Be alert for your package containing assorted stickers and cool red hat!

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How do you not know who this guy is? He's been groomed by the GOP for this for years. He wrote the book that was supposed to explain why Trump is popular in the rust belt which he understands because of his modest beginnings. This guy has been shoved down our throats for years at this point.
I'm a republican and I don't know shit about this guy.

Bro... you need to get off political websites. I'm on here wayyyyy to mich and this dude has never been talked.about on here.
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On the plus side...

A) Vance isn't a stupid person.
B) Knows Trump is a piece of shit.

Push comes to shove... he may do the right thing.
Right thing being... Huge contracts for Boeing et al and austerity for the "hillbillies" he supposedly represents? I would prefer him to Trump but he's not going to be good.