JD Vance:

Not quite the same ballpark as "America's Hitler", an "idiot", "reprehensible", "noxious" and Vance describing himself as a "Never Trumper". That's how Democrats talk about Trump, that's not just minor policy disagreements or some personality clashes. Literally Hitler.
Then Vance later recounted that Trump was a much better president than he anticipated, so he changed his mind/thoughts on Trump. Aren’t people allowed to change their minds on issues?
Why do you hate him?
I dont hate him but I dont like him because he is a mealy mouthed chicken shit liar. Calls trump every name in the book and calls trump out for being shitty and then Vance goes and licks trumps boots, shit and all.

What a ****in stooge. Most of these Repubs are sniveling stooges with no backbone.
He doesn’t articulate anything particularly well. He’s completely wrong, like most of the idiots who subscribe to that belief.
He seems to think the war in Russia is untenable as they don't have the bodies and we don't have thr ability to produce the arms they need to fight. He provides background in that article. What do you see as the long game? Do you think there is a way out of Russia now that doesn't involve Ukraine giving them a piece of land at the end of the day?
I dont hate him but I dont like him because he is a mealy mouthed chicken shit liar. Calls trump every name in the book and calls trump out for being shitty and then Vance goes and licks trumps boots, shit and all.

What a ****in stooge. Most of these Repubs are sniveling stooges with no backbone.
He was also a game show contestant a few years ago.

A better question is why do you MAGAts like him? He said this about your god:
Vance then saw that Trump had a successful presidency and changed his mind/stance on issues.
To me, that's sensible commentary. He knows MAGA and is clearly not a stupid person. He just took the deplorable path in terms of embracing MAGA rather than doing the decent thing.
So, it sounds like some MAGA person pissed in your Cheerios, beat you up, and/or boinked your girlfriend/wife?
It just hit me there are going to be morons who know the name of every victim of a crime by a migrant since 2021 who are just learning of the existence of this sitting senator who's been a press darling for eight years
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Then Vance later recounted that Trump was a much better president than he anticipated, so he changed his mind/thoughts on Trump. Aren’t people allowed to change their minds on issues?
Lol, Vance got to experience a Trump presidency where Trump proved he did not in fact have authoritarian tendencies? Is that the story? Because the more coherent once is Vance embraced Trump's style rather than Trump proved Vance wrong.
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So, it sounds like some MAGA person pissed in your Cheerios, beat you up, and/or boinked your girlfriend/wife?

No, thankfully I don't have much direct exposure to MAGAs. And you're misunderstanding my feelings. I'm not angry at MAGAs, I have sympathy for them, sure some are truly deplorable, but I would categorize most as vulnerable. Many of them have legitimate grievances and resentments, and accordingly need someone to blame and a group to belong to, of course they are susepectible to the cult of personality.

That's much different than someone like Vance. Who is thoughtful, intelligent, successful and calculating, which is evident from his observations regarding Trump's rise, and also Vance's realization that going full MAGA was the ticket to political ascension in the Trump party.

Not a fan of Vance's amoral political calculations - we need decent conservatives to take the party back from Trump - not opportunists simply in it for power or grift.
Don't hate the guy. However I disagree with many of his positions (far more than I agree with) and that he has changed his tune RE Trump shows he can be swayed and has no spine. And is an election denier.

“I’m a Never Trump guy,” Vance said in an interview with Charlie Rose in 2016, a clip used in both the new ads. “I never liked him.”

Guess NEVER isn't a very long time.
Biden referred to black ppl as "super predators", years ago.

Our current VP identifies as black.

People and their opinions change.
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Genius pick by Trump.

Trump picks the first millennial to ever be on a Presidential ticket.

That in itself will check the box for all the younger voters who have been screaming for someone young in the race.

Secondly it will cement Ohio which is a huge swing state in the race for the Presidency.

Genius pick on Trumps behalf which was not unexpected.
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Probably because he has no backbone, called trump multiple names in the past, and now flip flopped and kissed trump's fat ass to get the VP position. He has 1 year of government experience. Do you think he will uphold the electors if trump loses?
I don’t anticipate Trump losing the 2024 election, so it’s a moot point.
Then Vance later recounted that Trump was a much better president than he anticipated, so he changed his mind/thoughts on Trump. Aren’t people allowed to change their minds on issues?
Only people on your team can change their minds.
Lol, Vance got to experience a Trump presidency where Trump proved he did not in fact have authoritarian tendencies? Is that the story? Because the more coherent once is Vance embraced Trump's style rather than Trump proved Vance wrong.
Not quite sure what you’re getting at with your last sentence as you appear to have some extra word(s) or word(s) out of place in that sentence?
Then Vance later recounted that Trump was a much better president than he anticipated, so he changed his mind/thoughts on Trump. Aren’t people allowed to change their minds on issues?
If they align politically sure. Otherwise of course not.
No, thankfully I don't have much direct exposure to MAGAs. And you're misunderstanding my feelings. I'm not angry at MAGAs, I have sympathy for them, sure some are truly deplorable, but I would categorize most as vulnerable. Many of them have legitimate grievances and resentments, and accordingly need someone to blame and a group to belong to, of course they are susepectible to the cult of personality.

That's much different than someone like Vance. Who is thoughtful, intelligent, successful and calculating, which is evident from his observations regarding Trump's rise, and also Vance's realization that going full MAGA was the ticket to political ascension in the Trump party.

Not a fan of Vance's amoral political calculations - we need decent conservatives to take the party back from Trump - not opportunists simply in it for power or grift.
Perhaps Vance is like me…I don’t consider myself a MAGA…I’m simply a Republican who thinks that Trump’s policies will be better for this country than four more years of the Biden administration. I’m college educated, retired after a 35-year career in the financial sector, and a family man.
Not quite sure what you’re getting at with your last sentence as you appear to have some extra word(s) or word(s) out of place in that sentence?

Because the more coherent one (i.e. story) is Vance embraced Trump's style rather than Trump proved Vance wrong (about Trump being a demagogue).
He's an election denier (conspiracy theorist)
Has no backbone (waffler)
Project 2025 supporter
No experience governing
Anti women's reproductive rights

Rubio would have been a much more entertaining choice. Especially considering her gave us, "tiny hands" trump.
Hahahahaha so triggered. You live in an alternate reality. Jesus Christ...
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Lol right. I suppose he couldn't just come out and say that he adopted the MAGA shtick because it was the easiest way to ascend and obtain political power. That level of inauthenticity is a turn off.
I guess I’m not a mind-reader like you. 😜
Perhaps Vance is like me…I don’t consider myself a MAGA…I’m simply a Republican who thinks that Trump’s policies will be better for this country than four more years of the Biden administration. I’m college educated, retired after a 35-year career in the financial sector, and a family man.

Perhaps he is, but his public/political persona is pure MAGA, so you do think it's possible that Vance is simply playing the part and isn't authentically MAGA? Because that's what I've been trying to describe, he's using MAGA for his own political ambitions, to obtain power.

This is a separate topic than Vance, but since you're retired, perhaps you have time. What are the Trump policies that you think will be better for this country? After a 35-year career in the financial sector, do you any thoughts - or even principles - regarding free markets?
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