Jok's Mental Lapses


HR King
Jul 9, 2003
Jok City looked like he was really coming into his own not long ago and now has had a couple of rough games. Some of the passes make you wonder what he was thinking. Having any sort of tourney run will be a lot easier if Jok can give them something.

He just seems to have lapses, I love his natural ability and potential. He just needs to mental side a bit more in place.
He's developing. Jok didn't see all that many minutes last year.

And honestly, I suspect he may never be a consistently smooth passer or ball handler. Doesn't mean other parts of his game won't make up for it.


And one last thing. I kind of feel Jok would be better suited at wing forward where smaller, quicker guards aren't picking at him like gnats.
I actually thought he played pretty well today outside of the one boneheaded play. He didn't hit his shots but was playing good defense and in control while he was out there.
Mental lapses are Jok's traits...unfortunately.

If PJ could get his head out of his ___se, the would be All-B1G...
Not worried at all about Jok's future, except of course for injury. I believe he will be a solid 12-13 ppg next year and those mental lapses will work themselves corrected. Its all about gaining more experience and better conditioning.
There was only the one bad pass. Other than that he was fine. Shots just weren't falling today.

I do want to see him drive more though.
Originally posted by DanL53:

He's developing. Jok didn't see all that many minutes last year.

And honestly, I suspect he may never be a consistently smooth passer or ball handler. Doesn't mean other parts of his game won't make up for it.


And one last thing. I kind of feel Jok would be better suited at wing forward where smaller, quicker guards aren't picking at him like gnats.

I now disagree with me. I thought about it and "suspect" would be too strong a word. More like, I don't know if Jok will ever be a consistently smooth passer or ball handler.
Iowa will need Jok to score a bunch over the next 2 years. I like the potential of Uhl and next year's incoming freshmen but for Iowa to maintain success in the BIG, Jok will need to develop into a 16+ ppg scorer.
Originally posted by rainydayhawk:

Originally posted by Servbot24:

I do want to see him drive more though.
I do not. He is terrible at it.
Jok needs to improve his dribble drive but he absolutely needs to develop that part of his game to become a bigger threat. So we should want to see him drive more (when there is a lane there) because it will most certainly pay dividends down the road as he continues to improve that part of his offense.
Originally posted by rainydayhawk:

Originally posted by Servbot24:

I do want to see him drive more though.
I do not. He is terrible at it.
Got to agree with rainyday. At this point in his development Jok driving is a turnover waiting to happen. I would like to see him move within the offense and mostly function as a shooter and secondary rebounder on offense. On defense Peter has come a long way, but he still has lapses on that end too. That said, Jok is going to be a critical part of the rotation in his final two years, and has the potential to be Iowa's second leading scorer...
Peter is never going to be a really smart player, he's just not really smart.

His overall game tend to follow his first couple of shots. He is far less focused when he's thinking about missed shots.
Originally posted by nu2u:
Originally posted by rainydayhawk:

Originally posted by Servbot24:

I do want to see him drive more though.
I do not. He is terrible at it.
Jok needs to improve his dribble drive but he absolutely needs to develop that part of his game to become a bigger threat. So we should want to see him drive more (when there is a lane there) because it will most certainly pay dividends down the road as he continues to improve that part of his offense.
Jok can work on his dribble drive game in the off-season. This postseason, all I want him to do on offense is shoot when he's open from 3, take the occasional midrange jumper, and not turn the ball over.
He's a sophmore who has made significant improvements from last year. My feeling is he will continue to improve and will be an All Big Ten player his senior year. Well, he certainly has that kind of potential, that's for sure. But, like most sophmore players, their inconsistency can be frustrating. Aaron White did a lot of the same things as well. Jok just needs to keep doing what he's doing and he'll be fine.
Originally posted by BioHawk:
He's a sophmore who has made significant improvements from last year. My feeling is he will continue to improve and will be an All Big Ten player his senior year. Well, he certainly has that kind of potential, that's for sure. But, like most sophmore players, their inconsistency can be frustrating. Aaron White did a lot of the same things as well. Jok just needs to keep doing what he's doing and he'll be fine.


Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by ichawk24:
Originally posted by BioHawk:
He's a sophmore who has made significant improvements from last year. My feeling is he will continue to improve and will be an All Big Ten player his senior year. Well, he certainly has that kind of potential, that's for sure. But, like most sophmore players, their inconsistency can be frustrating. Aaron White did a lot of the same things as well. Jok just needs to keep doing what he's doing and he'll be fine.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Add me to the list of Jok-supporters :) (Sorry, could not resist) Seriously, he has a ton of potential, but he just needs to slow down and let the game come to him. Kind of how Gesell and Clemmons seemed to do this year.

I think Pete will come into his own next year. He also seems to finally be getting healthy leg/knee-wise. He really seemed to be jumping higher this year. I am hopeful that he dedicates himself to getting stronger with the ball. He will gain weight - it is natural for a kid his age - so I expect him to get stronger. But I hope he can control his asthma so that he can get the conditioning necessary to be a 30 mpg player for a whole season. He just seems to be running out of gas this year.
Jok is to the Hawks what Castro is to the Cubs....ton of talent, but very lackadaisical and seemingly not real smart. Get the mental part figured out and sky's the limit
He has really upped his defense this year and has been a giant spark plug when we are having offensive droughts. He has been one of the bigger difference makers imo.

This off season he needs to work on ball handling and decision making in transition as this has been his biggest liability.

Keep shooting it though!
Jok will learn what he can and cannot do; Fran and staff will help him find that balance. Coaches have street cred in this area. I love where Hawkeye basketball is headed!

Go Hawks!!!
Jok has missed a lot of basketball over the years with his knee injury. His conditioning has also suffered because of that and his asthma. As mentioned above, he has learned a lot this year from his playing time and he really has improved his defense. Give him another summer of work and improved conditioning and I think we can see a big jump from him.

Someone said above that for Iowa to be successful Jok has to score 15-16 points a game next year. I disagree. They need him to be a scorer but they will also need Woody, Mike, Utoff and others to increase scoring to make up for White.